Reach Me
Reach Me
R | 14 March 2014 (USA)
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Each member of a group of people has a connection to a self-help book authored by a reclusive former football coach.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ntsci Movie Review: Reach Me. A ensemble film including several different actors including minor roles for Sylvester Stallone and Kelsey Grammar. The main plot centres around an anonymous writer who has written an inspiration self help book (Tom Berenger) which everyone thinks is great. In fact the self help is really total BS, but that little detail is overlooked by the movie.... Apparently you can quit smoking by just yelling to the ocean that you don't smoke and like magic, the addiction is gone... forever... as the young reporter claims, the next morning... apparently relapses don't occur in this Hollywood film.. why do American movies get self-help soooo wrong. Characters include a reporter would be novelist, gangsters, an aspiring movie actress, an ex-con, a cop who apparently moonlights as a vigilante killer, a priest who he confesses to, and of course the writer of the self help trash, One of the characters inspired by the book is a woman just released from prison where she served a sentence for burning down her house. She meets up with her actress friend who is upset over being groped during a movie sex scene... the friend cries while driving, crashes into another car driven by an cop / vigilante killer. In spite of potentially serious injuries (at least two have of the characters concussions, and one would likely have had a spinal injury)... the vigilante pulls the actress from her car seriously endangering more serious complication... completely the WRONG thing to do in a traffic accident... details details... they all choose not to call for ambulances or their insurance companies for some unknown reason, and sneak off to the actresses home... no reason is given... nuts... The man collapses with a delayed concussion. later he wakes up from his concussion and finds out that the actress was horribly groped during her sex scene, so he goes off to find the actor and bashes out the teeth of the actor who groped her during her sex scene. The vigilante also makes a career out of gunning down criminals... judge jury and executioner... The film over all has the sleekness of "Get Shorty", but the story is just so totally stupid... and like many Hollywood films is very pro gun violence. I advise anyone not to reach out to Reach Me and in fact to avoid this movie like that plague.
tigerfish50 'Reach Me' exemplifies the potential pitfalls of a vanity project. Financed by crowd-funding, this mess of a movie demonstrates how producers and bean-counters can prevent an egotistic writer/director from delivering a self-indulgent, audience-tormenting fiasco. Ostensibly the film relates how an inspirational self-help book by a reclusive author affects the lives of a collection of individuals. Unfortunately the platitudes of the fictional book and the embarrassing final product reek of complacency and the loss of critical faculties.Only dope-addled stoners will be able to perceive any coherence in the muddled plot. In addition, most of the characters possess annoying personality traits, and the script obliges them to act out endless sequences of scenes depicting imbecilic behavior. Hopefully the film's brutal rejection by distributors and the public has been a sobering experience for those who conceived the idea, donated their hard-earned cash or allowed themselves to be flattered into participating.
nikola17 ***review may contain spoilers*** first of when i saw the cast i thought OK ? it is not a Action movie it's more crime drama mixed with comedy as well, the story follows that person who is shy and nervous has written a book called Reach Me novel book self help that changed everyone life's it's a most powerful book that everyone has read. well most of time i thought the cast is good i know it's not action movie i can handle that but it is not showing much (Sylvester Stallone)Gerald. Biggest fan of Sly all time my favorite actor of all time Expendables,Rambo,Rocky,Cobra,Tango Cash, wanted to do this movie so small role only in 5 parts of movie in 1 hour ? didn't do much sucks but i know he is not main role it's mostly it's everyone in movie he plays a role of agency who is looking for writer of Reach Me is that he got person who is work with Gerald is Roger (Kevin Connolly)John Q (2002) is looking for Writer what sly payed him and to let him know when he finds the writer of book Reach i have always liked Punisher (2004),Thursday (1998),Hung (2010) TV Series (Thomas Jane) Wolfe play's a undercover cop he get's to play little action scene in Bank Robbery and (Danny Trejo)Vic is not even part of movie.he was only 10 second then you know what happens next ? in movie there is a little action scene little shooting in movie that he is feeling bad how many he has killing people because he is a cop, he has played most of movie not all of the parts of movie dressed up like cowboy role. Wolfe was driving while that Colette (Kyra Sedgwick)The Closer (2005) who was released form prison and seeing her daughter from England (Elizabeth Henstridge)Eve Agents of Shields Marvel (2013) that was actor she was feeling bad about something crashed into Wolfe car. have been getting to know each well Wolfe has read book about Reach Me witch he has to stop doing bad things the book is all about bad things that has people done, the book Reach Me book that helped everyone else in world has to stop doing bad things in world that has changed a lot. the writer was (Tom Berenger)Teddy Sniper Franchise,Platoon who did a lot good movies i am into. who was half of movie he was the writer of Reach Me Book that has changed Everyone life's, He is Shy and Nervous Person. not Stallone Movie it's more of everyone in movie almost don't do much (Nelly)Rapper doesn't do much but he's acting was on fire. but i am pretty Disappointed ! about the director i really got Disappointed because of actors don't do much it's not Because of Sylvester Stallone is not Main Role it's more of Director John Herzfeld 15 Minutes (2001) Robert De Niro and Edward Burns witch that movie sucked a lot people say oh it's a very violent movie i know another better violent movies out there not 15 minutes he is a rubbish director i have seen this is second movie he has made witch is little bit better but it should have done much better movie i don't how to make it better but here's why Sly has conformed this role because John Herzfeld worked with him in Expendables (2010)and helped for him for movie Sly plays Reach Me For Small Role only 5 parts of film i had idea that if Stallone,Jane Played together in Action Movie but this ? eh i thought it is lame idea for this movie they could be playing scene together but it didn't seemed that he didn't happen. they about to play Bullet to Head (2013) but Tomas Jane got Fired for no Reason because they need Asian guy ? i think if Sly And Jane played Bullet to the Head would have been better. i liked this movie i thought it was good actors and good storyline was good noting wrong with movie it wasn't that bad film unless if your Stallone fan or any of these actors in movie that don't much if i was you rent it before you buy it. i give this movie 6.10
chrismiller88 This movie had me very intrigued at first as I was trying to figure out the characters and I really thought there would be much more to this. Then eventually I started to notice many inexplicable events throughout the movie and that is when I realized that the movie itself was going nowhere and had no real, deep meaning whatsoever. When Teddy is giving his speech at what is falsely portrayed as Redondo pier he begins reciting absurd platitudes in the background and talking about the basic fears of all people (i.e. fear of going to prison). The entire movie is nonsense and about nothing. What really bothered me was when they kept referring to Redondo Beach and showing Venice Beach. Note to Hollywood - We do not have homeless people digging through trashcans in Redondo Beach.