Not Safe for Work
Not Safe for Work
| 09 May 2014 (USA)
Not Safe for Work Trailers

Tom, a legal firm assistant, spots a suspicious man outside the court and follows him. Later, he gets trapped in a building with the same man who turns out to be a hitman.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Michael Ledo A very big law firm is going after a very large pharmaceutical company. Tom (Max Minghella) is a paralegal working on the case. He is secretly dating Ann (Eloise Mumford) so the story doesn't become too linear or boring. Tom gets fired and on his way out espies an odd suitcase exchange. He follows the man (JJ Feild) to the 34th floor only to secretly watch him engage in sabotage and then a murder. The film is then consumed with a cat and mouse game that takes place on one floor in an office building. If watching two grown men hiding under a cubicle desk makes your top ten list of entertainment, go for it. Tom forced himself into the situation and could have taken the stairs out at any time. I never felt the intensity. For me the office cat and mouse game was boring and "the twist" was nothing to write home about.F-bombs. No sex or nudity.
tnduckhead Have just watched 'Not Safe For Work' a second time just to enjoy J.J.Feild's fantastic performance again. Joe Johnston,the director, does a great job keeping the plot moving at a fast pace and Max Minghella is perfect in his role. The chess match between Tom and the Killer is riveting throughout the movie climaxing with the '11-22' last breath.I do not understand the low IMDb rating as I highly recommended this movie to my entire family. It did not have language that offended me and it definitely was exciting from start to end- something that cannot be said about most of the movies offered today.J.J.Feild's British coolness reminded me of the Terminator II villain who just kept on relentlessly coming after the protagonist years ago. You just don't find great villains often.
Argemaluco I thought that, after the successful Captain America: The First Avenger, director Joe Johnston would exclusively dedicate himself to make high-profile films. But no; his following film ended up being a modest straight-to-DVD thriller... something which isn't bad. The problem comes from the fact that the film is mediocre. Not Safe for Work counted with the appropriate ingredients for a modern thriller: an intelligent main character with a fair motivation; sinister corporative villains willing to do anything to preserve their earnings; and the obligatory use of technology to solve (or create) problems and increment the tension. Unfortunately, Not Safe for Work feels insipid, with a fluid and accessible structure, but emotionally empty. While I was watching this movie, I was trying to find the missing element. The screenplay might not offer big displays of ingenuity or creativity, but it's efficient and concise, avoiding any filler and taking us from one event to the other without obfuscating us or relying on excessive coincidences. I think the guilty one is Johnston, an usually skillful and sure director who, in this case, didn't bring enough energy to make the movie come to life. And worsening the situation, the performances from Max Minghella, Christian Clemenson and Eloise Mumford are as apathetic and lacking of personality as the direction. In conclusion, Not Safe for Work is a mediocre, but moderately entertaining thriller which deserves a slight recommendation. But in the context of Johnston's career, it feels like an unexplainable anomaly, even if he was just trying to "cleanse the palate" of special effects and big budgets (for the case, he had already done something similar with the brilliant drama October Sky). I just hope that Johnston hasn't lost his ability to tell stories with much more enthusiasm and personality than in Not Safe for Work.
Claudio Carvalho The ambitious legal assistant Tom Miller (JJ Feild) works at the Rosen, Byres and Emmerich Attorneys at Law and secretly dates the gorgeous clerk Anna (Eloise Mumford). His company has presently two major cases: Hartcourt vs. Denning Pharmaceutical, against a powerful corporation, and Gambizzi Case, against a mafia family. On the eve of the judgment of the Hartcourt case, Alan Emmerich (Christian Clemenson) releases all the employees early in the afternoon and he also fires Tom for snooping around the Gambizzi case. When Tom is leaving the building with Anna, he sees a man leaving a suitcase on the floor and another man wearing a suit taking the suitcase and going to the 34th floor of the building. Tom decides to follow him and soon he discovers that he man is actually a hit-man. Soon Tom is trapped on the floor with the killer since his access card is deactivated. Who hired the hit-man?"Not Safe for Work" is a low-budget thriller that works reasonably well. The beginning is too rushed, with little explanation about the cases that the company is working. The mouse and cat game between Tom and the killer has few moments of tension, and a total lack of humor. Unfortunately the conclusion is predictable. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Negócios Mortais" ("Mortal Businesses")
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