White Noise 2: The Light
White Noise 2: The Light
PG-13 | 05 January 2007 (USA)
White Noise 2: The Light Trailers

A man's family brought back from the verge of death, he then discovers he can identify people who are about to die.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
shathar_o YES, i did, but in the last scenes only. well, it wasn't made for cries am i right? but somethings about this movie left me in deep thoughts, about the secret of life, what is death, it left me emotionally frustrated, i don't know why did i cry, but this movie has a deep meaning, just the thought of "you're not immortal" makes you wonder..... at some scenes i felt like i feel what the characters feel, like Katee's final scene, it was amazing, the eyes turning, the screaming, she did amazing, i felt something strange whilst this scene was playing. am not writing this review as for people to watch the movie or not, i am just writing it to tell people that i have experienced something different from what they all had. for them it's just a horror movie, but all that talk about the devil, tria mera, the third day, it all seems nonsense to some people, but when you put these things in one movie they just sum up a wonderful terrifying story... i was surprised of how underrated the film is, i have never heard of it, but am more than glad that i have seen it. i don't know about you, but i could swear that i have seen some sort of a ghost, and heard some noise at the kitchen, there's no wind around, and everybody's asleep, what am i going to die?
GL84 After a botched suicide to rejoin his deceased wife, a man finds he can now see when people are about to die through an extrasensory perception of their life, but soon finds that saving them has a far deadlier consequence than he originally believed.This here manages to be quite an intriguing effort that has a lot going for it. One of the main points here is the second-half twist that comes about, as the first part is mainly all about the strange ability that he discovers and how he goes about using it to save others. While those are quite fun, the fact that this second half manages to add a rather clever and chilling twist on everything that's come before allows it to venture off into far more enjoyable terrain by trying to stop the saved from ending what should've happened, as interfering isn't supposed to occur in the grand scheme of life uncovered, and how it's done is where the movie gets quite fun with the thrilling races to stop his own handiwork. Though the finale gets in some nice action and makes for a rush of an ending, it's far too fantastical to meld with the more serious attempts to mesh the supernatural and the normal that was being showcased before, and the fact that the saved already knew what was going to happen before they re-killed themselves made no sense, but overall this was pretty enjoyable.Rated R: Violence and Language.
Treacle-A Nope. Even the adorable and charismatic Nathan Fillion couldn't save this clunker. I mean, don't get me wrong, it had its moments, but no matter how good the opening of a movie is, how subtle the acting and how intriguing the premise, nothing can save a film that is this determined to disappear up its own a$$.Particularly squirmsome moments included the eminently wooden Craig Fairbrass coming to his grand conclusion re: the devil, Katee Sackoff coming to that all-so-bizarre conclusion *all by herself* and - wow - just accepting it? Really? And that oh-so-convenient news stand with the usefully clear front page picture of the recently murdered woman. Darn that was useful, and just as he was thinking about her.Lazy lazy scriptwriting, woeful conclusions, hammy supporting performances. Nathan, I hope you have a better agent now.
ctomvelu1 Call this a "White Noise" sequel and maybe you draw a few more viewers than you would if you called it something else. But this is not a true sequel, and maybe that's for the best as "White Noise" with Michael Keaton left much to be desired. In WN2, Nathan Fillion of "Firefly/Serenity" fame plays an average joe whose family is brutally killed in front of him. The plot is a bit convoluted, but what it boils down to is, in the aftermath of their deaths, Fillion discovers he can spot people who are about to die. He decides to play superhero and save them, only to find worse things follow when he does. Much worse things. The film's mood is properly eerie, and Fillion is nicely subdued as our haunted and confused hero. This is a Canadian flick, which means you won't recognize most of the cast. Good for a late night scare or two.