Dead at 17
Dead at 17
| 13 May 2008 (USA)
Dead at 17 Trailers

When Alyssa's 17-year-old son Jason commits suicide, something doesn't sit right. As she and her daughter Danni begin to take a deeper look in the circumstances surrounding Jason's death, they discover that he may have been involved in something they never dreamed a kid like Jason would ever take part in.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
YoungGun77 Rarely do I see a film I care to review. But I felt forced to warn the world as to how horrible this movie is. Some of the worst direction in even average television history, the acting nearly as bad as the direction, and absurd writing make this film one of the worst to reach audiences of all time.How this film was funded, put into production, and actually sold is mind boggling. There is nothing more to say than I already have. "Dead at 17" is just as bad as its title suggests, and I can guarantee you one thing - This is a film full of cast and crew who will never work a significant gig in their life.Don't waste your time. Consider yourself warned.
isoron This is a typical Lifetime movie. You have the semi-good son who wants to own up to being involved in a crime. You have the two spoiled rich bros who machinate an even worse crime to cover their butts. You have the tireless Mom who can't believe her child would commit suicide - but then I have to say - who in the world would believe that anyone in their family who has not been diagnosed psychotic would commit suicide. Actually this is a typical movie to show that initial conclusions are not necessarily correct. How come the psycho leads are always cute guys? In reality they usually look like inborn Deliverance types.So - a flick that you can waste an afternoon on - but not one to have a debate on how the teen culprits have even one excuse.
covergirl10452 After seeing this movie, I just realized it's the same as The Crucible, only worse. What those guys did was wrong. They should have told the police what was going on instead of keeping it covert. I knew it was going to catch up with them very soon, and it did. There's always an outcome. No wonder one of the guys committed suicide. One of those guys was lucky that he's not in prison right now. There was no need for those guys to keep it a secret. Nobody is that dense. The mother of her son that committed suicide wanted to know what was going on so she would feel better. It's a good thing that they confessed, but Cody made a mistake lying about it. It is just like The Crucible when Abigail made a pack to keep what they did in the woods covert. It all caught up on them. They eventually got busted, just like those guys who covered up the truth about what they did at their private party. I'm glad they got arrested and were found guilty on all charges. They got what they deserved. There was no excuse for what they did. You see how much better it is to tell the truth instead of just keep lying and keeping it covert. This is what happens when you keep things covert. Your conscience starts bothering you up to the point where it starts driving you crazy. It won't shut up unless you spill the beans. You know what they say "The truth will set you free." Remember that.
PacificaZero As Canadian movies go, this one isn't too bad at all. I watched it tonight on 'TMN: On Demand', and it's not as horrible as people have been rating it.The storyline is written as well as it can be, and provides a surprising amount of twists and turns. I actually found myself surprised at times, and having a feel for the film.The acting is average, but incredible for such an indie movie. Their actions and dialogue are believable, and is not overly forced.I suggest this film to anyone who is interested in shutting off their brain for an hour and a half, which in my opinion, flies by quite quickly.5/10.