The Maltese Falcon
The Maltese Falcon
NR | 18 October 1941 (USA)
The Maltese Falcon Trailers

A private detective takes on a case that involves him with three eccentric criminals, a beautiful liar, and their quest for a priceless statuette.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
e-clayton-01810 A classic, in every way. This film has all of your major old-school film elements. Its was so dramatic. The plot twists were great. The dialogue was unrealistically clever. The pacing in the beginning of the film was good but didn't adapt well with the changing plot line. It felt too fast paced toward the end. In addition, I did not like how all the female characters sort of melted in to the same caricature of a white women in a crime movie. Although the plot had twists, I wish it was more substantial, I wish it had deeper meaning at the end. The film was very surface level but then again, what do you expect from these old Hollywood films. The acting was decent, the score was very well done, and the framing of shoots was great. Although, it is remembered as a classic and a good movie, I feel it is extremely overrated.
huntermcintyre I really enjoyed this film. This film is an early noir film and I thought it really lived up to expectations. The film keeps you interested all the way through and is kind of fun being and early detective film as well. The acting is really superb and every character seem to have an actor perfect for their role. The lighting and camera work are good in this film but nothing special. I would highly recommend this film to detective movie fans or honestly movie fans in general. Overall a very good film.
oOoBarracuda I make no secret of the fact that 1941 holds a three-way tie for my favorite cinematic year. I laugh when people complain that Citizen Kane was "robbed" of the Best Picture Oscar in a year that produced such classics as SUllivan's Travels, How Green Was My Valley (a film that was more than deserving of winning top prize), and The Maltese Falcon. John Huston, son of the great Walter Huston had never before made a film when he began his feature, The Maltese Falcon. Starring Humphrey Bogart, who I also make no secret of absolutely adoring, the story follows the pursuit of a priceless statue by a band of criminals and a private eye. Bogart and Huston would collaborate multiple times throughout their careers, always seeming to attempt to capitalize on the magic they made in The Maltese Falcon. It's incredible when a first-time director can make a film as good as The Maltese Falcon, which must go down as one of the best debuts of all time.Working as a private eye in a San Fransico detective agency, Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart) and his partner Miles Archer (Jerome Cowan) are approached by a woman who calls herself Miss Wonderly (Mary Astor). Spade and Archer who have always shared a tempestuous relationship argue over how to handle the case, when Archer insists on providing the protection Miss Wonderly has requested. Things change pretty quickly as Archer is killed the night he is protecting Miss Wonderly, along with another man, and Spade quickly finds himself in the middle of an international mystery. It is soon revealed that Miss Wonderly is surrounded by dangerous people, all of whom Spade soon gets the chance to meet. Joel Cairo (Peter Lorre) is a man after a mysterious take who uses scents to incapacitate his victims. She also has Kasper Gutman (Sydney Greenstreet) on her heels, a man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants ann under the guise of feigned civility. The only one seemingly able to provide her some protection is Sam Spade who has now been implicated in the murder of Archer or Floyd Thursby, the man that was also killed the same night at Archer. Finding the Maltese Falcon the criminals are hunting for may be the only way for Spade to help himself, or anyone else. Huston, a novice director made a brilliant decision to film a good deal of action over the shoulder of Bogart's shoulder. Allowing the audience to see a majority of the action from the point of view of the protagonist was an exceptionally innovative way to keep the audience engaged. Huston Not that innovative camera work is needed to keep one engaged during a Humphrey Bogart film. He truly was one of the best actors in the history of cinema to grace the screens. Peter Lorre, a consistently strong supporting actor, was also an absolute joy to watch. The symmetry achieved by Huston, especially in shots framing Humphrey Bogart, reveal an early expertise present in the filmmaker. an exceptional cast helmed by an excellent leading man Humphrey Bogart, a more than apt director, and a plot based on the work of the wonderful Dashiell Hammett produced an American classic that still persists nearly 80 years after its release.
Ivan Lalic Bogart made his name as a private detective in this one, so the expectations were pretty much high prior to watching. Humprey's being classical Humprey, cool, old school macho trying to wiggle his way out an elaborate scheme revolving around the ancient artifact, but that's pretty much it. Rest of the cast, as the script itself will blend into a classical conspiracy/crime story of that era, with all the right moves and turns, but lacking any kind of innovation at all. „Maltese Falcon" is solid piece of movie history and a classical Bogart's role that made him what he is.