PG | 24 November 2010 (USA)
Tangled Trailers

When the kingdom's most wanted-and most charming-bandit Flynn Rider hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel, a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
ThiefHott Too much of everything
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Katie Jurek This movie has a pretty weak soundtrack compared to most Disney movies. But, on the flip side, Flynn Ryder is fairly memorable, and the animation is beautiful. My main criticism is that Ryder's past and development as a character was dove into quite enough for my tastes.
angieziggers Way not Nederlands. ............................ik ben nederlands en wil graag deze films kijken
Sjoerd Jonker For a Disney classic in this decade Tangled did rather a good job actually. Now, before I name my cons for this film, I am happy to report that this film does a lot of things right compared to Frozen or Moana, which both of them have obviously bigger plot holes and not to mention, weaker characters. Moana for instance really lacks a caring-character that will drive the plot instead of making fun of the demigod all the time in desperate times and Frozen should have really considered telling a story of a well developed central character(Elsa, Anna or Hans) that we all can root for, instead of telling different stories of different characters all at once with no direction to it as a result. Now Rapunzel still sits kinda in the safe zone here, It is a fine movie, yet I can't call this a Disney Classic. At least the songs are here a lot more bearable and I even liked some of them, 'I See The Light' is definitely one of them! The comedy is also a lot a lot better compared to Moana or Frozen(Main Characters trying to act stupid in order to be funny), sure some of it were ineffective, but especially the role of Maximus paid off well. The animation is gorgeous, but the main characters are too awfully good looking to be honest. Rapunzel and Flynn look just like advertisements, but that is subjective. As far as plot goes, well not bad, but not good either. For starters there is no reason for Mother Gothel not to change the birthday of Rapunzel, which sounds nitpicky, but since this problem could have been solved so easily, I really couldn't let that one slide. Also why does no one ever thought of Rapunzel being the daughter of the King and Queen. Her obvious long blond hair is not likely easy to miss or did they forget that the princess had long hair as a baby? Seriously, there was this gigantic painted wall in the royal village with Rapunzel as baby with extremely obvious long blonde hair, yet every person that Rapunzel interacts with, is just ignoring that question. Even Flynn Rider has never asked that himself, which is dumb. Speaking of interactions. Why can Rapunzel propper interact instantly with every person she meets? It is not likely that she has learned many social skills after spending many years in that tower, so why does the film assumes that she can? I understand that she was so eager to meet other people, but she stayed her whole live in isolation with only one real person to talk too.Other than that the story goes rather solid, except the last part which really ruins everything that was built. In this part the crew of that Duck inn decided to help Eugene to escape. They somehow knew that Eugene is caught in the first place, oh and also where he is exactly held, I mean, am I really supposed to believe that Maximus did all this(Seriously this film could have been great if this film was only about him, because this horse gets more done then everyone else in this film). The worst part of this, is that the Duck Inn gang have no good reason to rescue Eugene. Why would you sacrifice yourself for someone with 'A Dream of Gold'? Because that is what they knew about him, right? Okay so they somehow managed to reach him, but then Eugene just left them inside the prison as soon as he got the chance to escape by himself while the guards are storming in from every corner surrounding the Duck inn crew. Man he sure is a rogue alright, it seems that nothing is changed after all since he was Flynn Rider. Anyway he went to the tower but got stabbed by Mother Gothel with a dagger, then Rapunzel convinced her to save him in return that she will remain hidden, which Eugene then said: "No, if you do this than you will die." Okay that line is just stupid. He probably said that because plot, but it does not work. Firstly: Why does he assume that Rapunzel will die? Gothel needs her alive otherwise she can't be young again. Okay Eugene probably did not know that(it took some speculation), but then why even refuse help from Rapunzel. He sounded really heroic, but there is no reason to. Rapunzel will be gone out of sight under Gothel's care anyway, so why not let her help you in order to improve the odds a bit? However, Eugene instead took a shard and cuts Rapunzel's hair all at once, which he also could have done it right after being cured not to mention that he did not thought of Gothel could kill Rapunzel afterwards for vengeance. Luckily, Mother Gothel fell from the tower instead and Rapunzel sits there crying while Eugene's wound still continued bleeding. I guess trying to press the wound was not worth a shot, but accidentally a tear appeared to have healing powers, convenient isn't it? But wait how does this work? So, the sun magic reaches more area's in the body it seems. But if that is the case, then it would not seem very logical that Rapunzel loses her healing power if her hair is cut, because the powers of the sun drop is inside her whole body, but I degress. So tears have magical powers too, but why didn't she know that? She must have cried sometime during the 18 years in captivity, and why does Mother Gothel never found out about this secret, while she comforting her in her arms as she cries or am I suppose to believe that this never happened, or do the tear drops not have anti-aging powers? Or they were not the right drops, because she was upset for other reasons, mayby? So how does the film end? With a cliché ofcourse, but that is not what bothers me here. It is just very weird that the parents just accepted that Rapunzel is truly her daughter after 18 years not to mention that she has short brown short hair now instead of long blond just like when she was abducted. But I know why they just accepted her, because plot! In conclusion: The logic of this film is compromised by too many holes, which many of them could have been prevented if the writers focused more on 'why it happens' instead of 'what happens'. Still this film managed to show a dreamy experience, especially if you just sit back and enjoy the ride for what it is, without asking too many questions like I did. But if you really want to see a good Disney animation film this decade, then I suggest to give Zootopia or Big Hero 6 a chance.
choirina I'm a huge fan of this movie, "Tangle". If you have any interest in Romance genre, you must fall in love with this movie. This movie is about the love story between a girl who has really long hair and a boy who was a thief. It's a genre of Romance but it also has some parts of fantasy genre. There's no time to be bored. In this movie, there are some amazing songs such as "When will my life begin", "Healing Incantation" and "I see the light". Those songs are really impressive and touching. And they helped me to be immersed in the story. There is an another reason I love the "Tangled". There is an adorable lizard whose name is "Pascal" in this movie. Actually, he is my favorite character. Even I planned to parcel out a lizard like him. Although, everything of "Tangled" is perfect, there is one thing to be desired. The boyfriend of Rapunzel, yujin cut Rapunzel's hair at the finish to save her from Gothel who is a fake mother of her. Frankly speaking, Rapunzel looks better on long, blond hair. Her hair was too gorgeous to miss! Nevertheless, the overall story and character etc was the best that I've ever seen!! He always helps Rapunzel and be with her all the time. Although