The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
PG-13 | 16 November 2012 (USA)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Trailers

After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Bereamic Awesome Movie
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
sbanner-58949 Even though I loved the movies, there were some really awkward moments in the first one. I'm glad that was cleared up. I only rated this 9 stars bc it's my least favorite of them all. I hate that Edward leaves. I've watched all of the Twilight movies at least 15 times a piece. When it comes to this one, I basically fast-forward through the entire middle/Jacob parts, and to the end when Edward comes back. Jacob (as an actor) doesn't show the same chemistry that Edward does with Bella, and it made me despise the middle 60 minutes. Lol
joshkej-84077 Breaking Dawn Part 2 continues the Twilight Saga tradition of taking itself too seriously without a hint of self-awareness. It's bad. It's really bad, but like the other movies, that's what makes it hilarious, and the only reason I bother watching these terrible movies is for the LOLs. Bella still looks like she's constantly on the verge of vomiting, although she is slightly more lively than she previously was, Edward is still boring, Jacob is still pathetic and the rest of the cast is as lifeless as the vampires they're playing.The plot is, as usual, dumb and filled with gaping holes (they build a house for Bella, Edward and their child, but then the next day they plan on leaving Forks. WTF?) The special effects are awful awful awful, especially that damn baby. The vampire running sequences are embarrassing (seriously why couldn't all the chase scenes be more like the one with Victoria in New Moon, That was awesome and it didn't need all these terrible effects and green screens)After so much boring, the one thing that made all of the boredom worth it was the final fight sequence. It really was spectacular. The devastated gasps from the audience when Carlisle's decapitated head was revealed and the cheering when Jane was finally killed said it all. And the twist was even more amazing.The ending sequence was actually rather touching, despite me not caring for any of the main characters.Overall it's as bad as any of the other twilight movies, but it manages to be one of the better ones.
SquigglyCrunch Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 follows Bella as word gets out about her new child. When the authorities begin to believe that the child is a threat, the Cullens set out to help prove otherwise and to avoid a confrontation with said authorities. Surprisingly I actually kind of liked this movie. I thought it had some really cool ideas. While they weren't always presented super well, like the twist ending, they were interesting. If the movies beforehand had been better then I might have actually liked this movie more. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. On top of that the soundtrack was actually pretty good. I was surprised to hear songs that both fit the scene they were placed in and just sounded nice anyway. If only the movie had put as much effort into the soundtrack as everything else. However, this movie still isn't very well-made. To start, the special effects still suck. It's actually really noticeable by this point. The baby was made from CGI for some stupid reason, and it looked awful. It looked like someone had taken a cutout of Mackenzie Foy's face and just glued it over another kid's face. Even when she grows up it looks fake. There's this obvious change when the CGI child was replaced by an actual child actor, and after that it was much better. It was kind of hilarious that the CGI child thing went on so long though. And the wolves, wow, those looked terrible. Maybe on their own they're okay, but when put side-by-side with actual people it was just awful. There were a lot of other parts of the movie that were just kind of really stupid. Little nitpicks here and there. Eventually they do add up and I have to stop ignoring them. A lot of new characters were introduced into this movie, and a lot of them weren't given any more screen time than their introductions. This is fine and all, but some of them were given slightly more screen time than the others, and then somehow we were expected to care about them. There's this weird romance that starts between two of these expendables, yet we only see the two character together once before they promise to be together forever. Kind of like Edward and Bella's relationship I guess. Regardless, it's a rushed relationship that we as an audience are expected to care about despite being given no reason to do so. At this point I can't even tell if the actors are bad or if I've lowered my expectations so low that at this point they seem passable. Regardless of which one it is, Kristen Stewart still isn't that great. It's easier to watch Taylor Lautner now than it is her. While her performance isn't unbearable, it's still one of the worst in the movie. Overall Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is, while the best of the Twilight saga, still an incapably made movie. Most aspects don't exceed a level beyond average, and many fall far below it. However, there were a couple moments of blind luck when this movie dared to step, or maybe stumbled, over the average line and surprised us all, only to fall flat on it's face yet again. This movie is sort of like vanilla ice cream with bits of poop here and there. It's a bland flavor, sure, but it's still tasty. Sure there's poop every few licks, but for the most part it's just a decent ice cream cone. In the end I would only recommend this movie if you liked the previous ones or are contemplating whether or not it's worth it to finish the series. This is the shortest of the saga, and it's the best, so you might as well.
