Let's Kill Ward's Wife
Let's Kill Ward's Wife
R | 23 December 2014 (USA)
Let's Kill Ward's Wife Trailers

Everyone hates Ward’s wife and wants her dead, Ward most of all. But when his friends’ murderous fantasies turn into an (accidental) reality, they have to deal with a whole new set of problems — like how to dispose of the body and still make their 3 p.m. tee time.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
ferrell I thought I would like it. But then I didn't. And then I thought it was strange. So I thought I would stick with it to see where it went. After the inciting incident takes place, it starts to pick up noticeably. In the end I was glad I watched it. Some truly classically funny moments.Now I see some people didn't like it. Well, to each his own. Some people are just not ready for this kind of movie. I told my wife it was like "Dexter" on steroids. She wanted to watch it. Just as it began to get interesting, she quit. She doesn't have my patience. I was fascinated in the credits with all the like names. So I looked it up here and on Wikipedia. I still can't get my head around how all the actors are related to each other. Wikipedia lists the budget at $5 mil. Where did all the money go? Not to the actors, director, writer or producers. It's all on location so no studio money. I think Wikipedia got this one wrong. I'd be surprised if the film cost more that $100,000.The movie is rude, it's crude in spots. But Foley has given us some of life's "truisms" in ways never shown before. For that I give him kudos. A worthwhile effort. I gave it a 9 to try to balance out all of the unfair negative reviews. The acting was superb. The writing really had its moments. Give it a shot.
drhemp The only funny scene in this otherwise unbelievably boring film was the scene where everyone walks in and finds the dead man's wife, and even that joke didn't last too long, by which point the film gets ridiculous.I know the script was appalling, but still they somehow managed to find actors who could act worse than the infant that wrote it. Like we're supposed to believe the guy doesn't just accidentally kill a woman by pushing her head in a cake but he also strangles her just to make sure she is dead after she slips on the icing on the floor. Not including the murderer, there were like five or six, can't remember the film was too stupid to make an impression, we are lead to believe that not one of them would freak out or suggest calling the police, except at the very end, which led to nothing. They dismember the dear departed's body and put them in plastic bags they dispose of by various means. The husband of the murdered woman, who incidentally was quite satisfied with the excuse that the guy still strangled her just to make sure she was dead after she slipped on the cake. The cop finds the bags with the dismembered bodies, but just gave them a lecture with unfunny one-liners.This film is crap, do not watch, it just gets worse and worse. It's a shame, because it is sometimes said Americans do not have a sense of humour or know what irony is. This is not true, some of the funniest films and comedians ever to grace this world have come from the USA, which begs one to wonder how you could have made such an unfunny and unbelievable film.
Rubi Mendoza When this movie stopped being funny somewhere in the middle, it started being disappointing and disturbing. Yes, it's labeled 'comedy' and 'crime', but I didn't know that the first half would be one genre and the second would be another. As for the plot: the characters didn't have much trouble getting away with the crime, and the only real conflict was when one of them suddenly grew a conscience. The story is too simple – dispose of the body and get on with life – and the ending is consequently too abrupt.I have seen a lot of movies where people got killed, but none of them made me feel depressed as much as this one did. Probably it's because I first thought the characters were funny and charming – even as they were doing horrible things to Stacy's dead body – but then the movie took on a very serious tone and those same people I'd rooted for transformed into villainous criminals who gloated over the murder and the cover-up. I wouldn't have minded that Stacy-was- killed-because-she's-a-bitch IF the movie had remained comedic.I actually laughed at the killing of Ward's wife because the mood was lighter at the beginning of the film, but then the shift in tone also killed the entertainment factor. I felt disappointed at the end that I thought the masquerading characters should have been caught and not allowed the happy ending that they had.The acting was good, but the storytelling seemed to have come from two (or more) different movies, perhaps "Horrible Bosses 2" for the funny part and "The Purge: Anarchy" for the rest (I enjoyed these two films, by the way, but separately).
zif ofoz Scott Foley did a fine job creating this lighthearted murder story and each actor pulls it all together. This is a fun but not so funny story of a group of close friends finding themselves involved in an accidental on purpose murder. Now they must dispose the evidence and here is found the brilliance of the story.Maybe how the friends pull it all together isn't quite believable but you find yourself wanting them to get by with it - for reasons you will see at movies start.It's an adventure, murder, mystery, and scheming story that is sure to keep you watching. My only disappointment was the ending at the bar - did I miss an important detail?