Blind Dating
Blind Dating
PG-13 | 28 July 2006 (USA)
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Danny is a blind man who does not let his impairment get in the way of living his life to the fullest, except when it comes to love. Danny's brother sets him up on a series of blind dates, but all of them go disastrously wrong. Just when Danny is about to give up, he meets Leeza, a nurse who works for Danny's doctor. There is just one catch: Leeza, who is from India, is promised to another man.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
lisafordeay Blind Dating is a 2006 Romantic Comedy starring Chris Pine and it tells the story of a young man named Danny(Pine)who was born blind. Lacking any confidence with women his brother sets him up with blind dates with disastrous results. Eventually Danny falls for an Indian woman named Leeza(Jay)who is about to get married to someone else through an arranged marriage. Danny decides to undergo an operation where Leeza works as a receptionist. SO will the operation work?Overall it wasn't that bad of a flick. The reason I watched it was because of Chris Pine. I became a fan of his films since The Princess Diaries 2 and ever since then I can't get enough of the guy as he is a very versatile actor. If you haven't seen this film than check it out.
tonybergman Romantic comedies have been so overdone that new ones try exotic and obscure twists to draw in their audience.In Blind Dating, not only is Danny (Chris Pine) blind, he's a virgin. Get it? He's literally blind dating. Although he's quite the hottie, girls are either repulsed by Danny's handicap or feel sorry for him.The story is a bizarre-yet-bland mix of Bend It Like Beckham, American Pie and that '99 Val Kilmer dud At First Sight.If you didn't catch At First Sight (and you wouldn't be alone), Kilmer played a blind masseuse who falls in love with Mira Sorvino and undergoes a revolutionary surgery to regain his sight.That's the basic plot line here, with touches of cross-cultural dating and raunchy sex comedy thrown in haphazardly. Danny spends half the film nervously dating the women his brother Larry (Pie's Eddie Kaye Thomas) sets him up with, including not one but two hookers, while also seeing a therapist (Jane Seymour) who inexplicably doffs her clothes once Danny starts speaking of his women troubles.He spends the other half falling in love with his eye doctor's receptionist, Leeza (Anjali Jay), who is the catalyst for him to have surgery to regain his sight. Leeza is Indian and is preparing for an arranged marriage to Arvind (Heroes' Sendhil Ramamurthy), but she finds a connection with Danny.The chemistry between Leeza and Danny is the only saving grace of this messy film. It's almost as if the writers couldn't stand to just watch them sweetly fall in love.Thomas plays Larry as a Sopranos-obsessed pimp, desperate for his brother to get laid. Funny in The 40-Year-Old Virgin, not so amusing here. Director James Keach is married to Seymour, which explains her presence but not her cougar-like character. Again, funny when she played that character on How I Met Your Mother, not so funny here.The cultural differences between Leeza and Danny aren't insignificant, but there's no time or effort spent for them to get their full due. It's a case of too many ingredients ruining the dish. Plus, Danny's family is supposed to be Italian Jersey Catholics, but because the movie was filmed in Utah and their accents come in and out, it has no authenticity.Just like the rest of this clutter.
super16 There are several good, interesting ideas that could have been explored in this movie - one is a blind young man, interested in a serious relationship and wanting to have sex with meaning -- who doesn't view himself as attractive -- and how he goes about pursuing that relationship and what happens along the way. This movie could play as a drama with comedy or a comedy with drama. Another way it could have gone is the experience of a blind young man who undergoes experimental surgery and the outcome and difficulties encountered along the way. More than likely this would be mostly a drama. Finally, there's the relationship between a blind man and a sighted woman, a romance based movie, either drama or comedy, or the relationship between a Caucasian American male and an female of Indian descent from a very traditional Indian family, and the difficulties they would encounter along the way, again a drama with some comedy more than likely.Unfortunately, this movie overreached it grasp. There were some very good moments: the basketball game with the friend, the parents at the hospital while they await the outcome of the surgery, etc. But the whole isn't even a sum of these parts -- it's a combination of movies that do not cohere in a way that one can call a success.Its unfortunate: the idea of a romance comedy that isn't simplistic, Boy meets Girl, Boy and Girl find love, encounter hindrance, break-up, but Love Wins Out, is a trite, tired formula. This movie had the promise to be a bit more than that, as DEFINITELY, MAYBE attempted and succeeded earlier this year. A longer running time would have helped and a better screenplay.The performances was reasonably solid for the budget. Technically, the film is fine, location wise and situation some interesting choices. The biggest weakness is the plot, story and script.Chris Pine deserves some better roles, to see what he can actually make with something more complex and intelligent. Some excellent character actors are wasted, although their performances are fine. There are some unfortunate and unnecessary stereotypes with both the Indian characters and the females set-ups that the Larry character attempts to hook up with Chris Pine's role as Danny.
cool_as_ice14 Is it supposed to be a romantic comedy, a drama about interracial dating or perhaps a feel good story about a blind man wanting to see and finding something special instead? This movie is a train wreck and though it initially seems like a good concept, the execution is way off!! After watching this movie, I am still confused about what the viewer is supposed to see? It doesn't entertain (there are a lot of movies out there that do the same thing less painfully), it doesn't provide a message and it doesn't even excel at being a good romantic comedy. It seems that through using an old clichéd storyline (blind guy falls in love), a twist is put upon this but whether that pays off, really is a different story.'Blind Dating' chronicles the life of a blind man, Johnny who at 22 realizes that he has yet to fall in love. After a string of horrible blind dates, he falls in love with a receptionist at the clinic which he is going to, she happens to be Indian, and therefore drama ensues.I would recommend seeing this movie only if you are extremely bored or there is nothing else to watch. After watching this movie, I have wasted an hour or so of my time which I won't get back. The writer should have really done many more rewrites in this script, and although the execution of this movie begs you to like it - at the end you are left with nothing but an big empty hole.