The Caller
The Caller
R | 26 August 2011 (USA)
The Caller Trailers

Troubled divorcee Mary Kee is tormented by a series of sinister phone calls from a mysterious woman. When the stranger reveals she's calling from the past, Mary tries to break off contact. But the caller doesn't like being ignored, and looks for revenge in a unique and terrifying way...

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** A lot like the 2000 time traveling movie "Fequency" in the "The Caller" there's this young woman Mary Kee, Rachelle Lefevre, who somehow gets in touch with her past in 1979 through a number of mysterious phone calls from this woman who calls herself Rose,Lorna Raver, who claims that she stole her boyfriend Bobby away from her. You see right away that something isn't right with the phone that's in Mary's shabby 1st floor apartment being an rotary phone that's been out of production-you can't even find it in a novelty shop-by the phone companies for at least 15 years! Mary also has trouble here in the present-2011-with her abusive husband Steven, Ed Quinn, who despite an order of protection by the courts, to stay 500 feet away from his estranged wife Mary,is constantly showing up at her door and threatening Mary with bodily harm or even worse if she doesn't take the bum back. A a bum he is looking for every excuse to get into Mary's apartment to raid the refrigerator for free food & beer which he's too cheap to buy for himself.It's later in the movie that Mary finally realized that this Rosa is holding her hostage as a little girl back in 1979 or 32 years in the past and planning to kill her to keep Mary stealing her just back from the Vietnam War, with serious mental problems, boyfriend Bobby when she grows up! With Steven planning to murder her in the present and Rosa to do Mary in back in 1979 it's no wonder that she's on the brink of a nervous breakdown and about to be committed! ***SPOILERS**** Mary in checking out old newspaper microfilm in the public library sees that a major fire took place in her neighborhood bowling alley around the time-September 1979-that Rosa is calling her and tries to get her to go there to see her with the excuse of boyfriend Bobby being there so she'll end up being one of the fires many victims. Wise to what Mary is up to Rosa now goes full blast to do in the young Mary that in effect would make the Mary of 2011 no longer around and living! Like in the movie "Frenquency" this film about changing the past as well as future is a bit too confusing as well as hard to follow. With the Mary of 2011 being attacked by the Rosa of 1979 as at the very same time trying to save herself as a little girl from Rosa back in 1979! It in fact does have a somewhat happy ending with both Rosa in the past and Steven in the present getting their comeuppances which is about the only good thing you can say about the film!
juneebuggy This was almost a good movie. The premise is interesting, its creepy at times and Rachelle Lefevre does a good job with Stephen Moyer playing the boyfriend. There are lots of (obviously placed) red herrings and mind bending aspects to think about regarding changing the future by doing nasty things in the past, and the "sweet "old lady on the phone "Rose" is ultra creepy. So for a made for TV B-movie its definitely okay.Rachelle Lefevre is Mary, a recent divorcée who after moving into a new apartment begins to receive a series of increasingly harassing phone calls. At first she thinks its a wrong number (and a sweet old lady) but she comes to realize the voice on the other end of the line is actually calling from the past.This sets up a chain of events with Mary questioning everyone around her; her stalkerish ex-husband, the evasive gardener (Luis Guzman) and ultimately running for her life but (for some reason) still answering the phone. -Oh and its an old fashioned rotary phone with a very loud ringer?? The story does get a bit vague at times and people place themselves in dumb situations, the dog also did not act like a normal dog (i.e. not barking or attacking axe wielding bad guys or just plain missing) but I will blame that on the director not the dog. For the most part though I enjoyed this. I liked the aspect of changing the future by doing things in the past and there were some surprises in that respect. 2/15/15
begob Anxious single female annoys killer from the past, who interferes with the present.You know how you can tell a great time-loop story? When one of the characters takes out a pen and piece of paper and says, "Well, it works like this ..." Apart from the time-loop thingy, this also has woman threatened in a man's world + creepy hallucination horror.It's pretty slow in the first hour but does get down to business in the last third. None of the characters is all that interesting, and there's not much chance for the actors to shine. The lead is very attractive, but nothing risky. Some of the dialogue is ripe: "Excuse me if I don't miss my manners".Music is constant. Location is dull.
bowmanblue I had very little expectations from this film. It didn't look like it had much of a budget and no actors that I'd heard of (okay, so I sort of recognised the main woman from Twilight, but that was about it). However, in this case, less is slightly more (or at least slightly more than the average dross that infests modern horror films).I wouldn't call The Caller a horror, more of a supernatural thriller. It's about a single woman (aren't they all?) who gets some mysterious phone calls. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but it presents a pretty creepy premise which finds her trapped in a spiralling cycle of torture and paranoia from a very nasty supernatural adversary.The Caller is a 'slow burner.' This is why it's probably not for everyone. Nothing too out of the ordinary happens in the first half and I can see a lot of people giving up before it really gets going. However, the second act cranks it up a gear and the torment really begins. There are no major scares or gore to speak of; it's more a case of inescapable mental torture.If you can put up with your films a little slower than normal and without any action, effects or gore then give it a go - all performances better than your average horror/supernatural flick and a slightly different premise which really works.