The Boogie Man Will Get You
The Boogie Man Will Get You
NR | 22 October 1942 (USA)
The Boogie Man Will Get You Trailers

A young divorcee tries to convert a historic house into a hotel despite its oddball inhabitants and dead bodies in the cellar.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
AaronCapenBanner Lew Landers directs Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre as two daffy doctors. Boris plays Professor Billings, whose scientific experiments have left the cellar filled with the bodies of traveling salesmen, Peter Lorre plays both a quack doctor and the sheriff, determined to find out what's going on. A young woman has recently purchased the estate, and agrees to let the current residents stay, even though she wants to make it into a proper hotel! Needless to say, complications ensue... Crazy film is an obvious copy of the far superior "Arsenic and Old Lace", but isn't anywhere near as funny or clever. Some funny bits to be sure, but far too strained to succeed.
Neil Doyle Only afterward did I realize this must have been inspired by the screwball farce ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, but the script, unfortunately, lacks the comic finesse and wit of that film. This might have looked good on paper--take an old, crumbling Colonial inn, have a woman purchase it, fill it with odd characters and a mysterious doctor who keeps his secrets in a cellar, and lo and behold you've got another hit.Alas, none of the humor is even remotely adult. You almost expect the Three Stooges to show up at any moment. Instead, we have Larry Parks show up to play the only slightly sane character in the cast. The sprightly Jeff Donnell is his ditsy ex-wife and she manages to keep her poise while playing the comedy with a few deft touches of her own.Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre do what they can to inject some vitality and humor into a witless script but everything is so overdone that by the time Maxie Rosenbloom shows up I had to throw in the towel. Too much for me.Summing up: Unless you don't mind the sophomoric humor, watch it at your own peril.
Prichards12345 The Boogie Man Will Get You was the last of Karloff's "Mad Doctor" series for Columbia Pictures. Played strictly for laughs (although to be honest there are very few of them) Karloff teams up with Peter Lorre to create an electrical Superman capable of winning World War II. Lots of references to Arsenic And Old Lace give the film an amiable air, and it's obvious the stars are enjoying themselves. The part of the "ballet master" feels like it was written with Lugosi in mind, which would at least have added something to the film had he appeared. No such luck.At 66 minutes the film doesn't outstay its welcome and it's brightly played by a cast including Larry Parks and Maude Eburn. The film passes the time, but most of the jokes fall flat on their faces (Larry Parks' bed made me smile, though, as does Lorre continually producing a Siamese kitten from his coat pockets.) It also has a few topical references to WWII. It's only real problem is the lack of humour. Even the Abbott and Costello vehicles of the time had more laughs going for them.
julian kennedy The Boogie Man Will Get You: 6 out of 10: If Ma and Pa Kettle ever did Arsenic and Old Lace it would be this movie. Very very silly and occasionally quite funny the Boogie Man has a couple of big faults. The supporting cast is mixed at best and the ending is a mess.It also has two great assets, Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre. Karloff is spot on as the bumbling well meaning murdering scientist. Whose experiments on traveling salesman to create super-soldiers for the war effort are both well meaning and quite homicidal.Peter Lorre is hilarious as the Mayor, Police Chief, Undertaker, Notary, excreta. He dresses in a three piece suit with a Siamese kitten in his pocket to which he coos in German.Watching these two together is pure entertainment and certainly worth a viewing. The rest of the movie is light, frothy, derivative, and occasionally irritating. Just watch the stars at work and forget the rest.