From Prada to Nada
From Prada to Nada
PG-13 | 28 January 2011 (USA)
From Prada to Nada Trailers

Two spoiled Beverly Hills sisters who have been left penniless after their father's sudden death are forced to move in with their estranged aunt in East Los Angeles.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Mihai Toma Two lovely girls but with very different personalities are left on the streets after their former millionaire father dies on his birthday. They find refuge in their distant aunt's house where their lives become as ordinary as everyone else's. Thankfully, the two girls aren't going to let fate take its course so they take different paths which maybe one day will lead them one again to happiness.A lovely story which describes how someone can adapt from a life of wealth to poverty and his struggle along the way. I really enjoyed the course of events and although some may consider them cliché, I have to say that it was a very nice story. Although it was a bit predictable, it created a semi-dramatic atmosphere which ultimately led to romance and joyousness. I also liked the actors who fit really well in the picture, almost like it was created for them. A very enjoyable watch.
powerfulme I had anticipated a better story line but was sadly disappointed. I had difficulty figuring out when the climax would come - it never came. I can not find the connection to Jane Austen's literary work in no other way than by the fact that they lose it all when 'daddy' dies. The two main characters 'Beverly Hills' background is evidently inconsistent with their actions. For instance, no one goes to her brother's engagement party wearing such a cheap dress! And, for a go- getter, Mary falls way too short and ends up in a more than predictable car accident. The director and scriptwriter could have done much better. And, when you are a leader and are highly respected in your business, you do not go and buy a house in the ghetto. It's simply inconsistent with who the character is.
cathie454 I can't believe that this movie wasn't more popular; maybe the trailer and the commercials made people think this was just another dumb/dumber romance movie. I didn't see it in a theatre because I think it didn't play more than a week here. The story is more involved than the advertising would have you believe. Two young women whose parents were from Mexico have been brought up in the lap of luxury in Beverly Hills; they find out when their father suddenly dies that they have no money, a brother they never knew, and then lose their home when the brother's greedy wife kicks them out and sells the house. They move in with their mother's sister who lives in East L.A. and are suddenly overwhelmed by culture shock. This is based on Sense and Sensibility; it has been changed to the southern California/Mexican subculture wonderfully. The film is filled with colorful scenes, the music is fantastic, and the acting is excellent from everyone. What a shame this movie didn't get the audience it deserves. I had never seen the majority of the actors in the film, other than Wilmer Valderrama who plays Bruno and gives a fine performance. The cast was wonderful, very true to life. Definitely a movie worth watching.
Alison Mah No exaggeration, this is the worst movie I have ever seen. Where to even start? The plot was haphazard, illogical, and nonsensical. Jane Austen would be absolutely appalled by this piece of sh*t. Others have echoed a similar sentiment, but I'll reiterate: HOW WAS THIS MOVIE EVEN MADE?! I have seen low budget student films with better acting and dialogue, and I have seen some pretty bad student films. Camilla Belle acted like she was a dead narwhal. As for Alexa Vega, I've seen hookers act better. If you decide to watch this movie, be prepared for a slow and painful death. I regretted every second of this disaster.