Married to the Mob
Married to the Mob
R | 19 August 1988 (USA)
Married to the Mob Trailers

Angela de Marco is fed up with her gangster husband's line of work and wants no part of the crime world. When her husband is killed for having an affair with the mistress of mob boss Tony "The Tiger" Russo, Angela and her son depart for New York City to make a fresh start. Unfortunately, Tony has set his sights upon Angela -- and so has an undercover FBI agent looking to use her to bust Tony.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
gavin6942 An undercover FBI agent falls in love with a recently widowed mafia wife, who is trying to restart her life following her husband's murder while being pursued by a libidinous mafia kingpin seeking to claim her for himself.I was a bit hesitant on this one. I'm not a big fan of gangster movies for the most part. But this one excels at blending the comedy and the crime. It just hits home perfectly on many levels, with so many great actors filling in the roles at the right spots. (This means you, Tracey Walter!) Some have said this is Michelle Pfeiffer's finest role. That would be hard to say. She had a good streak going for a while, and I would be inclined to say i prefer Catwoman in "Batman Returns". But this would still rank up there, maybe in second?
eddiespn Came across this the other day on TV and what drew my attention right away was a young Alec Baldwin and Michelle Pfeiffer and her dreamy eyes and 80s fashion and then you start hearing some 80s music from New Order and it's like okay I'm hooked.But the movie got worse as it went along it seemed.It had some awesome potential but it seemed like the directors intention was to make this movie silly.Don't get me wrong I have nothing against silly but I really think this movie could have been a great smart comedy.This movie is saved somewhat by Michelle, you're drawn by how beautiful she looked in this film while trying to convey trashy gangster wife, and the acting overall in this movie is pretty good, you see lots of generic mobster acting mannerisms that were the style of the time which you sometimes still see till recently in the Sopranos for example. If you're going to into this movie looking for some silly fun and a 80s period piece than you will like it.
mr_white692 this is no great shakes as a comedy or as anything else, there are maybe two or three lines in this whole film that will even make you laugh, and even those are pretty dumb. the whole thing is quite inoffensive, though, and agreeably dopey (in a rather knowing way). Married to the Mob is probably Demme's most sheerly beautiful film, physically - it has an exquisite look to it, capturing the mob milieu with an exquisite tackiness rivalled only by Scorsese's Casino. And Demme really knows how to put together a cast - there's not a deadbeat or a lame, Susan Clark-type actor in the bunch, and while they really have very little to work with here, they make the whole dumb enterprise just that much more likable. And Dean Stockwell is great.
tmpj In my attempts to catch up with films I did not see during their original theatrical release, I have reached the point of viewing "Married to the Mob", a film that I have heard about, but have never seen until to-day, some 22 years post-release. Was in no hurry to see it, and did not know what to expect. On the VHS cover it was called "...Godfather on laughing gas" one reviewer. Well, it was hardly that intense. The comedy in this film is rather subtle for the most part...because this film is not necessarily populated by comedians. But...I was pleasantly surprised. Michelle Pfeiffer gave a pretty good performance as a vulnerable mob wife who is, very deep inside, a decent caring person. Her husband is whacked by a mob boss, who immediately begins to make moves on Pfeiffer, despite the fact that he is married. His wife is a jealous, insecure basket case who would rather see him dead than see him with another woman. Pfeiffer moves away and tries to start all over...but to not much avail. But she does not know that the mob boss is the target of the FBI and other agencies who want to nail him...and at first they wanted to also nail her, until she unknowingly falls for one of the agents who discovers the truth about her innocence. The film has its moments, and I guess there are some funny moments in this piece of celluloid, but not enough to really qualify it as a "comedy". No side-splitting humor, just funny characters and situations that are not fully taken advantage of. Pfeiffer's portrayal is one of the reasons to watch the film...and the jealous wife of the mob boss has to be seen to be believed. Not a bad flick overall, and I did not think I was going to like it at all. But I did like it...mind you, I said "Like"...not "Love". It is a worthwhile watch...and you don't need to be "Married to the Mob" to have a little fun...thank goodness it has not come to that just yet.
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