Aliens vs Predator: Requiem
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem
R | 25 December 2007 (USA)
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem Trailers

After a horrifying PredAlien crash-lands near a small Colorado town, killing everyone it encounters and producing countless Alien offspring, a lone Predator arrives to "clean up" the infestation.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Stuart Smith When i mean dark i mean i couldnt actually see what was going on... im not sure if it was to cut down on special effects or what but pointless. During the total darkness we did get treated to the one line that i hear in every movie these days:'we need to reset the reactor manually' arggggggghhhhIts cheap and crap. Aliens and Predator are a sprawling franchise of crap movies, only the first two in either franchise is worth watching, ignore all others.
hyattsutton89 On the positive side, it was in color. The audio was in sync with lip movement. There were no animals hurt during production (my cat did die 2 weeks after being in the room with me watching this tho).
nrice-07604 Gah, I can't even begin with how mind-numbingly terrible this movie is. I personally loved Alien vs Predator, but it's sequel is barely watchable. So the Predalien crash lands into Colorado where it starts to kill people. Then, an elder predator, Wolf, comes down to stop it. Sounds innocent enough, right? You have never been more wrong. The characters are all so unlikeable and annoying (just DIE already!!) it's not even funny, considering how they're all angsty teenagers. And before you pull the whole "well ALL teenage characters are unlikeable'', Freddy vs Jason and the Friday the 13th series had tons of good teen characters. There are so many Alien 3 and Aliens references it's not even funny anymore. Acting is subpar to the point where you can't even watch it. BUT THE LIGHTING IS UNDOUBTEDLY THE WORST. I CAN'T EVEN SEE ANYTHING COOL! All the awesome battle scenes are filmed in the pitch black. You can have good night battle scenes, as Pacific Rim shows us, but this is unacceptable. The Alien costumes are so bad-they're literally re-used from the film Aliens! From 1986! You can plainly see the suits falling apart throughout the film. It's awful. A huge middle finger to two of the most iconic sci-fi franchises of all time. Alien and Predator deserve better! I mean, Alien has gotten over it, but Predator is still recovering from the trauma! Overall a terrible film, just watch the new films Prometheus and Covenant and wait for Predator 4 to come out, far more worth your money than his heaping load of garbage.
belldave50 All I remember from this piece of garbage was something about several forgettable pretty characters who should've been in a dumb slasher film, and people in rubber suits stomping around in rain in the dark.What made me absolutely despise this film was the overly graphic deaths of several people. Notably the mothers being impregnated and the death of a child in the beginning. It's not that I'm offended or can't take disturbing gore and deaths in a horror movie but these things just had not meaning. It was like "hey look how disturbing we can make this!" When something horrible happens to someone in a movie like this, there has to be some meaning, or reason. Not just a sense of people getting off on excess suffering. Consider the other alien and predator movies, did they try and push the envelope just cause? The horror and deaths fit. In here, it's like the creators of the film were getting off on it or something. One youtube reviewer called the gore and horror in this "mean spirited"Blah, hated this!