R | 09 September 2009 (USA)
Whiteout Trailers

The only U.S. Marshal assigned to Antarctica, Carrie Stetko will soon leave the harsh environment behind for good – in three days, the sun will set and the Amundsen-Scott Research Station will shut down for the long winter. When a body is discovered out on the open ice, Carrie's investigation into the continent's first homicide plunges her deep into a mystery that may cost her her own life.

Micitype Pretty Good
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
cricketbat Maybe I was just distracted by Kate Beckinsale's beauty, but this movie made no sense. The bland storyline clumsily tumbled along with very few surprises. It wasn't the thriller it claimed to be. I'm sorry, Kate, but this movie wasn't very good - please forgive me.
srosen7 It wasn't Hitchcock, but for me it was a fun, entertaining thriller. I happen to like Kate Beckinsale. Not every movie is a gem, but I thought this was a good B flick
tbills2 Kate, all Kate, only Kate, and no beckon(sale)ing reason other than Kate Beckinsale. I'm glad I'm not stuck in a whiteout so I can see pretty Kate visibly clear 'cuz Kate revealing her white underwear out and taking a shower in Whiteout inspires me to shoot my white out. Her character's introduction is outright (White)outstanding! I'm really happy the writers didn't Whiteout that scene 'cuz I do love Kate and Whiteout's very good.
Prismark10 Whiteout is a dismal murder mystery thriller. It looks like once the film was completed, it went through lots of post production editing to salvage something that could be released hence why Stuart Baird is listed as a supervising editor.Kate Beckinsale plays a US Marshal at an international research base in Antarctica. When a body is found she needs to investigate a possible homicide before winter sets in and it gets dark for some months. We can guess that the murder is somehow linked to the initial scenes we saw of a Russian plane some years earlier that crash landed as it was being sabotaged by some of its crew.Director Dominic Sena is out of his depth here. The film looks cheap with dodgy CGI snowstorms. The mystery is mediocre, things happen and it makes no sense. Even when the mystery is cleared up, we have another twist which is predictable.