| 18 November 2001 (USA)
Invincible Trailers

The Shadow Men are immortal beings of darkness and destruction. One such Shadow Man, Os (Zane), is confronted by the White Warrior, a being of light, and given the chance to change his ways or die. After the White Warrior bests Os in combat, she opens his heart to the power of love, and charges him to find the warriors who are the representation of the five elements and will save the world.

Wordiezett So much average
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
paperflower15 ...Hell...Enter "Invincible," a world where Good guys fight Bad guys with swords, kung-fu and mind tricks. Er actually... Where they fight Bad guys with children's toys, poser acrobatics and sissy slaps, and wag-your-finger, spiritual blocking moves.Before-seen special effects permeate this arrangement of b-movie or otherwise unknown actors as they hunt for evil in search of the doomsaying "Tablet." Billy Zane puts on The Matrix's Morpheus' shoes and finds them impossibly big to fill out, seeking would-be heroes to assist him on his journey to retake the Tablet from Slate, whose performance in the movie could make one wonder why her never said "Mr. Anderson!" I've seen scripted scenes of martial arts sparring between friends that have been submitted on YouTube with more credibility than what this film could offer, and while those submissions generally contained no plot, they at least did not deceive me by having one like "Invincible's," that grazed so un-elegantly across the movie's surface.Terrible acting, useless karate gimmick poses, effects reminiscent of the early 90's, and I don't even have the heart to finish this sentence... Avoid, this, completely.
dr-mtarver Got to be one of the cheesiest martial flicks I have ever seen. The fight scenes were pathetic, and the scripting made you realise the virtues of the silent films. I think the actors must have crawled into their trailers at the end of the day and climbed into a bottle just to forget. Why on earth did the heroes spend so much time doing martial arts training in an indoor pond? So many times Billy Zane was droning on about something or other while sloshing around in jammies in ankle deep water. The character development was non-existent. There is nothing about this film which you could recommend except perhaps the camera work.
Naoum Having read the bad reviews prior to seeing this movie I was prepared to stop seeing it in case it became unbearable. Well it wasn't unbearable, of course it wasn't good either. It lies somewhere in the middle ground and it is saved by the fact that it presents a fairy tale.The acting isn't great since the characters are out of proportions and fail to present something believable. OK, so this is a fairy tale, you don't have to be sarcastic about it!!! I believe that the actors where quite distant from their roles since they were playing characters from a fairy tale. That isn't a prerequisite though...What I really enjoyed was the narration by Billy Zane's deep voice. It's a powerful element of the movie.It's a movie that you should only see if you can't find something better to rent and you are bored of searching through the selves!
Masta_Ruthless Is it me or did this movie steal the Asian chick from Bridget Lin's Bride with White Hair. There are to many things wrong, but let me start with the most direct and responsive. Do not...........I repeat do not let actors with half azz martial arts skills do martial arts movies. Let me name a few if you please. Sandra Bullock, Craig T Nelson, Matt Damon, Jason Statham, The complete Matrix cast, Renee Russo, Delroy Lindo, everyone on Equilibrium, and finally the cast in this crap. There is so much you can do with films like this and martial arts is not one of them. Gibson and Li should have been silent partners in this film because it proves that not all actors can be producers. They even had the elements of martial arts wrong. With the pull Li and Gibson has they could have gotten better actors and choreographers to help this film. Byron Mann was the only impressive actor in this film. This is a complete let down to me, but don't take my word for it, after all these reviews are only opinions.