Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief
Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief
PG | 04 March 2008 (USA)
Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief Trailers

Maya Dolittle is back in a heartwarming adventure of presidential proportions! Maya's dream of going to vet school is put on hold when she gets a call from the president of the United States. It seems the First Dog is out of control, and the president needs Maya's help. It's up to Maya and her own dog, Lucky, to stop a canine catastrophe from becoming a national crisis!

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Anssi Vartiainen If there's one good thing that can be said about this movie it's that at least Kyla Pratt is dedicated to the character of Maya Dolittle. She debuted as the nerdy animal girl in the first Dr. Dolittle film when she was 12 years old, and ten years later here she still is, playing the character. That is dedication to your craft, and I can respect that.That being said, this is an awful film. Pratt is actually one of the better actors in this whole lackluster borefest and even she isn't great, merely slightly above average. Though I mostly blame poor writing. None of the jokes are funny, the conflict is laughably out there - and not in a good way - most of the characters have no motivations, backstories or even characteristics. All the animals especially are just bad, being either stereotypical, rude, full of lowbrow humour or all of those at once.The plot is one of those B-movie comedy plots mainly written to give room for all those wacky characters to spout wacky dialogue and to get into wacky situations. But, as already established, both the dialogues as well as the characters are poorly written and the plot itself is the poorest of them all. One of those three can be poor, and the two might be able to pick up the slack, so you can only imagine what happens when they all fail.Still, there's really nothing actively harmful in this film. You can see that at least some of the actors believe in their roles and it has a good, if a bit clichéd, message it tries to convey. I guess that if you honestly have nothing else to do, this will pass the time, but I wouldn't recommend it. Kyla Pratt sure is cute, though.
freakfire-1 To call this movie lackluster gives the word a bad name. To call it good is an insult to movie goers everywhere. But to call this movie a waste of time is a good starting point.Somehow, a Dr Dolittle 4 has been made and this time no Eddie Murphy. You probably couldn't pay him to even watch this movie. He probably would rather pick up a transvestite along the side of the road again instead of watch it. Yes it was that bad.The movie is basically the young Dolittle entering college and only gaining 'temporary admission' and having to show some activity to gain full admission. While that is hogwash, it gets better. PUSA (the President) is inviting over a fake leader of a fake African nation to sign a fake treaty. Yes, some evil logging company wants to destroy the rain forest because thats all they want to do.Dolittle saves the day with her animal pals. And evil logging is stopped. Everybody get real excited! I really thought this movie should have been cut in funding to see how ingenious they would have to get with real animals. Instead, its not even entertaining. "F"
Erik S I actually registered to IMDb just to comment on this extremely bad movie. I've seen all the movies I've got at home about 5 times each (we've got 500 or so), and I'd rather watch either one of them a 6th time, than recommending anyone watching this movie even once.The plot was just silly, even for a child. Maybe a 4-year old could enjoy all the cute animals, but really, everything was just overly "cosy", stupid and there was no real meaning of the whole movie, at all.Examples: (This is where the SPOILER starts, not that it matters in this movie anyway.) They're looking for the runaway dog, and Miss DoLittle asks the President's daughter if there's any place she could have gone. She answers, no, just to get some cheap emotions squeezed out of the audience. Then, after a few seconds, after the audience gave up all hope, she says "No, wait, there's this place where me and the dog used to hang out at all the time". And all I could think was "Duh, why didn't you just say that before?"... The stupidity-levels are at the same level as the joke where the man asks if his friend can see that tree over there, and he answers "No I can't, because the forest is in the way".Another example is the "mean intern girl", who first is very rude towards Miss DoLittle. When Miss DoLittle asks the "nice intern boy" for help, when the intern boy and the intern girl are working, she refuses to help them and the boy gets mad and says that there's more important things in the world than her career. Now, this is a girl who's been struggling all her life to work at "an international level by the time she's 30", but after her partner says that ("There's more important things than your career") she goes out and helps them to look for the dog like a good girl should! All I can say is wow. Just, wow.I like cosy movies, I really do, but when they're sleazy and sickening sugar-sweet like this one, it just gets silly. I'll never watch this movie again. In fact, I'm going to delete it completely (haven't done that with any movie I have, not even Dead or Alive).I'm not sure if I think the acting was really bad though; I'd have to see these guys in a movie with an actual plot to fully pass that judgement, all I know is that you can't make a tasty stew with rotten vegetables and sour cream, so, working from that experience, I won't judge the actors by this movie alone.Summary: This movie is bad, really bad, for whatever the reasons may be.
ajcstevenson This movie was bad enough for me to want to come onto IMDb and submit my debut review, so here it is: When faced with a family comedy, you'd hope that at least one member of the family audience would laugh a few times. At least. Unfortunately, only two or three times during this movie was there an attempt at humour just funny enough to ALMOST make me smile, or indeed to make the five and seven year olds I watched this movie with almost lift out of the stupor they were thrown into by the horrifying monotony that was Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief. At these moments of near-humour, I would hope that perhaps the movie was improving, but then my foolish optimism would fizzle out again as the movie sank back into its dreary dialogue and dull acting. Of course, the acting isn't something that would be such a big importance in this kind of movie, but here it is so terrible that it is one of the straws that broke the camel's back. I believe this was the fourth film in a series. That fact alone speaks volumes. It was boring in almost every respect and not worth anybody's money or time.