All Star Superman
All Star Superman
PG | 01 January 2011 (USA)
All Star Superman Trailers

Lex Luthor enacts his plan to rid the world of Superman, once and for all. Succeeding with solar radiation poisoning, the Man of Steel is slowly dying. With what little times remains, the Last Son of Krypton must confront the revealing of his secret identity to Lois Lane and face Luthor in a final battle.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Milk_Tray_Guy All-Star Superman is one of the most popular Superman stories there is. For some Grant Morrison fans it borders on being a sacred text. And as is the way with sacred texts, any deviation from the 'word' borders on blasphemy; however, in this case those fans have a point. Morrison (and artist Frank Quitely) crafted a deeply layered work. Morrison loves the more 'goofy' Silver Age of comics and it shows, but beneath all the 'wacky stuff' (dinosaur men??) is a narrative that's interwoven with the book's structure. Originally running twelve issues published over two volumes, each issue or chapter reflects a specific time of year and/or hour of the day (interviews with Morrison regarding this make interesting reading). Unfortunately, because of the necessity to edit the whole thing down to a 70 minute running-time much of that structure - along with many scenes and therefore continuity - is lost. The result is we're left with a series of what sometimes appear to be random incidents that head-scratchingly don't quite tie together. That said, the voice actors do an first-rate job, as do the illustrators/animators in recreating the feel of Quitely's artwork. And the story is still definitely a touching one. Overall, 7/10
Platypuschow All-Star Superman is a real standout movie within the animated DC films, with an outstanding voice cast this one really surprised me but not entirely in a good way.It tells the story of our hero becoming poisoned with excessive quantities of radiation from the sun and slowly dying. He sets about getting his affairs in order before he breathes his last breath.With a host of other DC villians including Lex Luthor (Duh!) we see several mini-stories to keep Kal busy until his final moments.The story is well done, heartfelt and enjoyable but at the same time badly flawed in places and left me scratching my head.It just felt like the creators went into business for themselves, throwing much of the lore out and just writing whatever they wanted like a bad piece of fan fiction.Make no mistake I found the oddly titled All-Star Superman to be watchable but I think it spread itself too thin considering how much it tackles and the magnitude of the story they are trying to tell.The cast do however do a fantastic job including the criminally underrated Anthony LaPaglia as Luthor.The Good:Hell of a voice castNice storyThe Bad:Too big a story for its run timePretencious finaleThings I Learnt From This Movie:Storing things that can kill you makes perfect sense, destroying them would be sillyKryptonian formalwear is the same as casual just with a hoodI want super powers for my birthday as well!
implaxis I've only recently begun watching the DC animated movies and have rarely been disappointed, until now. The JLA ones are great, as was a team-up with Superman and Batman. So why did I not like this one? I have been a long-time Superman/DC fan and thought I was pretty familiar with the characters, but there were so many new ones introduced here that I'd never heard of, I might as well been watching an Image comics movie. Quite disjointed, characters and story lines appear out of nowhere. I disliked every second that Samson and Delilah, I mean Atlas, were on screen. It was several minutes before they were even named and I had no idea who they were. Luthor's niece does nothing to contribute to the story, and why was Jimmy Olsen in a dress in the first scene? This had the potential to be so much more, even epic.
alexfromhorn It was so stupid it simply made me laugh the whole time. If this is supposed to be a plot... Somehow I felt like it was made by those guys who made Family Guy, it's just so random. No structure just things happening. I really thought about turning it off but then there came another funny text oder situation. You will really see some strange things in here. Someone tries to steal sunlight, lizard-people attacking the city but no one cares! Strength contest between superheroes next, than there is a violet vagina faced monster, Lois can fly, miniature city under glass, Superman is dying, other Kryptnonians appear but it's as unimportant as all things that happened before, Superman leaves his key to his secret base in front of his door and who wonders? The enemies take the key and enter the base! Just so many incredibly stupid superficial situations it is just horrible and funny at the same time. This is my favorite quote:"What do you feed him?" "Suns. Little ones I make here on my cosmic anvil" For all in all I would give this movie really no more than 1 point but the animation and the music were good, and it kept me laughing but at the other side it's not intended this way. So if you like a good superhero movie don't watch it. If you like stupid funny things you may go on and watch it.