Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts
NR | 12 May 2015 (USA)
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts Trailers

Gotham City is under siege by a series of bizarre crimes and only the world's greatest detective, Batman, can unravel the mystery! The trail leads to none other than the Penguin and his Animilitia, an animal-inspired squad of villains including Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and the monstrous Man-Bat.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
MasterFantastic The only reason I gave this entry to the DC animated universe a five is because it's Batman. That's it. What we have here is a futuristic Gotham with the ol' good guys against the ol' bad guys scenario. The basic plot has the Penguin recruiting many of the animal super-villains--Cheetah, Silverback, Killer Croc, among others--to help pull off a heist of, ahem, cosmic proportions. Naturally, the good guys have to stop them and you can guess the rest.First, the good points. Decent music, fast moving, some good fight sequences.And now, the bad. The animation looks like it's been scaled down significantly. I'm not expecting Pixar. I am expecting something decent. This wasn't. Batman's suit (light blue) hearkens back to the late 1960's take and it doesn't suit (no pun intended) this day and age. His gold get-through-the-force-field suit reminded me of some lousy Japanese anime...double ungood.As for the script, again, while War and Peace ain't on the menu, this makes Jack and Jill Go Up the Hill read like a masterpiece. Cheesy, poor humor, poorer lines...the one good thing was the voice cast that did what they could with their parts. I miss Kevin Conroy doing the voice of Batman. He had the bearing. His replacement sounds like a slightly younger version of him, but with no depth.The actress doing Cheetah sounds like a whiny child, and I got zero sense of menace behind any of the baddies. Not their fault, really; 'twas the script that done 'em in.Finally, all the old stereotypes of animals being what they are were trotted out, and quite frankly, that kind of thinking should have gone out fifty years ago.I heard this direct-to-DVD effort was to sell toys. My only question is: How many? Nothing wrong with selling goods to the kiddies, but this video is an insult to any comic book/cartoon fan.
siderite I give it points for having action from the beginning to the end. It doesn't set up anything fancy either, it is all in a futuristic Gotham where robots, lasers, tractor beams are all easy to get. But then everything else is just dumb.The animation is simplistic, the characters are one dimensional and the plot of the story is completely idiotic. Penguin has an army of robotic animals and, together with his band of animalistic villains, he wants to destroy Gotham in order to get enough gold to live happy and wealthy. Wait what? There is nothing in that story that makes any sense.In the end, as another commenter noted, it is just a 70 minute commercial for a toy line. But hey, so was Lego Movie, and it was awesooome nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah naaaah naaaaaah. This plain sucks.
bwanabeast91 This is by far the worst batman movie I've ever watched , it has an awful plot and don't even get me started on the ugly animated design for batman , the only thing enjoyable from this movie is green arrow , batman , red robin , flash and nightwing working side by side and also will freidle doing the voice for nightwing but besides that there is not much of an actual plot , the villains were terrible as well like penguin he wasn't even a worthy adversary in this movie , he didn't even put up much of a fight , the only villains that were decent was killer croc & man bat the rest are just garbage , wtf they are just fighting a bunch of cheetah robots and those robots didn't put up much of a fight
Eoraptor02 This is just a rotten cartoon. I honestly don't think it would entertain anyone over the age of six.If you don't know what Batman Unlimited is, it's essentially a line Batman universe toys which, until now, didn't have any cartoon or comicbook to back them up. This movie attempts to do that for kids... but yeah, it's not even worth the $3.99 digital view price. The first thing you'll notice on viewing it is that, unlike previous Direct-to-DVD DC Comics cartoons, this one doesn't fly under the "Warner Premier" banner. Meaning it has none the writing pedigree or production values of movies like "Under the Red Hood" or "Batman: Gotham Knight." And that shows in how full of plot holes and contrivances this toon is; such as the bat-dog-robot-motorcycle and the clumsy attempt to tie in the Batman Beyond suit, which is instantly forgotten to move on to the next in a line of "neon street luge batman" bat costumes you get throughout the viewing. Villains are given no more reason to work together and no more plot than the fact that they share an animal theme, and one of the heroes just happens to be hanging around Gotham City despite not even having a connection to Batman ever mentioned.In other words, the movie is a 90 minute toy commercial, and it makes the original Thundercats and Silverhawks seem like Shakespeare by comparison.