Ultimate Avengers 2
Ultimate Avengers 2
PG-13 | 08 August 2006 (USA)
Ultimate Avengers 2 Trailers

Mysterious Wakanda lies in the darkest heart of Africa, unknown to most of the world. An isolated land hidden behind closed borders, fiercely protected by its young king: Black Panther. But when brutal alien invaders attack, the threat leaves Black Panther with no option but to go against the sacred decrees of his people and ask for help from outsiders.

Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
WakenPayne ULTIMATE AVENGERS 110/10The Avengers Movie Should Be Like This. I Know Its Not The Marvel Universe But They Made Captain America A Little Better (Well Anything Is Better Than The 1990 Version). Thor Is The Same. Iron Man Is A Well Done. Hulk Is Also The Same. Hank Pym Is Also Greatly Portrayed. Nick Fury Is Better Than The One In The Live Action Movies. Go Ahead Look At It.ULTIMATE AVENGERS 210/10The End Has Come For Hank Pym. This Also Introduces The Black Panther. Wow This Dualogy Is Great. I Have High Hopes For The Avengers Movie Because Its Done By Joss Whedon. Don't Say His Fan Base Is For Teenage Girls Because I'm As Far Away From A Teenage Girl As You Can Get & I Love 'Buffy', 'Angel', 'Firefly', 'Alien Resurrection' Well You Get It. Both Movies Are Awesome.
sidfargas In an age of silly anime and dumbed down cartoons, this Ultimate Avengers franchise is more then a breath of fresh air. Films like Ultimate Avengers 2 (and that's just what it is ... a full blown feature film)take the classic Marvel grandeur and add a modern twist. The action is intense and the story flows so very well. Classic Marvel characters like Iron Man, Captain America and the Black Panther (the worlds first African-American superhero) really shine in this format. My only real disappointment lies in the fact that the Hulk wasn't really used and that the Thor depicted is nothing but a watered down version of the classic Thor. Still, the other characters and the riveting story more then make up for any shortcomings. The alien threat from the first film is handled and resolved brilliantly while doing so without it being necessary for the viewer to have seen the first movie. That's a hard thing to pull off but, like the rest of the movie, they did it so very well.Great animated movie that's well worth anyone's time and effort.
humanophobia Everyone is bantering on about who animated the movie - was it a Japanese studio or American - it doesn't matter, whether it was Dong Wu or Mr.Smith what it boils down to is the actual overall quality of the experience. Starting off with the sadly disappointing retro 80s animation which is what everyone is sorely irritated with by this day and age. It looks as appealing as those short lived Heathcliff series, it's stock and we deserve better damn it! The only thing that makes these DVD's passable is the plot and character development, some dialogue, Hulk's fighting sequences and of course the spoof in the special features. Otherwise it's all recycled and familiar basic formulas. Let's use some of that money generated towards some CGI and not just use it for spacecrafts and background edifices etc.. get off your large & lazy arses.
rijotan I just finished watching the movie (for the 2nd time in a row), and I'm planning on viewing it again. Probably one of my favorite movies of all time.Now a lot of people are comparing it with the first movie, so here are my thoughts on the comparison:1. Action - there was a lot more action in this movie, and the action was more brutal (panther tearing up that super alien was sweet). But the quality of the action scenes in the first movie were better. In this movie, we get to see a lot of little skirmishes which showcase the abilities of each character, but there was no major battle scene like the hulk rumble we had in the first movie. The battle between panther and capt. America vs kleus (i know its spelled wrong) could have been a lot better if there weren't so many cuts. You had the impression you were viewing a comic strip (but it was still sweet coz it was so brutal). Thor wasn't given enough action in this film... although they did showcase a lot more of his other talents (like teleportation). and thor did save the most number of lives (saved the whole avengers team, saved pym, saved ironman). but i was really wanting to see him kick butt. Hulk didn't do anything... just slammed an alien or two. So between the 2 movies, i loved the action of the 1st more.2. Story - the 2nd movie definitely had more story. We are given a flash back of capt's story; then given a background on t'challa (black panther); then there's the subtle love stories of pym-wasp, capt-widow, banner-betty. And we're also given a sneak preview into the armory of tony...and of course the hints of thor's prodigality with his father. There maybe some who wouldn't appreciate this kind of plots in a comic book film, but we're forgetting that this is only 1 film in 8, and it is necessary to build up the stories of each character to establish them. So, I actually liked this 2nd movie better, just for the fact that it had a thicker plot to it and could absorb you more in its story. I was just a bit disappointed with the action though... they should have added an entire 30 mins to the film just so they could give more emphasis to the fight scenes. The capt.a-panther-kleus could have been so much better and would have been the highlight of the movie. I hope the makers of this movie could read a couple of these posts, so they could do something and make the next movie a lot longer.