Something Beneath
Something Beneath
| 21 October 2007 (USA)
Something Beneath Trailers

When a mysterious black slime oozes up from the plumbing to infiltrate a new conference center, it causes attendees at an environmental convention who come in contact with it to have horrific hallucinations and nightmarish visions of past tragedies. Environmentalist priest Father Douglas Middleton must team up with conference coordinator Khali Spence to stop the slime -- or die trying.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Scarecrow-88 A bubbling crude is unearthed as a developer excavates the ground where it lives for a sewer system with designs on creating a city. Currently a hotel resides where the sewer was created and this icky sentient life form begins spreading it's goo to people within it, once it touches the skin, it enters the blood stream causing the victims to hallucinate, psychologically preying on their worst fears, often resulting in death.This creature feature has an ecological message behind it as our hero is a Episcipaleon nature loving priest( "environmental crusader"), played by Kevin Sorbo, attending an environmental conference at the hotel where the killer goo is moving through the pipes, causing people to lose their marbles, seeing mostly dead people(..people whom they harmed or feared in the past). Natalie Brown is Kaley Spence, the hotel administrator whose grandmother was an Ojibway(..appropriately a proud people whose spiritual believes are naturalistic regarding treatment of the earth and nature)and she wears an emblem around her neck symbolizing their beliefs. She will join forces with Sorbo's Father Douglas in their mission to uncover what it wants and how to stop it. Peter MacNeill is a "rent-a-cop", as Deadmarsh, with a checkered past(..he also has a history with Douglas) who operates security for the hotel. Brendan Beiser is kooky scientist(..and nature freak), Dr. Connoly, who is obsessed with the new life form, wishing to stop the plans behind further disturbing the creature's home, through the building of a new city where it resides.The message the filmmakers wish to convey comes off rather silly considering how the creature looks and how it's able to strike back at humankind for it's greed and avarice. The cast, to their credit, give it everything they have, straight-faced and convincing, under the circumstances of the wonky premise. I like Sorbo, believing he has the looks, build, character, personality, and charisma(..I was particularly fond of his Hercules series as a teenager)as a bona-fide heroic lead, but he seems to wind up in crap like this all the time..he deserves better, I believe. He's been successful on sci-fi / fantasy television series, but in junk like this, even Sorbo has a tough time rising above the excremental material. I thought the lovely Brown was also quite good, but she's saddled with the "agnostic who comes to accept her heritage" role, once the the goo-monster threatens her life at the end. Whenever the black goo is about to appear, the filmmakers establish it's presence through the rattling sound of the cicadas. I found the idea that this goo could just land on the skin and immediately cause those it contacts to hallucinate rather hard to swallow. Of course, the evil land developer, with his goals for progress, by causing the land he chooses to disrupt(..with harm to animals such as squirrels and field mice)possible harm, MUST be punished. I guess the eco-nuts might enjoy this hogwash.
sknt What surprises me is not a single mention of all the HP Lovecraft influences from the plot to the name, to the sets. All of it is pure Lovecraft in its theme, setting, events, building horror, all of it is pure Lovecraft in writing and execution. It doesn't need referrals to great old ones or anything else but the way it was crafted and executed is pure lovecraftian horror. I am very surprised no one else has mentioned. If it has been its not easily found. The slime monster is reminiscent of the classic slime monster movies in the past including several black and white monsters. X-the Unknown mainly and to less extent The Blob. The title is classic to the style of ambient suggestive horror. The movie many not have been the best for many reasons but it was good if one likes suspense implied horror rather then graphic bloody.
per-k Wow. So bad, that my heart hurts for Canadian cinema... Honestly, I've not seen worse acting/directing in a VERY long time. Why would such a complete piece of garbage ever get made? Who would ever care for it to fill even the least watched time slot on TV???? The writing was completely 2D, the concept beyond a watered down rip off of every thriller that has come before this bomb, such as Tremors, Poltergeist, "It"and so on. The last scene - did they really think that awful kiss was a good take??? For god's sake, all you have to say is "let's try it one more time". Was the director blind? I think this may be the worst movie I have ever seen... The ONLY reason I saw it is because I'm sick with a terrible case of strep and couldn't even reach the converter. Plus, it was so horrible, that it was almost compelling.
leisa_lingo Completely absurd. Acting is terrible. The black goo wasn't very menacing. No explanation of where it came from. If it was intelligent, how come it couldn't sense that no one was intentionally trying to harm it? Hallucinations? Terrible concept! Completely lacking in tension, and interest. One of the worst I've ever seen. Thank goodness I caught it on TV and didn't pay to see this garbage. Kevin Sorbo should be ashamed of himself. I know a person needs to work to live, but he should have passed on this turkey and gotten a part time job pumping gas instead. It is a testament to today's state of film making, that proves that anyone anywhere can make a movie and have it released. Shame!