Poker Night
Poker Night
| 20 December 2014 (USA)
Poker Night Trailers

When a new detective is caught by a vicious psychopath and locked in a basement, he must use the knowledge he learned from some of the best detectives at Poker Night, then match wits against his captor.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Glitchface Dan Initially it was promising, but slowly and surely it made my blood boil like lava.My teeth are well-ground stumps and I'm here writing this review at 3.15am when I should be in bed, only to save others from experiencing this utter,UTTER puddle of drivel.I held on until the end stupidly.I think me and my friend suffered more than all the murder victims in this by watching the entire thing.The main character is at the core of all my rage, he was so unbelievably dumb that he'd be beaten by a cow that has suffered a shotgun blast to the head in a game of noughts and crosses, yet the writer wants us to believe that somehow (thanks to his fairy God-Mother) he made detective.The only way this pre-pubescent cop would make detective is if he won his badge in a Police raffle, but even then I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't read the numbers on his ticket.If this person was real, he would need carers 24/7 to help him walk in a straight line, let alone tie his shoe-laces.Visually it wasn't bad and apart from the infuriating lead character the rest were very good.I don't blame the main actor, bad writing and casting is to blame here, it was a total waste of a good team because of something so basic.If this was a late 80s film it would be funny, but in 2014 it's just embarrassing.I actually feel much better now this is off my chest.It's like this film created a small black slug of negativity inside me and I desperately needed to spit it out before it grew into a large snake, consuming me as I sleep.Ahhhh, night night.
haphazard72 This is.....different. I don't know how to describe it any other way.If you're into your horror/thriller type of movie, and you're not looking for anything deep, but you do want a movie with lots of twists and turns, then this is for you.I liked it. I liked how the different stories played out to help create the main one.Beau Mirchoff played his character well. Halston Sage is stunning!It's not an academy award winner, but if you want a bit of fun and horror, then this is for you. You won't pick the story and how it pans out- definitely different....
politehere First of all, what I really liked about this movie was the cinematography. It was very well shot. It took me a while to get what was going on, because the story was being delivered in chunks. This is one of those movies where you see the ending in the beginning of the movie and then the protagonist goes on to tell you how he got there. The initial confusion was a bit annoying, but that's the style of this movie. What I disliked the most were the actors. The protagonist could have been a more well-known actor such as Jason Statham instead of this young rookie in his twenties. The other actors could have been selected from among more good-looking actors, too. I'm one of those who care about how the actors look. It had elements of horror in it; i.e. torture. Some of the torture scenes were too violent for this genre, but not too explicit as to make you want to cover your eyes or anything.Another factor that could have made this movie more memorable was going for a twist, a surprise ending like in the 2003 movie "Identity". For a moment I thought there was a twist ending and I almost turned off the TV. I wish I had done that, because it didn't end and the ending was a little disappointing and the movie dragged a bit.In spite of these flaws, I think this movie is well worth watching.Final Score: 7/10
Chen Hong Ter Terrible show, lots of bad acting especially the main actor who looks like a useless kid thats in high school. story line was bad, trying to give the wow effect like other movies like shutter island but failed terribly. would not recommend anyone to waste their time to watch this. U will regret. tried to be mind f@23king but turned out to be just sheet. The whole show is illogical and many of the parts were about him making stupid decisions again and again contradicting with the main theme of the movie of not making same stupid mistakes which pisses me off even more. You. Sarkk. Movie. Terrible. Wasted. My. Time. 12345678909876543212345ui987654323456787654323456765432