The Lookalike
The Lookalike
| 11 July 2014 (USA)
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Two crooks looking out for a drug lord's love interest scramble to find a look-alike after she dies unexpectedly.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Talos Despite lots of good actors, this film (story line) is all over the place. Meg.
Mel Cooper First, Scottie Thompson was a freakin' dead-ringer for a younger Annette Benning in this movie. Face, mannerisms, eyes. The resemblance was almost spooky! I watched this movie on Netflix and couldn't wait to get to the credits at the end -- fully expecting the last name of this actress to be "Beatty" (as in Warren Beatty). Or, maybe Benning and the next door neighbor hooked up one afternoon. Who knows?Second, Justin Long was miscast for this movie to the point of being irritating. I just wanted to slap the s**t out of this guy for acting so goofy in what was supposed to be a gritty drama. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but he really should stick to doing comedies. On second thought, he did a much better job shilling Macs on Apple TV commercials. But that's just my opinion.John Corbett almost managed to pull off the required "bad guy" vibe for his character, Bobby. Unfortunately he never quite hit it out of the park. I kept hearing his voice-over on the Applebee's restaurant TV commercials and could never get it out of my head. (Is it possible for an actor to have his VOICE typecast?) P.S. Loved him on Showtime's "United States of Tara". His best part to date.O'Connell? Eh! I couldn't get into his character. Mila must have been BLIND and deaf to fall for his character as Joe Mulligan. "Way too much sugar for a dime" going on between him and the character Mila.Gina Gershon did very well, but I always thought for years that she was smokin' hot anyway -- so my opinion about her is highly biased. If Hollywood would just let her get back in the game -- even at her age -- she would make this boy's dream come true!John Savage. What can I say? The poor guy is looking very, very long in the tooth and hasn't aged well at all. His superb acting during the glory days of "The Deer Hunter" and "The Thin Red Line" are well behind him now. It may be time to retire to Florida.Finally, "Lookalike" was a fairly good attempt at a serious drama, but in the end could only muster a direct-to-video effort. P.S. It's also great to see New Orleans getting so much movie business (post-Katrina). In one scene Bobby reveals to Joe (and to the viewer) what attracts Hollywood production companies to shoot in and around the city.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WARNING - WARNING - WARNING: SPOILER FOLLOWS! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *When Holt and Lacey are fishing from a bank on the Mississippi River there is a tug boat visible screen right. When Vincent (Luiz Guzman) shows up walking his dog the tug disappears. In the next scene the tug reappears again. While they are not visible on screen, I suspect cameras were mounted on the tug to shoot some of the river bank scenes.In the same sequence on the river bank, the very top of Vincent's head appears in the lower edge of the frame for a brief second as he is walking away from Holt and Lacey. That's something the film editor should have spotted and cut out to keep the shot from looking like an amateur home movie.
lyuf britta really britta'd this movie. slow, uninteresting start. i'll admit my interest piqued when lacey was exposed as wearing a wire, but her character was about as interesting to me as a lemonade icy pole on a 7 degree day. no real chemistry between her and holt, joe was about as dry as a brick (why would mila go for a crusty old man like him), bobby and the other one failed to make me even realise they were supposed to be the tough gangsters (i thought they were the classic smart thug, dumb thug couple), drew was a joke, and i cant remember any other characters because they didn't stand out at all. oh yeah, luis guzman did his thing, though it was a bit forced.really, some moments in here were super super corny. drew walking in slow motion infront of the car blowing up? bobby walking in slow motion before his ammunition and guns supply blew up? no thanks. it really was horrible in these parts.i did like how mila was played. believable acting coupled with a complex character background allowed the role to be executed with style and grace, exactly how mila was supposed to be shown. however lacey's acting was flat and started out looking like something i'd see at a 16 year old's drama recital.the ending was kind of surprising though. i did like the idea of him killing mila/stand-in sadie and it fit well with her story, however it would have been interesting to see if luis guzman was the guy lacey had to get with in the end and lacey really did show up, but that's another story.
Voyou Nobodysbusiness Your liking of The Lookalike might very well depend on how much coincidences you are ready to accept in a storyline. This one heavily relies on them, some quite extraordinary, but if you are tolerant - or in the mood to be - they are acceptable, especially since they come early on in the introduction of the characters and their respective schemes.The story is fine, the cast is fine, the picture is often very colourful, in contrast to what must be inside the minds of the protagonists, and there are plenty of beautiful shots, notably of New Orleans and the bayou. What is certainly not so good is the score.The music is absent from most scenes, but is there for the romance and for the violence. That's unfortunate, specially for the latter. Indeed, these particular scenes lack tension and fail to involve the viewer. Be they a kidnapping or a shoot out, they pass with a level of detachment that doesn't quite fit the genre. I appreciate that they avoid the gruesome of many other films, not so much that they also avoid the thrills. Blaming the music may very well let me overlook other factors, but I'll unfairly leave it at that.
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