Jinn Even as a devoted Twilight fan I was DISGUSTED by this movie. It was rushed in both parts, they had more than enough time. What happened to Alice's fashion sense? Bella showed an awful dress in her lovely cottage and said Alice picked it out. I thought Alice was supposed to have a good fashion sense. This was forgivable, however the atrocious ending was not. I hated AWFUL the fight scene. It ruined the Twilight movies completely. Devastated at how they portrayed Aro, making him so evil. Take him OUT of that godawful, hideous military uniform. Rigid, ugly and mechanical. Aro's supposed to be elegant and flowing. Put him in something sinister, yet elegant, like a black waistcoat with a silver dragon, or silver and gold snakes. Did Summit actually *read* the books? They also ignored the canon that Alice can't see the future when it involves the wolves.Carlisle and Alice were portrayed badly. Alice can see the future and would *know* bashing Aro into the air would not make him a happy camper. Carlisle would *know* attacking the Volturi would spell disaster and way out of character. That said, I still adore the actors. There's only so much fantastic actors can do with awful, stupid scripts. The characters were written into a corner. The Cullens and Volturi are my favourite Twi teams so I'm 'Team Switzerland!' They were portrayed two-dimensionally. Stephenie Meyer wrote deep, meaningful, complex and insightful characters. I hated how they were squished into black and white Hollywood molds of good VS evil. I have never felt so betrayed in my life. When I saw Stephenie's name in big letters as producer, I felt relief that the movie won't be wrecked. So much for that. The Volturi are antagonists, rather than 'bad guys.' Stephenie even admitted later, the battle was too one sided and unrealistic that mostly the Volturi died. Why wasn't this amended in the script writing phase? Fans deserved a way better movie.Edward and Bella seemed flat in the fight scene. In the book, Bella came into her own, realising her powers without resorting to violence. The saga revolves around Edward and Bella, whom I adore, but that does not mean the other characters have to be ruined especially when that severely deviated with how they were written. In the book it was *Cauis* who smiled when the Denali coven's mother and immortal child were killed, *not* Aro. In the book, Caius wanted the others killed. Aro declared they were innocent and spared them. This scene was conveniently omitted from the movie, making it easy, lazy and convenient to make Aro the bad guy. I was also upset to see very little of Carlisle. I especially wanted to see the scenes with him rousing Edward and the scene at the end where he was even prepared to forgive Aro. I adore Carlisle as he's so sweet and kind and Aro as he's so peppy and when I saw a poster of him from 'New Moon', those deep red eyes, I fell in love with him because he needed love.The 'fight/vision' scene was an interesting twist, however to stay truer to the book, it should have been Caius who started it as he wanted to in the book, attempting to spark the other side off by killing Irina. This would've been another twist as the others are waiting for Aro to start something and it's Caius who shocks everyone (including Aro!) If Hollywood *had* to have a fight, it would have been better if Aro had tried to stop it and in the end being the only one who survives, perhaps with his body guard Renata and learns something about how to use his power wisely and relieved it was a vision! The fight scene made me sick, numb, betrayed and powerless. Portraying Aro way more crazy and evil is not a good thing for those suffering from mental challenges as it only serves to spread the fear that we're all violent psychos, which is not the case. Things like that increase being hurt physically and emotionally and finding it even harder to be accepted in society. My Aspergers has been a challenge as well as a blessing and has definitely made my life very interesting and very painful and I don't want to go around harming people. It makes me more insightful and open-minded and I would not trade those special insights for the world. If anything people like Aro, who in real life, are like frightened children who need nurture, love and understanding. This move hurt me so much and so deeply, it's been very hard to write about it and post until now.I'd love to have the money to remake that scene into something that is much truer to the books, much deeper and more meaningful. I am envisioning Summit re-thinking that movie and be a forerunner in Hollywood for breaking that typical mold. Perhaps they can re-release the entire Twilight Saga at the movies with extra footage and do it as a huge charity drive.They did a good job with the other movies and the costumes (bar some of the *awful* things they had Bella in like her birthday dress and prom outfit) I just wish with all my heart and soul that they had not ruined the entire saga with how they cheapened the charters and made the ending very clichéd in BD2. I loved the scene where Renesmee touched Aro's face and he softened and we saw a gentler side to him.And yes that awful military suit made Aro look fat ;) A least I still have my sense of humour after all this... Yes, Aro knows I tease him. As long as it's meant in fun, You're allowed to tease the ones you love. That's the Law. Even Caius will tell you that ;)
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