PG | 22 June 2012 (USA)
Brave Trailers

Brave is set in the mystical Scottish Highlands, where Mérida is the princess of a kingdom ruled by King Fergus and Queen Elinor. An unruly daughter and an accomplished archer, Mérida one day defies a sacred custom of the land and inadvertently brings turmoil to the kingdom. In an attempt to set things right, Mérida seeks out an eccentric old Wise Woman and is granted an ill-fated wish. Also figuring into Mérida’s quest — and serving as comic relief — are the kingdom’s three lords: the enormous Lord MacGuffin, the surly Lord Macintosh, and the disagreeable Lord Dingwall.

Micransix Crappy film
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
papparrazzi We all have different opinions, I really loved this movie, the moral was great, and the concept was amazing, I've watched it so many times to the point that I knew nearly all the lines. It definitely looks away from what we would usually see.
kierliv It took animators around three years to animate Meridia's hair, which I think is a perfect metaphor for this movie. It has all of Pixar's level of polish that you'd expect, from the beautiful visuals to the rich soundtrack, but lacking the trademark excellent story. I choose to believe that this mediocre exploration into celebrating lesser known cultures was an important lesson, one that perhaps taught Pixar how to do it correctly with Coco. Otherwise, this movies only reward will to be forgotten.
gerumghl As a movie, this is alright. But it's just very simple and doesn't really do anything. This movie could've been summed up in about 20 minutes without all the unhilarious jokes.The animation is a big complaint, yeah. Disney has a reputation of great and clean animation. They team up with Pixar for many franchises you know (their cleanest studio for this stuff), but this is Walt Disney. And those movies are also good. This was kind of bad for a Pixar standard around the time. he movements looked choppy at times and the characters look like dolls. Not much texture was put in to it. And then, the whole color tone of the movie was just a dark gray smoky tone.The story is a retelling. A retelling of "A girl asks a witch to cure her life, but it hurts her instead." There's many versions of this kind of thing. So nothing special, her mother just turns into a bear, how original. So then the movie tried to make a Brother Bear theme trying to "bond" and stuff. Just very boring. Nothing grand was explored, and it definitely didn't give justice to the Scottish culture they tried to use.Instead of making it grand like they hyped it up to be, we get a one dimensional story. The girl never showed her skills for any real fight. She's always teased throughout the movie as a skilled fighter and archer, yet at the end she doesn't show it off. The story just goes of the curse she's trying to heal. There's nothing "brave" about this. It's just another copy and paste story.Oh, and I don't hate jokes that much, but was this terrible with it. It's the biggest disappointment i humor. The three brothers were honestly annoying and the three kingdoms coming made no sense. They added ANOTHER plot with this reverse the curse plot which made it worse. So of course they just made the three kingdoms plot to make them for humor, and focused more on the reverse curse.This wasn't good in a fresh sense, and the reverse cursing thing they tried to teach was alright. It wasn't grand with anything they tried to do (like the three kingdoms not helping with any of the plot or the souls which made the protagonist less brave). I don't think this just had a right mindset of how to handle this.
donovanwyatt-50274 Are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost?Princess Merida is scheduled to be given away to a suitor to marry. A contest is held for her hand and she decides to participate on her own behalf. She has a vision that young adults can pick their own mate. She'll have a hard time convincing the elders that this path is appropriate, but that won't stop her from trying."There are those who say fate is something beyond our command. That destiny is not our own, but I know better. Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it."Branda Chapman, director of The Prince of Egypt, delivers Brave in her second major motion picture. The storyline for this picture is above average but far from epic. The animation style is first rate and classic Pixar and the characters are fairly interesting; but again, maybe not as good as other Pixar films. The script is above average and the voices are well selected and include Emma Thompson, Billy Connolly, Kelly Macdonald, and Julie Walters."At least we have hair!" "And all of our teeth!"I watched Brave last Christmas but fell asleep on and off watching it. I just sat and finally watched it all the way through, and it just felt okay...a step below some of the current series like How to Train Your Dragon, Wall-E, Incredibles, etc. Overall, this is worth watching once, and is borderline worth adding to your DVD collection, but nothing special for the genre."I didn't ask her to change you into a bear! I just asked her to change... you."Grade: B-