Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange
PG-13 | 14 August 2007 (USA)
Doctor Strange Trailers

Dr. Stephen Strange embarks on a wondrous journey to the heights of a Tibetan mountain, where he seeks healing at the feet of the mysterious Ancient One.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
adonis98-743-186503 I don't know a lot of things about Doctor Strange but after watching this animated film i'm pretty excited for this live action film later this year i don't know if this one follows the comics 100% right but even tho it starts kinda slow it picks up pretty well and i like the whole story of this character ancient warriors, demons and monsters my kind of a thing now i'm not sure if the film is going to to bad as good as this one or is going to have a different story but i just hope is a good Marvel film cause i'm pretty excited about it. Like i said it has some small problems but it's definitely a good animated film with good action and characters.
lanlaas Dr.Strange is one of the lesser known marvel superheros. I actually myself only know him from a guest appearance on the spiderman 1994 cartoon. OK Now to the Movie which was a big surprise on how good it was. This is the 4th movie by marvel animation and it is there best.Im not going to say much about other than its a version of How Dr.Strange started and grows into a powerful superhero. The story is really good but not original your going to say to yourself I have seen this plot before. Even though your saying that you will be in the edge of your seat and wondering what is going to happen next. What makes the plot really good is how well it is executed in every scene.Sound and animation is pretty top stuff since it is done my Marvel animation. All the fighting scenes and special effects are done to perfection.Overall I believe you will really enjoy this it is better than Marvel Animation's first 3 movies (ultimate avengers 1,2 and Invincible Iron Man) So if you liked those movies you will like this one. It is also a great way to learn about a marvel superhero that you don't know much about.
Angelus2 This is a very good animated version of Doctor Strange.I've often wondered when the Doctor would be given the chance to make his debut; and he does not disappoint.The animations are truly great which shows that anime is not dead.The plot is that after a crash, Doctor Strange loses his skills as a surgeon and seeks help from a group of sorcerers here he discovers things about himself.The film at certain points reminds me of Batman Begins; but all in all it is a good adaptation.Doctor Strange character grows throughout the movie and shows promises of a sequel hopefully.
Jon P. I don't know who Marvel is making their movies for. This is a step up from the ULTIMATE AVENGERS series, mostly because it at least seems somewhat interested in the character of Dr. Strange.Bad voice acting, a plot so generic & thin I'd bet it was written on the John, and an inordinate amount of time and action devoted to secondary characters. I mean, the movie isn't even up to the standards of monthly superhero comics, that bastion of great literature. If they couldn't come up with something cool on their own, why not just adapt one of the many popular stories from the last 40 years? At least Strange squares off against Mordo and Dormammu (kinda) in this one, instead of generic aliens like in AVENGERS (twice). Still, you never get the impression that the people behind this really like the source material or understand what gives Dr. Strange his appeal. It's a movie devoid of creativity, smarts and fun.I don't mean to give the impression that I'm only critiquing this because it was unlike the comics. I'm mostly critiquing it because it's shallow and dumb. But even if shallow and dumb was a goal, rather than the result of incompetence, tapping into some of the coolness of the character or the Marvel U shouldn't get in the way of that, right? Even those who are satisfied by a movie this banal would likely be satisfied by a mature, intelligent treatment of Strange that also appealed to adult fans, or by a fun kicky movie that spoke to kids (of all ages). A movie like this really satisfies nobody but the very easily satisfied.What a waste of resources and opportunity.