Fatal Attraction
Fatal Attraction
R | 18 September 1987 (USA)
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For Dan Gallagher, life is good. He is on the rise at his New York law firm, is happily married to his wife, Beth, and has a loving daughter. But, after a casual fling with a sultry book editor named Alex, everything changes. Jilted by Dan, Alex becomes unstable, her behavior escalating from aggressive pursuit to obsessive stalking. Dan realizes that his main problem is not hiding his affair, but rather saving himself and his family.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
mark.waltz Whether it be "Play Misty For Me", "Once You Kiss a Stranger" or the dozens of other nightmares about the other woman, it's a fascinating warning to the errant husband or the horny bachelor. Happily married Michael Douglas lives a seemingly picture perfect existence with the practically perfect Anne Archer and their young child. But her sudden departure to visit family brings on temptation in the form of a business associate, the alluring Glenn Close who may not be a ravishing beauty, bit exudes sexuality in a way that is dangerous and predatory. After snubbing Douglas's colleague, she lightly flirts with Douglas, and soon lures his fly into her web. He finds himself like any classic film noir anti-hero paralyzed by her spider sting, one that leads to incredible passion, but has a slow acting poison that strikes much later, psychologically, threatening to destroy his entire world.There are two views of women here, from the perfect wife and mother to the vamp, the vixen, the femme fatale, and Glenn Close is every inch each of those that Stanwyck, Bennett, Greer and Savage were in the 1940's. She's sassy, class with trash (that perm alone gives her away), and will not take no for an answer. Threatened with being the perfect wife and mother in previous films, Glenn Close forever altered her image with this part. She outdid herself with "Dangerous Liaisons" and "101 Dalmatians", and I can see why she entered immortality through these parts, leading her to be cast as Norma Desmond in the original Broadway production of "Sunset Boulevard", recently revived with her perfecting the legendary part.Douglas gets sympathy for becoming her victim, reacting to her every scheme and manipulation with initial shock, and later horror, anger and revenge. This gives the good wife Anne Archer many different dimensions, and she is quite formidable when dealing with the attack on her family. Yes, there are elements of exploitation here, as well as a few camp elements, but the fun of the film is that you never know what will happen. I'm not entirely thrilled with the dramatic conclusion, but it's better than the original anti climactic conclusion added to home video versions. If this had any impact, it was a major step in forcing married men to keep their pants zipped when their wife was around, although I've heard several film historians refer to the character of Alex Forrest as a metaphor for AIDS in the sense of the warning of the dangers of promiscuity.
deickos Watching this movie always feels like a documentary explaining laws of nature. It is a surprise for me how things in real world do not end like that. I don't feel the Glenn Close character is the villain but the victim. I don't see this movie as a thriller but as something 99% possible and probable.
dasdirk Glenn Close was 100% correct, the original was the correct ending, if only they kept that original ending, this movie would have gone on as an instant classic! The movie suffers terribly from this! Huge mistake! None the less still excellent! Glenn Close should have won an Academy Award for this ! I can not help but think that because the ending was changed. That prevented her from the receiving the award! No other movie had ever tackled infidelity in a marriage quite like this one did, and no movie since has surpassed it in those regards, since! My biggest problem with the film is that they changed the original ending and the ending always seemed fabricated to me! The reason being is that it should not have been changed! This movie would be far more popular with the original ending!
Parker Lewis It's hard to believe Fatal Attraction is almost 30 years old, and wow, what a groundbreaking movie it was at the time. I wonder how many male viewers were shocked into making chastity pledges to their better halves after walking out of the cinema.I think a modern day reboot is required, maybe with a same-sex relationship or something like that? One scene I remember in Fatal Attraction, when Alex (Glenn Close) blew off her date (off scene) to have dinner with Michael Douglas's character, which in turn led to their fateful (and eventually fatal) and passionate encounter at Alex's place, starting in the kitchen and then the bedroom. I think a criterion DVD release should feature cut scenes of who this mystery date (that Alex blew off) was, and how he coped with the news that Alex was obsessed with Gallagher (Michael Douglas), and how it was a close shave.One motif in Fatal Attraction is dancing and unsafe sex. Here the dancing happens after unsafe sex, and in Romancing the Stone and Basic Instinct, Michael Douglas's character danced with the characters played by Kathleen Turner and Sharon Stone, respectively, before embarking on unsafe sex.