The Twilight Saga: New Moon
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
PG-13 | 20 November 2009 (USA)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailers

Forks, Washington resident Bella Swan is reeling from the departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen, and finds comfort in her friendship with Jacob Black, a werewolf. But before she knows it, she's thrust into a centuries-old conflict, and her desire to be with Edward at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Nikita Wannenburgh I've watched this about two times now, I think. And to be honest, I still don't know quite what to think. It improves upon Twilight in some areas, but then fails in others. Overall, though, I think it needs help, although it's not worthy of too much hate.The cinematography is bland. Despite some nice surrounding scenery, most of the angles are boring and dull and add nothing to what should be a haunted, Gothic atmosphere. Still, there are some nice shots of the gorgeous ocean and luxurious forest, and those are breaths of fresh air in a rainy, rather stilted town. Any sightings of the bright red-haired Victoria leaping from tree to tree are also very welcome; there's just something about red hair sweeping among green forest, I don't know.But the film drags a lot with poor and messy pacing, and while there is more action than Twilight, it's annoyingly short-lived. Also, the soundtrack is awful. Seriously, if they want pop songs they could at least choose good ones.Kristen Stewart CAN act; her recent films prove that. Yes, she relies too much on sighing and blinking to show emotion where she really could be crying or sobbing, and is frustratingly wooden when saying her lines...BUT… with the proper direction and perhaps more interest, concentration and involvement in her character (which even a better actress like Jennifer Lawrence could make something out of) she would be comfortably good. Having said that, Stewart fails to hold eye contact with her costars and keep up consistency. Apart from being too much of a damsel-in-distress, Bella isn't a boring or stupid character, and Stewart could've expanded on Bella's positive traits and given her more feeling and depth. She needed to feel her lines and feel her character; not to mention vary her facial expressions that otherwise never change.Robert Pattinson is good, but like Stewart he lacks the intensity and feeling when saying his lines. Far too often, his expressions are bland and cold, and there are moments when he certainly does not seem to love Bella and just can't wait to leave her. Not very convincing when they're supposed to be millions of girls' OTP……. or were, at least.Pattinson and Stewart have chemistry, I firmly believe – after all, they did win MTV's Best Kiss for four freakin' years in a row - but with poor directing and lack of involvement in their lines, even that suffers. And although I'm definitely Team Edward, I actually found myself relaxing and rather enjoying the scenes between Bella and Jacob -the other end of the triangle, btw - simply because they were more relaxed around each other and Jacob at least smiles (Oh well, maybe it's a wolf thing. Or as Bella would say "A Jacob thing").Oh, and Taylor Lautner as Jacob. Well to be honest, he's not as awful an actor as I expected. I'm not a fan of him and never will be, but I have to admit he doesn't act badly. Still, it is obvious he's been told to brood as hard as he possibly can, and with a huge female audience watching, is delighted to tear his shirt off at any possible opportunity. Which he does…... very often. Very often. He did workout especially for the role, and I guess the producers thought a body like that can't stay hidden. Or at least for the sake of the Saga's success.New Moon, despite it's big flaws, has highlights too. Bella's human friends, led brilliantly by Anna Kendrick, supply much needed comic relief, sarcasm, warmth, and smiles. Kendrick is perfect and enthusiastic in her role, and adds light-hearted, typical teenager- ness – for want of a better word - that I never thought I'd actually long for. A stark contrast to Bella, she is bright and lovable whenever she's on screen, and fits the character to a T.Thankfully, New Moon is also blessed with some brilliant performances from mature, experienced, solid actors and actresses. Billy Burke reprises his role as Bella's father and is just brilliant; with uncomfortable facial expressions that could only come from an inexperienced father with a teenage daughter, his presence is a relief. He's lovable, in a rugged way, and fits the character perfectly. Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning portray vampires, and with superior acting skills make the Cullens look bland, boring, and overrated. It is a great pity that Sheen and Fanning didn't get more screen time; both of them giving more feeling and character to their roles in about three minutes than Stewart, Lautner and Pattinson do in all of their scenes. Well, almost….. they are certainly better actors than Pattinson, Stewart, and Lautner, anyhow.
