R | 26 October 2013 (USA)
Cavemen Trailers

A Los Angeles playboy decides to give up his partying ways and find true love.

Wordiezett So much average
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
jhabrijeshbk If I had to watch a super corny 'love conquers all' 'run after the taxi' movie there are some really rich ones in Bollywood collections.They also will have some enjoyable dances, song and music during which you could go out for a break.This movie has been made for a very select demographic.I don't know if its high school girls or 'looking for love' adolescents or somebody else. But chances are if you are not a part of that demographic you would end up with a serious head ache.Acting is average throughout.Many of us will go to this movie for Camilla Belle.She is not disappointing.I am not a technical expert in movies but I didn't feel any glitch in direction anywhere.Just that this movie was definitely not for me.
user-920-834704 The only reason we gave this film a 2 is because we laughed once during the film. This review sucks, but it is still 10x better than the film. This film was a combination of every other stereotypical romantic comedy, filled with clichés and empty/unoriginal characters. There was not one thing in the film that was unpredictable. Please, give me my 85 minutes of time back. I could have been watching 3 episodes of the Walking Dead instead. Yes... the Walking Dead. I don't have anything else to say about this film, however, I am required to provide 10 lines of text for this review. So, I will just say that the only somewhat pleasant thing in this movie, was Chad. Go Chad.
TomShortell Cavemen. A man sets his sights on just being in love. Tired of the one night stands so he wants to be someones forever. So I have been waiting a real long time to see this and there has only been one review until very recently. Now they are coming in more is broadening the rating. Now its pretty low. Which sucks.So I watched the movie last night and I have to say I was disappointed. There is no real need in this movie to be made really. It could of been done so much better which brings me down as I had hopes for this. The way it is shot is strange as the director for some reason over uses the focus on characters all the time and at very stupid bits.The soundtrack I thought was very good. Just these days Hollywood seem to think that the use of indie music will provide the audience with a more style to their music when in all fairness its just Hollywood trying to up their views.All of the scenes didn't really make sense and it only started making complete sense more than half way through. The actors where all very good there's no shame there. Camille Belle is such a weird casting for this movie as I had no real connections toward here. Even though I did want the obvious to happen. Her and Dean (Skylar Austin) to get together. He was the only one that had me wanting them together.When watching this movie and going here. This is not the review that I wanted to do. This movie could of easily been done better and its such a shame that this let me down.
Slasher_Lover23 Struggling screenwriter Dean (Skylar Astin) is not only having difficulties coming up with a good idea for a love story, but difficulties with finding love in his own life. In hopes of finding inspiration for his script, he sets out to find the love of his life. Along the way he begins to learn some lessons from his friends Jay (Chad Michael Murray), Pete (Kenny Wormald), and Andre (Dayo Okeniyi), and Dean's best friend Tess (Camilla Belle). There's no doubt that Cavemen has all of the element of your typical romantic comedy. Yes, it is predictable, yes it is cliché. But what sets it apart from many rom-coms before it, is that it has the heart and charm to make it enjoyable. You can't help but root for the lead character in his quest for finding true love. The characters are well-written and likable and each have their own story to tell instead of just being your typical side characters. During the course of the film you love seeing these characters with each other because you love them so much. What also sets it apart from other romantic comedies is that has the perfect combination of comedy and romance. There will be moments where you will laugh at some of the dialogue and the situations the characters find themselves in, then the next you'll find yourself invested in the love story aspect. The cast is hands down, one of the best things about the film. Skylar Astin is solid as the hopeless romantic on his quest for love. He pulls of the awkward moments in this quest perfectly, and when it comes to the moments where he's conflicted of his feelings, you can really sense it. Astin, as well as his other male cast members have great chemistry together and come off genuine buddies who crack jokes and make fun of each other. Chad Michael Murray provides the most laughs as the sex addicted Jay. He pulls off this side of his character with poise, but he also shows Jay's humanity underneath his sex-crazed exterior. Astin also has terrific chemistry with the gorgeous Camilla Belle. The two have the best friend roles pegged. They have fun with each other to where it looks natural, but then in an instant you can see some of the sparks that may be hidden. While Belle doesn't have as much screen time as the guys, she does a fine job with what she has and makes a really lovable female character. There's no doubt critics and many viewers will tear this film apart just for the fact that it's a romantic comedy. Which in itself is shameful. They need to look past its predictability and see the heart of the story and these characters underneath. This can be said for many other rom- coms out there, and Cavemen is one that sets itself above quite a few others before it. My Rating: 10/10