High Spirits
High Spirits
PG-13 | 18 November 1988 (USA)
High Spirits Trailers

When a hotelier attempts to fill the chronic vacancies at his castle by launching an advertising campaign that falsely portrays the property as haunted, two actual ghosts show up and end up falling for two guests.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
nightmaredreamcom There was a time, long long ago, when Hollywood produced sincerely great and lovely movies. Where have they gone, the authors of far ago? A movie with nice language and prose, with lovely characters and a rock-solid story rarely equated by now-a-day's cinema.
foxypainter903 I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Peter O'Toole is wonderful as are the remainder of the actors. This movie is part of my DVD collection.It's a screwball comedy about what people will do to try to save their livelihood, marriages, etc. Some of the situations that the characters find themselves in are a bit corny; however, they are still funny. It's also somewhat of a ghostly movie. I thoroughly enjoyed the ending.If you've ever lived in England, Ireland, or Scotland, the characters in this movie will remind you warmly of those people.It is a movie that you can sit down with the family and some popcorn and enjoy.
SpitfireIXB This is just another fine movie ranked far below what it deserves.Reviews of High Spirits by some movie critics are prime proof of the theory that "professional" movie critics often don't what they're talking about. Being quickly panned by British critics, and then dissed by their American colleagues, leads me to believe that many critics write negative reviews based on the opinions of others. In recent years, many critics seem especially to have hidden agendas, or have an axe to grind, or are pandering to special interest groups, which render their reviews worthless. Often, these critics appear to have never seen the movie they are condemning, or, worst still, are ignoring the cinematography and entertainment value based on their own petty bias. In High Spirits, some critics complained that the plot is thin, flighty and lacks realism?!?! But this is a comedy (and a very good one at that), not a serious theatrical work like as play by Shakespeare or some other artsy-f**tsy piece for the pseudo-intellectual snobs. While not perfect, it is certainly not the complete waste of time that some of these so-called critics claim it to be.The fact is, folks, this movie is very entertaining, a real joy, from the story, to the acting, to the sets, to the special effects, etc., etc. just a pleasure (albeit a guilty one) of movie entertainment. The entire cast give an exuberant, high spirited performance (pun intended) which is sure to tickle your funny bone. Peter O'Toole is hilarious as the penny-less, hereditary keeper of the castle who is about to lose it all. But Liz Smith is a riot, playing Peter's tipsy, widowed mother who still interacts (read has sexual relations) with her dead husband and communicates with other deceased family members. Liz Smith is a thief - she steals just about every scene in which she appears. A horny Steve Guttenberg, an unfaithful Beverly D'Angelo, a rapidly decaying Daryl Hannah and a flatulent Liam Neeson give excellent performances. The pious Peter Gallagher and temptress Jennifer Tilly are terrific in supporting roles as are the remainder of the cast, who are mainly from Dublin's Abbey Theatre, except for Connie Booth (who played the housekeeper Polly Shearman in Fawlty Towers), who is an American.Please ignore the critics on this one, folks, they are way off. This is a very funny movie, with a few semi-scary moments, that I can highly recommend to you. If you want classical drama, watch Hamlet or Otello, but if you want hardy chuckles, watch High Spirits. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.Rating: 8/10 stars
Aaron1375 This movie has a rather standard plot of some old 1970's horror films that I have seen over the years, that of the old house, old building, in this case the old castle where some sort of tragic event took place and the participants of this event are doomed to keep repeating it in the afterlife. And as is the case with those horror movies the event that took place in this movie is the murder of a woman by her jealous husband. This movie is not a horror movie by an stretch of the imagination, it is a comedy. I think some people are visiting the castle and staying there when all the ghost stuff starts happening. It has its moments when it is rather funny as Peter O'Toole is the best member of the cast as far as being funny, then the movie gets right down into being a sort of romance movie. Then the movie ends in a rather unrealistic way, leaving you to think what is up with that. There is also a sex scene that gets rather intense for a PG-13 rated movie so you may want to think twice about letting the kids see this one. I read this movie is not really what the director wanted and it shows as the movie at times plays out in a disjointed fashion. Still, there are laughs to be had and the plot is somewhat good if nothing we have not seen before.