morrison-dylan-fan After watching the first film in the Twilight series I decided to take a look at the IMDb credits for the second movie,and I was surprised to discover that it was directed by one of the main people behind the first American Pie,which led to me getting ready to have a slice of Twilight Pie.The plot:Celebrating her 19th birthday with boyfriend Edward Cullen, Bella Swan gets a paper cut,which leads to Edward's brother Jasper attempting to kill her.Saving Bella from his brother and fellow vampire,Edward begins to fear that he might not be as lucky a second time. Taking charge of the situation,Edward tells Bella that he is leaving the city and her due to wanting Bella to be as safe as possible.Sinking into a deep depression ,Bella stays in her room for months until her dad Charlie pushes Bella to go out and catch up with her friends. Knowing him casually at high school,Bella finds Jacob Black as a kind shoulder to cry on.As Bella and Jacob start to get close,Jacob begins to fear about Bella finding out his secret,which is that he is a werewolf.View on the film:Sending the main couple on their separate ways in the opening,the adaptation by returning writer Melissa Rosenberg turns down the brooding light Gothic romance for quirky indie Drama vibes.Whilst the lack of Bella & Edward sharing scenes does lead to their romance lacking the passion that made it the focus of part 1,Rosenberg gives the title a wonderful set of funky fangs,thanks to sinking a light comedy into the movie,which leads to some surprisingly funny character moments,as Rosenberg slowly casts a charming warmth over Bella's relationship with Jacob.Given only a year to make the film, (which led to part 1 director Catherine Hardwicke turning down the chance to return) director Chris Weitz & cinematographer Javier Aguirresarobe deliver an impressive blend of eye-catching romance and an epic-scope horror crunch. Backed by a jangly score from Alexandre Desplat,Weitz & Aguirresarobe open up Bella's depression with long dazzling,circling tracking shots,which along with displaying the passing of time in an expert manner,also reveals how lost Bella gets from the world.Unleashing wolves,Weitz punches action thrills into the horror animals,as a tense werewolf fight stomps across the screen,as the vampires are revealed in a dazzling sea of red.Licking up every drop of boiling horror romance, Anna Kendrick, Dakota Fanning & Michael Sheen give delightful performances as Jessica,Jane and Aro,with Sheen biting into Aro's boo-hiss horror villainy with a superb relish.Taking on the challenge of being the main romantic lead in the title, Taylor Lautner gives a very good performance as Jacob Black,due to Lautner keeping away from given Jacob signs of brooding by presenting Jacob as a humble,down to earth guy who is struggling to tell a girl he has feelings for a secret,which just happened to be that he is a werewolf!,as the second chapter of the Twilight saga ends.
adonis98-743-186503 New Moon is the first film that shows us the Werewolves which they are cgi many people brag about how they look at least they look like werewolves and not like some skinny dog from Harry Potter anyways the 2nd film in the series is more Drama than the previous one i think Stewart did a pretty good job in this one as for Pattinson he was good the scene when he stars sparkling is the most hated scene for many but think for a second if the dude died from the 1st film or from this one it wouldn't make any sense at all. Anyways Twilight Saga: New Moon is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be and for sure it has some entertaining moments.
landcguinn Just when I thought the first in the Series had me hooked, they go and make New Moon. Although there is not as much of Edward in this movie, the second of the five, this one started to tell the story and develop the key characters in greater depth. When Edward leaves her, Bella's world completely falls apart. My heart broke for her, I felt the holes in her chest right along with her. And, to try and make Jacob fill the void - well, there was just no way this wet behind the ears kid (aka werewolf) was going to match the intrigue, beauty and passion of Edward. It was nice of Bella to give Jacob a sliver of a chance though. I was elated when Edward tried to expose himself to the humans because that was the only way Bella could save him, and save herself. Many of the other characters in this move kind of started to play second fiddle, as the characters of Edward and Bella really stepped forward, which started the dominated of the balance of the series.