Dead 7
Dead 7
| 01 April 2016 (USA)
Dead 7 Trailers

A ragtag group of gunslingers try to make their way in a post-apocalyptic world. The twist to this world is that it’s just not barren and dangerous, it’s also filled with flesh-eating zombies. The gunslingers will find themselves stranded in a town and forced to make a choice on either to save the citizens of the town or save themselves.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Wordiezett So much average
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Seth_Rogue_One If it's tearing up your heart to the point that you are inconsolable that most boybands of the last millennium are no more, fright not... Because here's a bunch of them, ready to kick some zombie ass black & blue. Nick Carter who came up with the idea and wrote the script also stars alongside fellow Backstreet Boys members Howie Dorough (as a funny Mexican) and AJ McLean (who does his best Sid Haig in House Of 1000 Corpses impression in his role, where Nick is going more for Clint Eastwood).He also get 2 Nsync members together again; Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick, as well as a couple of members from O-Town who I really know nothing at all about but they are Jacob Underwood, Trevor Penick and Erik-Michael Estrada as a Bushido master.As well as Jeff Timmons from 98 Degrees and latino pop singer Jon Secada plays a sheriff with a one of a kind (fake) side-burn that seems to be ready to be falling, falling off at any minute.It's a SyFy movie though so those kind of goofs are expected and sure the budget could have been bigger but again a low budget is to be expected of the company that specialises in 'so good it's bad' movies.Perhaps Nick Carter could have spent a little more time on the script making it less incomplete but everybody got to show us what they're made of so even though it doesn't leave a permanent stain on your heart it's an amusing zombie flick, and this I promise you.Anyways I need to quit playing games as I've given all I have to give in this review and running slow on song-references to randomly put in it so bye, bye, bye. I'm gone.
bradfuller-23850 disclaimer: gave up about 15 minutes inWhat I watched of this movie was just bad movie-making. Maybe it's supposed to be a caricature of spaghetti westerns and/or zombie movies. The director apparently never heard of "show, don't tell" as a storytelling technique. The opening sequence is just awful - over acted, over-explained, over-graded.The next 2 sequences look like they were shot on a handycam and not graded at all ... there's no cinematic feel to any of the shotsI gave up at that point. Maybe if I'd waited a few more minuted I'd have found someone in the story to become invested in... but I wasn't prepared to waste anymore time on it...Your Mileage May Vary
agremlin I can appreciate the complexities that go into making movies, it's not an easy thing to do however, there are so many things wrong with this movie, how do I count the ways. The acting, horrible. The writing, atrocious. The plot, ever-changing, but never for the better. Still, it had its good points. I particularly enjoyed the part where it ended. Not so much the scripted ending, just that the movie actually ends. I watched it hoping that it would get good at some point, even blending in the usual "norms" of movies of this genre. That never happened. It was bad from the start, it was worse during the run and while watching it one prayed for the ending or their own demise. The story is by Nick Carter, former boy band singer with a few other notables from other boy bands, I'm truly shocked that the editor while viewing the dailies didn't commit suicide. Then again, I don't know that they hadn't. Many other things that made no sense was the fact that the town was either dirt with dilapidated shacks or modern city with paved streets to include a modern bar with electric lighting, drinks and all the amenities including a pool table. Also of note, it took the heroes two days to get to the mountaintop with a horse, motorcycle, and jeep at the end it took them minutes to get back with a mixture of horseback and on foot, a journey which would have taken the slow-moving zombies a week to make. They put the bad guy, also known as Johnny Vermillion, in jail without searching him as well as no one guarding the prisoner at the jail as to hear a guy with a sledgehammer beating on the wall outside of the jail. Come to think of it, why didn't the bad guy just go through the front door as nobody seemed to be on guard duty? Also, think very highly of actress Debra Wilson. Although I've only seen her in comedies like Mad TV this role was not good. It looked as if she lost a bet and the acting was so over the top unfortunately it came across as ludicrous. The plot of Wilson's character as the leader of the zombie horde was to wipe out the town of Harpers Junction. Question, why? It's a hole in the ground. Nothing more. It looks as if time had already destroyed it. In the lair of the Zombie Queen the heroes seemingly had manage to get separated from one another making it easy for their characters to get picked off. Two of the primary characters carried swords and what looks like cycles. Seriously, these are slow moving zombies. Really, how hard could it be to wipe out the majority of these slow-moving creatures on their by decapitating them. But the epitome of stupidity is as they're within a stone's throw of the bad guys hideout when they're sneaking up to there buildings, they're shouting to one another. Seriously?! Seriously?? This is the time when one should talk in whispers or just simply just shut the hell up. Additionally, when the situation exists of a known zombie horde on the loose why is a town full of people completely unarmed. Seems a little strange when there's a zombie apocalypse and absolutely no one in an entire town has any way to defend themselves. This movie was beyond bad but, on the good side the movie ended. Movies like this reminds you just how nice it would have been to be lucky enough to choke on your own popcorn so at least some of the audience will experience a happy ending. Seriously, this was really bad. Really really really bad! So bad, so so very bad.
ksallarulo I had to watch because I just love some 90s boy bands but this movie was just bad? Was there a real plot to this no...the acting was hilariously bad, accents went in and out mid sentence and where was Aaron carter?? Come on nick you should have casted your brother to get all the feels. The zombie makeup was really really terrible as well. And the extra girls that you casted... Who wears pearls and has time to straighten there hair in a post apocalyptic world? But I totally appreciated all the 90s sunglasses but I'm pretty sure they used an Instagram filter for the whole movie! I will love you guys for life but this was just so bad we had to watch show me what you got after just to get back our backstreet boys love!!! Sorry guys stick to what your good at singing and dancing.