Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
PG | 30 March 2012 (USA)
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After she spends all her money, an evil enchantress queen schemes to marry a handsome, wealthy prince. There's just one problem - he's in love with a beautiful princess, Snow White. Now, joined by seven rebellious dwarves, Snow White launches an epic battle of good vs. evil...

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Konstanzia No idea why so many negative reviews and such a low rating overall. May be because it was a year when a few versions of the story were made for the screen? Giving it ten stars to bump the undeservingly low rating (otherwise would say it's an eight).I took my daughter to see it at the theater back when it was released. Magical, beautiful, lighthearted and funny for all ages. Lovely indeed. Julia Roberts was superb, played the role with a great deal of humor... A funny take on the prince charming character, too. Just open your heart and mind - it's a fairy tale after all, let yourself be a kid for couple hours. Anyway, we both loved it. And did i mention that my daughter was 27 at the moment?
dilip paul It was a good movie for fun. I wonder why so many people do not seem to like it. A perfect film for watch with family and children. The comedy, songs and dancing are very good. I even love the last song.Julia Roberts was very good in her role and the rest of the cast are okay. I very much like Nathan Lane performance. Lily Collins was looking very beautiful in her dresses. The film use some new elements apart from the Disney's classical fairy tale. It also have some twist. I must say it is better than the same year film Snow White and The Huntsman(2012).I give This film 8 out of 10.So you can watch this for fun that's all I can say.
gustavsson-amanda At first when the movie was presented like it was going to be viewed from the queens perspective it seemed interesting. Unfortunately I was disappointed. Sure, the queen was the narrator but the movie was still about Snow whites story, not the queens'. We've seen this before and the small differences from other Snow white movies wasn't enough to be interesting. Even if it was a good end the movie contained a lot of sexism that i can't look away from. The final scene was the worst. Why end a classic fairy tale with some form of Bollywood (?) song and why put Snow white to perform it with a really bad dub? Despite all my negativity I give this movie five points. I would not recommend it to my friends but maybe a family with low demands.
Lee Eisenberg Tarsem Singh's adaptation of "Snow White" depicts the queen (Julia Roberts) less as an evil maniac and more as a bored rich woman who puts all her resources into vanity. I thought that the most interesting character in "Mirror Mirror" was Nathan Lane as the queen's lackey. In fact, one scene in particular stands out. When the queen decides that she wants to have a ball, she sends the lackey to post a note about a tax increase. He tells the people that their taxes prevent the monster from attacking the kingdom. In other words, contribute to the war machine or the terrorists win.It wasn't any sort of impressive movie, but it wasn't bad. Snow White herself seemed kind of flat, but I liked the dwarfs. There was another adaptation of "Snow White" around the same time but I've never seen it.