Walk of Shame
Walk of Shame
R | 02 May 2014 (USA)
Walk of Shame Trailers

A reporter's dream of becoming a news anchor is compromised after a one-night stand leaves her stranded in downtown L.A. without a phone, car, ID or money - and only 8 hours to make it to the most important job interview of her life.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Micransix Crappy film
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
professorjeffreypbrown This is your typical oh-no-I'm-stuck-in-a-quandary-and-it's-gonna-last- the-whole-movie shtick. This has been done hundreds of times before, and if your'e looking for the original master, go back to the Three Stooges. It was much more fresh when they did it, and they were better at it. That being said, the characters are flat, there's little development, and all we have are semi-humorous situations based in race and gender clichés. Yes, she's a crack whore everyone. I knew when this came out, I wasn't interested, and that there was no way I'd pay good money for it. Even watching free I felt ripped off. No need to watch this movie. There are dozens of things I can think of that would end in time much better spent. Luke warm at best.
Hubert Chang It's funny. It is very funny. But if you are looking for humor, you may find it offensive. Why? because there are many ways a film can make you laugh. Some use wit, some use racy remark, some use slang, some uses sarcasm...etc This one is anything but wits. However, it is funny.As all comedy goes, little in it can be realistic. Gangsters and drug dealers can not be so nice, cops may not be so dumb. And TV stations can not be ... well... maybe they can. LOL. This film is definitely not realistic. It show how 'smart' Elizabeth Banks can be as an comedian. Love her character in this film.Watch it and it will crack you up.
Scarecrow-88 I left the film, Walk of Shame, with no doubt that Elizabeth Banks, with the right material, could perhaps tickle the funny bone. She seems like a potentially gifted comedienne. However, this film does her a disservice because it just isn't funny. She wakes up in the apartment of a handsome and nice guy played by James Marsden but instead of waiting for him to return, this potential anchor for a news station goes out in a rough part of a city running afoul of numerous obstacles (like trying to find her car which has been impounded, snatching a kid's bike to get around, hopping on a bus without a buck fifty in change which has her being mace sprayed by the driver, being cursed by some jagoff she meets in a park, meeting a Jewish man with focus issues near a synagogue, and trying to evade two police officers after her). This simply isn't smart or witty enough to rescue poor Banks from the doldrums although everybody in this cast works their ass off willing to try. If there is a consolation, Banks looks damn good in that tight, yellow dress, although the mean-spirited script has her called a hooker hoodlum, with nearly all those she encounters offering nothing but ridicule and hardship. Banks just deserves better than this film which accosts her with one unfunny bit and gag after another. Attractive cast gives it their best shot which is altogether tragic that the dialogue doesn't help them any.
kosmasp You know how it is: Strange things happen when you least expect them. But this is of course more like a female (tweaked) version of Hangover. The situations occurring here are a crude mix of what might have happened to someone on many different nights. Elizabeth Banks is a good sport, having to endure and go through a lot. If you want to see one, there's also a message about strong women here (which is not a bad thing at all, considering the stereotypes we get to see here).Clichés and jokes may not always mix well, but the passion of the actors involved (even if James Marsden is merely a bystander in this one as are most of the other in the Banks show on display) do help the movie to elevate above other comedies. Not much, but at least a little bit. Obviously comedy/humor is not something that will be viewed the same by everyone. Tastes are different and this might not be your movie to watch