Superman Returns
Superman Returns
PG-13 | 28 June 2006 (USA)
Superman Returns Trailers

Superman returns to discover his 5-year absence has allowed Lex Luthor to walk free, and that those he was closest to felt abandoned and have moved on. Luthor plots his ultimate revenge that could see millions killed and change the face of the planet forever, as well as ridding himself of the Man of Steel.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ethanbyrd Superman Returns was a valiant effort by Brian Singer but sadly both the director and the lead actor Brandon Routh's careers haven't flourished. The film was criticized for its length upon release but it wasn't a disaster either critically or financially. This is what this film eventually is- a middling affair that would soon be forgotten in the deluge of superhero films that were to follow that decade onwards. You can give it a watch though and there are some great scenes scattered throughout.
UofSciFi I have always had a love hate relationship with the Superman Movies.first I loved Superman:The Movie(1978)..I consider that one to be a true American all time classic 2nd, I equally loved Superman II(1981) just and much as I loved the original Superman movie...both of those movies set the standards that I believe all comic book movies should be measured by. they are great.3rd, then came Superman III(1983)...okay, this one isn't quiet as good as the first 2 movies. but none-the-less, it does have its moments, and it isn't just wasn't that great.,,,a few plot holes, but it was still an enjoyable movie 4th, Superman IV:The Quest for Peace....what the hell happened? Its daylight in America and China at the same time, Supes steals all of the worlds nukes, Nuclear Man isn't really nuclear powered(nope he's solar powered)....Mariel Hemmingway can breathe in outer space... and the movie only got worst and worst. so bad that I found myself wondering if adults had really wrote the script, or was it written by a bunch of 3rd graders 5th, then came the Superboy TV series in the late 1980's(which depicted Superman/Clark Kent in college)..not all bad..but not really good either (it lasted one season and then got the ax) 6th, Hollywood just would leave Supes alone...then came Louis & Clark: The new Adventures of Superman. ...again, not bad, ...but not great either...And I never liked Dean Cain as the man of Steel, he was too boyish looking 7th, then came Smallville......Smallville destroys the entire background of Superman's past(Earth past) by placing him in the same high school with Lex Luther in the same town(and they are best friends...but Lex doesn't recognize him when he's superman ...this is pathetic I had given up on the Superman franchise after Smallville.But then came "Superman Returns" .........this was the first truly enjoyable Superman since 1983. Although it still falls short from the Glory of Superman I&II, it is better than Superman III and all of the skimpy Superman related TV shows that have been hasten onto the airwaves over the last 20 years.Brand Routh gives a solid performance as Clark Kent/Superman the special effects are wonderful(fantastic) ..the producers reused the old John Williams music score.....the story is good(although I admit that I did have some issues with Supes using his superpowers to stalk Lois Lane at her home) The writers went back to the basic for this one.this is a must see movie,it gets it right! and it makes up for the 20 years of bad Superman TV shows ! ! ! ! ! !
nightline The style is similar like wonder woman. The story is better than wonder woman. The story telling is fluent based on a more complicated story. The main actors had done their jobs and being pretty and attractive to young audience as in wonder woman. The villains is much better than in wonder woman. So how could wonder woman get a score of 8 while this one only has 6?
Sober-Friend I was looking forward to seeing this film. I was counting down the days. When it arrived in theaters I was there first showing and I was let down. The film main problem was casting Kate Bosworth. She was terrible choice for more than one reason. In this film she was way too young to play Lois Lane. It is very laughable that her character won a Nobel Prize. Kate (At the time) was 23 years old when the film was released. So Lois also has a 5 year old son which means she had sex with Superman when she was 17 or 18. If that wasn't bad enough Kate's Performance is. She is terrible. She shows no depth as Lois. Again 23 years old and has worked as reporter for years LMAO! Her casting sank the film. Brandon Routh however was a good choice to play Superman. The film fails him because the plot of the film is a retread of the first "Superman". Plus "Superman" is not really that proactive in this movie. Again Bryan Singer's film would of been better served had they of cast someone else as Lois. Sandra Bullock comes to mind. Halle Berry would have been good as well. Courtney Cox even. Kate Hudson would have been better. Now it has been 11 years after the release date of this film. Kate has proved in other films that she is one actress we can live without. She sucks! As for the story Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) plots to destroy Superman once and for all. Superman returns after a long absence to a much-changed world. Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) has moved on with her life, and society has learned to survive without him. Superman must find a way to reconnect with her and find his place in a world that may no longer need him.The film is worth watching but once you do you will forget the film because there is nothing worth remembering. This films failure has still cast its ugly shadow. For the next Superman move ("Man of Steel") the studio started over. Even though that film performed better at the box office it was still no better than "Superman Returns". There is still no "Stand Alone Superman Film" in the works at Warner Brothers!