Two Weeks Notice
Two Weeks Notice
PG-13 | 20 December 2002 (USA)
Two Weeks Notice Trailers

Dedicated environmental lawyer Lucy Kelson goes to work for billionaire George Wade as part of a deal to preserve a community center. Indecisive and weak-willed George grows dependent on Lucy's guidance on everything from legal matters to clothing. Exasperated, Lucy gives notice and picks Harvard graduate June Carter as her replacement. As Lucy's time at the firm nears an end, she grows jealous of June and has second thoughts about leaving George.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Uriah43 This film begins with a young, liberal activist named "Lucy Kelson" (Sandra Bullock) staging a protest in front of a building that is about to be demolished. As it so happens the principle person responsible for the demolition is an extremely wealthy businessman named "George Wade" (Hugh Grant) who essentially does whatever he wants because he doesn't know anything other than the bottom line. Then one day he decides he needs a lawyer to help him in his business so he hires a person who just happens to be a graduate from the Harvard School of Law named—Lucy Kelson. And his life is drastically altered from that moment on. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an okay romantic-comedy which suffered from two basic flaws. For starters, there really wasn't much chemistry between Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock and that quality is almost a necessity for a film like this. The other problem was the fact that it was extremely predictable. Even so, this movie was still entertaining enough and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
Irishchatter Even though, I wouldn't consider this the best romantic comedy I've ever seen but it is good at the same time. I didn't have much giggles with it like I would not see it as funny, I would just see it as well known stars being in this, that's all.I found Sandra Bullock ' s character more smarter then Hugh Grants character. He was more of a confused person than people might think. He is a good actor but I find he kind of didn't act well with this one. He probably should've played more serious than trying to be funny, yknow.The good thing that happened in this movie, they kissed. Seriously, it would melt your heart like hell! I bet Hugh Grant was dying to kiss Sandra Bullock. You can really tell by his face!It's an average film, even though, it would be better if you had a group of people around watching it with you!
Avid Climber Two Weeks Notice is a conventional story done in an unconventional way. The two characters are total opposite and yet, no real clashes happens. The movie even refrained from doing an over exaggerated introduction of them. They both are presented in strong terms, yes, but not over done.If you can't stand easy witty wordy humor like Hugh Grant so charmingly display in this piece, something he excels at, you better not watch it. It's those dialogs that propel this movie forward. He does it in an unpretentious earnest way, which is why Lucy Kelson (Sandra Bullock) ends up working for him.The story is simple, the photography very good, and nothing is out of place. This film doesn't reinvent the genre, but it's a very well built offspring.See it for good entertainment.
leplatypus Really, Alicia was the star of the movie as she brings wit and energy to a rather lethargic movie.Honestly, if it's a comedy, it's not funny. The bloopers make me laugh more.If it's a romance, it's dull: the relationship between Sandra and Grant isn't convincing and not built. They compress nearly a year of relationship into one hour and the selection of scenes isn't very revealing.Worst, the movie is plagued by the Hollywood rule for romance involving big stars: the lovers are always from high society, live a plush and wealthy life thus the audience can't never relate to them. I got always the feeling that instead of talking about or inspiring our lives, they prefer talking about the lives of their too much-paid cast. In other words, when those overpaid movies stars ask millions to play their own easy lives on screen, they are despicable and their movies are crap. This one is a fine example of that discrepancy.