| 17 January 2014 (USA)
Mitt Trailers

A filmmaker is granted unprecedented access to a political candidate and his family as he runs for President.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
gavin6942 Mitt Romney and his family are followed through their US Presidential campaigns.In this documentary, some of the footage is pretty rough, which sort of takes away from the viewing enjoyment, but this is just something you have to accept to really go behind the scenes without proper preparation.I find it interesting to see how many people do not recognize him or have never heard of him, while he maintains a good sense of humor. Romney, not unlike Al Gore or John Kerry, gives off a wooden personality, so it is nice to see him a little bit looser here.Romney's sons did not seem particularly in favor of the publicity and stress of the presidency, and do not seem to be politicians themselves so much as loyal sons, despite their father and grandfather. This was evident during the campaign, but even more here. These are good people, who want what is best for their families.A bit was touched on the 47%, and Bain Capital, though if you blink you will miss Paul Ryan. Some of these criticisms could have been addressed more, but perhaps that was not the point.
BlackRoseShelli I'm just left with the question, wtf was the point of that whole thing? Were we supposed to feel sorry for him/his family? I don't. He lost, so sad too bad. Was it to show that he's somehow more human than any other person who ever ran for president? It failed, if that was the point. The whole family seemed like automatons to me.With the constant boo-hoo background music, it's obvious the person who made this wants us to feel something, but I just can't figure out what we're supposed to feel. And really, why release this in 2014 when the election was over in 2012? It's not as if he did anything but run for the office of President. I could see making this if he'd won, but after losing? Seriously, what was the point?
Skorpyos Having just finished watching this home-video of Mitt and his family, it reminded me of the reason why he lost so dismally to President Obama. Throughout the home-video, you see the private Mitt Rmoney as he goes through the emotions of two lost presidential campaign trails surround by his family and seemingly few campaign personnel. Mitt is seen relying on amateur advise from his sons and dealing with his mute wife Ann, who succeeded at looking like a Stepford wife in every scene she appeared.The main dynamic displayed in the home-video is the cultish culture that is at the epicenter of the Rmoney family interaction. From praying in "thee" and "thy" format to strange behaviors in several situations, i.e. laughing hysterically at jokes that are not funny, laughing hysterically as one of his sons is slapped in the face by a woman, and conducting "self-deprecating" jokes that involves how rich he is.Overall, we got a first-hand view of the Rmoney cult, and we were also reasserted of the complete lack of charisma that Mitt possesses. Even in a family environment, Mitt never failed to look as if he was talking to his family with little love and affection, in an almost business manner. Another major point of appreciation to behold in this home-video is the complete and utter absence of an iota of humility in the entire Rmoney family. This attribute (or rather, complete lack thereof) could be most majestically observed when Mitt loses to President Obama at debates and also during the election itself, but the Rmoney clan could not bear the thought of him losing to the "community organizer". After all, they fear that the world will come to an end when the black man leads a nation of "takers". Tears rolled down their cheeks as their brilliant and perfect patriarch lost time and time again to a black man that never ran a company and made billions, but instead worried about providing quality health care to 48 million needy Americans . What a world!
Christopher Senger Despite being completely neutral in its treatment of Mitt Romney, the film exposes the humble and brilliant nature of a man whom was unfairly characterized and misunderstood by the media during his run for president. The film follows Mitt Romney from his Decision to run for the republican nominee in 2008 through his campaign against Obama in 2012, culminating in his election night defeat. The film is surprisingly honest and allowed unparalleled access into a family which seems, in a lot of ways, just like the rest of us. It follows the ups and downs of his campaign with candid insights which inadvertently convey many honest moments and insecurities the candidate struggled with.The final moments of the film focus on the slow disintegration of his hopes for becoming president and the last moments of the campaign. How he responds to such a disappointing result, surrounded by his family, after months of exhaustive campaigning truly exemplifies the perseverance and integrity of Mitt Romney. It is a rare look into a man whom could have made a great president.