Get Over It
Get Over It
PG-13 | 08 March 2001 (USA)
Get Over It Trailers

When Berke Landers, a popular high school basketball star, gets dumped by his life-long girlfriend, Allison, he soon begins to lose it. But with the help of his best friend Felix's sister Kelly, he follows his ex into the school's spring musical. Thus ensues a love triangle loosely based upon Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", where Berke is only to find himself getting over Allison and beginning to fall for Kelly.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Python Hyena Get Over It (2001): Dir: Tommy O'Haver / Cast: Ben Foster, Kirsten Dunst, Melissa Sagemiller, Shane West, Martin Short: Opens with Ben Foster dumped by his girlfriend and the hilarity that follows as the song and dance that emerges behind him with dancer popping into frame. Title suggests carrying on with life after a crisis. Ben Foster tries to win back his girlfriend from a sleazy hunk so he joins the Shakespearian play of A Midsummer Night's Dream and Kirsten Dunst assists him. Director Tommy O'Haver does a fine job at combining reality with Shakespearian dream sequences. Despite its formula structure its climax is quite funny. Foster is hilarious as the love lost teenager bent on venturing into the realms of Shakespeare to prove himself but we know how this concludes. Fetching Dunst is well cast as his eventual love. She is his best friend's sister and she agrees to assist him with the play. Melissa Sagemiller plays Foster's ex-girlfriend who embarks upon the play but will see the error of her ways. Shane West steals scenes as the new boyfriend who will obviously cause division between Foster and Sagemiller but his climatic scene during the play is most amusing. Martin Short brings another level of hilarity as a drama teacher who struggles to pull this all together. Relating Shakespeare and modern romance allow for an intriguing comedy. Score: 8 / 10
disdressed12 it thought the first half of this film was pretty good.instead of being your standard teen romantic comedy,it actually had some slapstick thrown in,some of which was quite me,that was kinda different for this least it was something i hadn't seen before.not that that means anything.and the movie also had a bit of a musical bent to it,which i liked.sure,most of the movie is fairly predictable.but then most movies are,at least to a point.anyway,the movie moves along fairly well for the first 45 minutes or so.but then it gets really bogged kinda know how things are gonna end up,but it seemed to take forever to get a result,i just wanted it to finally end.for me,because of the slow(and to me,boring)second half, i can only give Get Over It a 5/10
cogs_25 This is not a bad movie and is far better than the 5.5 stars it has been given. So why did I like 'Get Over It'? This is an easy film to like, but also easy to criticise. Yes, it is not the most original movie ever made, and predictable, but does that make it an unenjoyable movie?I was originally attracted to this movie because Kirsten Dunst is one of my favourite actresses. She has an air, a presence on screen. She has a quirky sense, and unique looks that are hard to find in recent Hollywood actresses, the closest I could think of is Julia Roberts.This movie tells the story of Berke, a normal kid at high school. He brakes up from his long term child hood sweetheart Alison, and decides that joining the school's production of a modern take of 'Midsummer Night's Dream' to win her back from the new boy at the school, boy band member (Bentley 'Striker' Scrumfeld). In the process he meets his best friend's little sister, Kelly (Dunst).This movie shows how teens go about looking for love, but ultimately miss it when it is right in front of them. It is honest, easy to watch fun. And it also bears strong similarities with Disney's recent smash hit High School Musical. I am sure someone watched this and thought, man that's a great story and so took it to Disney. It is unbelievable how similar they are. And chances are, if you liked High School Musical, your gonna love this. So this is a movie for Friday nights, days off work or school, or just a pick me up movie. I loved this movie, and hope you do too!
Coco Willow This is a typical teenagers movie, it may not be well known but it has some good stars, KIrsten Dunst and Ben Foster. It is witty, cute, modern and historical, what with featuring a midsummer's night dream. The plot is straight forward and simple but it is well acted out. The beginning sequence where Ben Foster is walking down the street to upbeat music as other people join him and tell him to Get Over It! is hilarious. You end up really rooting for his character and all in all it makes a very enjoyable film where you don't need to think about what you are watching. It certainly made me laugh out loud. It's just adorable. Watch it!