Snow White and the Huntsman
Snow White and the Huntsman
PG-13 | 01 June 2012 (USA)
Snow White and the Huntsman Trailers

After the Evil Queen marries the King, she performs a violent coup in which the King is murdered and his daughter, Snow White, is taken captive. Almost a decade later, a grown Snow White is still in the clutches of the Queen. In order to obtain immortality, The Evil Queen needs the heart of Snow White. After Snow escapes the castle, the Queen sends the Huntsman to find her in the Dark Forest.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kirpianuscus the costumes, the atmosphere, the tension, the confrontation. and reasonable performances. enough for a film who gives other version to a classic fairy tale. dark, interesting, fascinating in few scenes, a film for adults more than for kids, mixing the Medieval fragments with a sort of bitter poetry of image.not a revelation. but one of films who defines entertainment and gives the chance to discover the flavor of a form of, maybe not real authentic, childhood, with its scary sides and heroic sides.its basic virtue - to propose two admirable actresses in real provocative roles. with a not bad result.
Mihai Toma When Snow White was a little child, her mother died, leaving behind a desperate King not knowing what to do with his life. After a battle with the dark forces, he finds Ravenna as prisoner and astonished by her beauty, he marries her the same day. From then, all chaos breaks loose. The King is assassinated by his wife and she becomes the cruel and dark ruler who kills innocent without mercy. Show White manages to escape from her imprisonment after many years, is found in the dark forest by a Huntsman who abandons his mission of killing her while promising to help her return to Duke Hammond from where she can start avenging her father.This movie begins completely wrong in my opinion. It wants to make you believe that a king would marry any prisoner, traitor, convict (however you want to call it) just because she's beautiful and then being killed by her so simply puzzles you. All the plot is filled with such lack of logic, I mean, how can you believe that the Huntsman can love her more than William after he abandoned her without any remorse (and then coming back to "save" her like nothing had happened)? How can you believe that a castle can be attacked by an army, led by a girl who knows absolutely nothing about war and battle, which has a plan based on pure luck and that it survives long enough in front of that castle (being shot at by archers and balilsta for quite some time) to fight a whole army inside it as well? Furthermore, although I admit that Kristen's role isn't very well put together, she doesn't seem to do anything to make it look any better. Everything regarding the story looks so superficial, so badly put together...makes you wonder, Is this another episode of Twilight? Even the ending is bad...she gets her crown and black screen...The End. No honors? No Party? No nothing...not even thanks to all those who helped along the way...pathetic. Lucky for this movie is that it compensates with great animations and superb landscapes. They sort of take your attention away from the awful plot. Without them, it would have been almost worthless. An average movie, just to be kind with it
davewheatley-41853 Was Kristen Stewart really the best they could come up with to play Snow White? I felt she was completely miscast. She's supposed to be the most beautiful woman on earth! Charlize Theron was awful. She's a great actress, but in this movie she just whined and screeched, and her English accent was really atrocious. There are some excellent English accents out there from non-British English speakers - Gwyneth Paltrow immediately comes to mind - but Charlize Theron's was very poor. There aren't many action films I'll switch off halfway through, but this one I did. I'm can't help think of other fairy tales that have been turned into big-budget Hollywood films - Maleficent, the one with vampires and werewolves! - both of which were far superior to this effort.
Miguel Neto Snow White and the Huntsman is another adaptation of the tale of the Brothers Grimm , the film is directed by Rupert Sanders , the cast is very interesting , Kristen Stewart does not compromise the film, she is acceptable , Chris Hemsworth does a reasonable performance , Charlize Theron is the better film, makes good performance , you actually see that it is evil, it is a lot of significant , there has in the cast, Sam Claflin , Sam Spruell , Ian McShane and others, the picture of the film is good , the somber tone works , especially in the scene in the forest, the script is a bit confusing , it is well paced , the action scenes are good , the soundtrack is average , the costume is very good, the edition is good, and the pace of the film is acceptable , Snow White and the Huntsman is a cool movie , has good scenes , a good cast , even with a bit dragged screenplay , and some good performances affected . Note 6.7