Million Dollar Arm
Million Dollar Arm
PG | 16 May 2014 (USA)
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In a last-ditch effort to save his career, sports agent JB Bernstein dreams up a wild game plan to find Major League Baseball’s next great pitcher from a pool of cricket players in India. He soon discovers two young men who can throw a fastball but know nothing about the game of baseball. Or America. It’s an incredible and touching journey that will change them all — especially JB, who learns valuable lessons about teamwork, commitment and family.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
grantss Has its moments but mostly formulaic and dull.The (true) story of how a US sports agent goes to India to find baseball pitchers, stages a competition to unearth them, takes the two winners' back to the US and tries to get them contracts with MLB teams.From the start the movie feels trite and overly sugary. Yes, the setting is fairly original but it just feels like we've been down this road before. Maybe it because it is told in a made-for-TV/kids sort of way.The movie is not without its upsides though. There are some funny moments and the John Hamm-Lake Bell relationship was interesting.For all its portrayal of a reasonably important event in baseball history, the movie just feels very flat.
g-bodyl Another year, another attempt from the studios to bring out a feel-good sports film. In 2014, they have succeeded with, "Million Dollar Arm," a movie based off factual accounts. I really liked this movie for a variety of reasons. I am always fascinated by Indian culture, and the movie shows the Bollywood culture to a true extent. Baseball is my favorite sport, and just seeing people learning to play the game is pure delight. The film itself is provoking, as well as intelligent, funny, and just a well-crafted movie despite its predictable outcome. Craig Gillepsie's film is about a sports agent who is down on his luck and is losing money fast. His final play involves starting a program to teach Indian cricket players baseball so they can be scouted by MLB. But J.B Bernstein finds out it is a lot harder than he thought as these Indian players must get used to a foreign sport and an alien culture. Jon Hamm does a great job in the lead role as J.B. Sure, his character is self-centered, but Hamm plays him well. Lake Bell had a few great scenes as a possible romantic interest of J.B. Alan Arkin cracked me up as the grumpy elderly scout. I also liked Suraj Sharma who know delivers back-to-back Hollywood performances with this film and "Life of Pi." Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Million Dollar Arm. It's a fun, clever sports movie that has a typical Disney "feel-good" tone to it. I also liked the culture clash that is presented in the movie between the Indian and American cultures. The film presents an unique opportunity to learn about Indian culture and I appreciated that. A funny, entertaining sports movie. My Grade: A-
keachs As another reviewer stated, this is a bit predictable, with your underdog character and not too likable agent whose main interests are image and the lifestyle that accompanies it. Maybe I am being a bit harsh, as all of the main actors, with the exception of Alan Arkin, were not familiar to me, and hence at least they were refreshing in a way. The storyline has some funny moments, and real on-set locations in India. Also refreshing to see a movie these days with no foul language or sex or nudity. What made the movie for me though, was the the ending and the credits at the end, which made the characters and story much more real and personal. A good family film.
rajatdahiyax Based on a true story, Disney's "Million Dollar Arm" follows JB Bernstein, a once-successful sports agent who now finds himself edged out by bigger, slicker competitors. He and his partner Aash (Aasif Mandvi) will have to close their business down for good if JB doesn't come up with something fast. Late one night, while watching cricket being played in India on TV, JB comes up with an idea so radical it just might work. Why not go to there and find the next baseball pitching sensation? Setting off for Mumbai with nothing but a gifted but cantankerous scout (Alan Arkin) in tow, JB stages a televised, nationwide competition called "Million Dollar Arm" where 40,000 hopefuls compete before two 18-year-old finalists, Rinku and Dinesh (Suraj Sharma, Madhur Mittal), emerge as winners. JB brings them back to the United States to train with legendary pitching coach Tom House (Bill Paxton). The goal: get the boys signed to a major league team. Not only is the game itself difficult to master, but life in the U.S. with a committed bachelor makes things even more complicated-for all of them. While Rinku and Dinesh learn the finer points of baseball and American culture, they in turn teach JB the true meaning of teamwork and commitment. Ultimately, what began as a purely commercial venture becomes something more and leads JB to find the one thing he was never looking for at all-a family.