R | 01 August 2015 (USA)
Containment Trailers

Neighbors in a block wake one morning to find they have been sealed inside their apartments. Can they work together to find out why? Or will they destroy each other in their fight to escape?

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Páiric O'Corráin Containment: Would Southampton be improved by a Viral Outbreak? Well thats what happens in this film which was made and set in Southampton. Residents on a tower block estate wake up to find themselves sealed in their apartment. Breaking through (shoddy) walls, six people link up. Outside they can see figures in hazmat suits setting up large tents. Soon residents from the ground floors are being escorted towards the tents. One makes a break for it and is shot dead.A survival thriller where the State is withholding the full facts and treating ordinary people as expendable. 6/10.
Nigel P If waking up one morning and finding the tower block in which you live, and those around it, have been sealed - and that you have no water and no electricity isn't bad enough - the gang that Mark (terrific Lee Ross) finds himself lumbered with is unsettling indeed.Abrasive neighbour Sergei, who talks like he thinks he is a gangster, breaks down the wall into Mark's apartment ("Strengff in numbers!"), chain smoking bigot Enid (Sheila Reid), and sanctimonious nerdy twerp Aiden (William Postlethwaite) make up the motley bunch caught up in whatever maelstrom it is that has made people prisoners in their homes. The enemy appear to be people in sealed orange overalls. There has been a virus epidemic, and the government are keen to contain it. Enid thinks it might be something to do with immigrants and is treated as if the idea is abhorrent and unacceptable; Mark is called a 'sick b*****d' for trying to help young, mute Nicu (Gabriel Senu) – two very topical reactions for modern times.In the end we are fairly sure that Nicu is the only one to survive from the clan. Indeed, mute children like him have perhaps been 'spared' by the authorities for being unable to tell others about the outbreak – that is the only supposition I can come up with as to why a truckload of non-communicative minors are being taken to safety. But presumably they can communicate in others ways. Unless they are being kept in containment by a Government body – in which case, it doesn't matter if they can communicate or not, surely? The ending – such a major part of this or any other film – is confusing, and I can only imagine the producers left it that way deliberately. Some clarity would have been nice.Watching stupid people being stupid is never less than truthful, and yet 'Containment' doesn't quite have a strong enough story-line to make such a side-line hugely interesting. What begins as a fascinating scenario and study into human relations in the most extreme circumstances sadly soon becomes a less interesting run-around featuring mostly unengaging characters.
shineyman I must admit - I'm not a massive movie watcher, and movies like this are exactly why. I find myself questioning why such massive holes in the plot exist.So, the film starts with a man waking up late as there is no electricity so doesn't hear his alarm. As it turns out, there is no water either (the reason that there is no water isn't explained in the film).As the guy tries to set off for work, he finds that his front door has been glued up, and is unable to leave. When he looks out of the window, it turns out that it seems EVERYONE has been glued into their flats as well (we're talking 3 full high-rise blocks of flats here). OK - wait. Just HOW ON EARTH did someone manage to not only glue everyone's front doors shut, and all of their windows shut overnight without ANYONE noticing??? I'd be sceptical if they could CLEAN 3 entire blocks of flats windows in a single night, never mind glue all the windows shut - completely silently, without anyone noticing. OK - so at the same time he finds out that he's locked in - he's on the phone - and of course - the line goes dead halfway through the call (presumably as "the government" wants to stop residents from calling the outside world to tell them of the situation). But wait - we've already established that the guy had overslept so presumably it was maybe 8-9am. There must be dozens of people in the block who HADN'T overslept and must have had time to get the call to the outside and tell them of the situation.Later on in the film, on of the "Hazmat" officers gets taken hostage, and is paraded in the front window to other members of his group. You'd think that something is done about this, but no - for hours and hours nothing is done about it. Not a single attempt is made to either talk to or arrange rescue of the hostage. Further along, someone is shot whilst impersonating a Hazmat Officer. Given that this is in an apparent quarantine area, with some sort of mystery virus around - why is a dead body left on the ground for the rest of the film? Wouldn't there be some attempt be made to remove it, to prevent contamination?There are so many holes in the plot, I'm gob-smacked that this film got nominated for multiple awards. I STILL don't understand why the water was turned off for the tower block, or what the "government" expected hundreds of people to do for drinking water, having locked them inside for over a day.Anyway - there are obviously people that enjoyed this film, but for me - I can't! I'm simply asking too many questions whilst watching it.
Jen Pawlowski kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. beautifully acted and shot, with a fantastic score. music does a lot to keep you grounded in the suspense of the movie.the director does a lot with a little -- despite the small budget, containment feels like a big- budget feature length film. his use of space (small set, big story) is wonderfully ingenious. i found something to relate to in every character. the performances made me feel like i was part of the movie, like sally could've been my best friend in real life. lee ross' and Gabriel senior's performances were especially moving.suspenseful and dramatic, but also relatable. highly enjoyed it. i'll definitely be watching it again and recommending it to friends.