Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse
PG-13 | 24 February 2015 (USA)
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse Trailers

When aspiring knight Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet rumored to contain gold, he is shocked to instead find the dragon Drago. After Drago saves Gareth's life the two become intricately bonded, and must work together to defeat an evil sorcerer and stop his reign of terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being a knight in this fantasy action-adventure for the ages.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
john-33890 Although I said before that I would probably never do this again, I lied. The movie is watchable, and in my wife's opinion (which I respect) was 'nice'. It's not all the horrible things that the 'critics' say it is. It is a 'nice' movie and was watchable for a movie night that I had no idea what to pick which usually results in me picking a movie that I think might be good but for no reason other than I think "why not?". Sometimes it really works out, most of the time it doesn't, but it's never 'bad'. This movie is in the 'it's not bad' category. Dang, once again I'm hit with the 10 line minimum and I really thought I could get past it via the old 'high school essay method' of double spacing my response. Sadly, it doesn't work. They reformat your text. So I have to babble on just to qualify. Seems a little silly, doesn't it?
clarkmick33 Dragonheart joins the rest of the plethora of movies that churn out a third movie to rake in the last few dollars before the idea is officially overdone and dead. This movie, like most franchises when they reach the third movie resembles that watered down concepts from the first movie. The first Dragon heart was fresh original and great. In these days for the movie to be great there has to be more than just fancy CGI. This movie is let down my poor, lame acting. The characters all fulfilled their one=dimensional scripts. It seems the directors had to highlight parts that are meant to be funny by adding a Irish jig to the soundtrack in some random places.The bad guys are just plain evil for no reason than to be evil. And the dragon.....come one peps this is meant to be focusing on the Dragon relationship with the lead character but instead he seems to pop in and out of the story like some lost little puppy. He seems tough and is willing to take lives at the start of the movie then he just flys around looking scary later on. The morals in this movie are a mess. Ultimately now days there are better entertainment experiences with dragons to be had in games so I think I will stick to Skyrim.
Zane Posthumus I had the first Dragonheart on video when I was young and I was crazy about the movie. Not just because of the cool Dragons, but the way how they made the relationship between human and Dragon seem so fun. You could experience everything with them and laugh at jokes. The effects for that time was amazing.This franchise has the most amazing Soundtrack of all time. In the first two movies they made the scene where the song played, and what the Actors did, seem so special. So I fell in love with the movies.But unfortunately not everything can be kept to a high standard and while I was watching the third movie last night, I was horrified by the poor standards of the scenes, the poor interaction between human and Dragon. Literally just ONE scene where there was a little humor. You almost never see the Dragon and the way he looked, compared to the previous films was terrible! They made him look more like a wild animal than a character with a purpose in the movie. It;s just humans humans humans. It's so obvious to see where scenes have been cut and pasted, scenes that didn't really have a impact on the film enjoyed the longest camera action.You guys had one job, you had two previous movies to help you make the movie better or at least keep the standard.I'm very disappointed with the effort and the low standard of this movie, you really ruined this franchise for me.I'll keep my faith in the first two great movies
gurubesar One of the main feature of this kind of movie is that the protagonists are always people who hold the justice above all while the antagonists play with their own set of rules. And of course the general rules of Hollywood applies as well; i.e.: the hero is always full of hesitation when it comes to make a final decision. This is so annoying when you watch a movie that defy logic of common sense. However, that is what Hollywood is all about and as long as there are suckers who will pay for this kind of video, there will be people making it. The story begin with all the wrong theme. It start with some historical fact but then it digress into something of a fantasy which was what it was originally intended. To make it more complicated, a castle is created with the "king" who can knighted a commoner to become a knight just because this guy can collect tax for him ? And of course a dragon which looks enormous during the fight but small during rest ? To complete the fantasy, a female protagonist is created with the feature of an American Indian complete with the face tattooed with lines. One of the things which I could not understand is why people with money in Hollywood always fall for this kind of stupid video. Don't they have any brain and common sense and choose to finance a better story....