Happily N'Ever After 2
Happily N'Ever After 2
| 24 March 2009 (USA)
Happily N'Ever After 2 Trailers

Fairy tales collide when Mambo and Munk tip the scales of good and evil once again.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Shopaholic35 Happily N'Ever After 2 feels a little forced and slightly lame but I think I liked this one a little bit more than the original. Not because it was better but it was easier to watch. You can relate to the idea better and it seemed more believable. It follows a traditional fairytale format that works.By no means would I recommend you watch this movie but it's alright. There are many flaws that are still present including the awkward dialogue and slow-paced storyline. It still shocks me that a sequel was even made as it was never going to save the series' reputation. Just another movie that needs to stay in the bargain bin where it belongs.
eline-hoskens I had to watch this movie to believe they could still make a more horrible movie after Happily Never After! And YES, they actually managed to do so.It's really frustrating to read reviews rating this movie 7 stars and more. If you give this movie more than 6 stars, then what are you going to do with the really good ones?! I think they should reinvent the rating system for this particular one.Giving this movie a good rate is actually a slap in the face for all those passionate and creative people who make wonderful stuff with an equally low budget. This movie is just LAZY! Imagine you're in high school and you spent weeks reading a book and writing a really good book report and a fellow student just copy-pastes a book review from the internet without even touching a book, prints it and gets equal marks. That's how creators of great animation must feel when reading any positive review on this movie.There are so many great series and movies for children (not even just Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks films or Don Bluth movies) available that I would never recommend this! It's not like children don't deserve quality. They WILL be able to tell the difference.
TheLittleSongbird I didn't like Happily N'ever After. I didn't hate it as some did, but it was very bland and lacklustre with the voice work the only real thing to salvage it plus I loved its idea. Happily N'ever After 2 isn't really a sequel I guess, despite the title. Other than Munk and Mambo, there isn't really a connection to Happily N'ever After. I will say I liked the idea, an ironic take on Snow White was a cute and clever idea, and children will like its message which is quite a strong and positive one.It is in the execution though where Happily N'ever After 2 really falls down, just like Happily N'ever After. The animation is very lazy, the colours are plentiful and pleasing but some of the backgrounds are rather plastic-looking and the characters look very forced and move around aimlessly. The music is overdone too and feels out of place, while the film lacks punch and pizazz when it comes to the pace. None of the characters are particularly likable or are given enough time to shine, Munk and Mambo are okay I guess but they are overused a bit and their material doesn't make them very funny in my view. The story is predictable and weak with few surprises, while the jokes and dialogue are pretty much wretched, very derivative and as for those terribly unfunny and obnoxious Hoolla Girls, don't get me started. This time around, even the voice work made little impression, either being bland or having voices that don't suit the character with exception of Lady Vain, her voice actress is quite good.So overall, awful. To be honest, I wasn't expecting otherwise, but I saw it out of curiosity being a lifelong fan of animation and my low expectations weren't dashed. Not the worst animated movie, sequel or movie I've seen, but other than the idea and message not one I'd recommend. 2/10 Bethany Cox
crazykooke Such a children's piece like this shouldn't be judged like an intricate masterpiece, but instead, like the nursery rhymes and short stories that we were all used to while growing up. Straight to the point and in a clever way so as to remember the message we are supposed to come away with. This movie is exactly what I was hoping it to be, a cute story that will repeat and three-peat a message that I think so many of our children are not understanding. Such gossip trash and vanity importance should be looked down upon and not taught to our youth. The importance of helping others and being true to yourself is a huge part of life and this movie helps to reiterate such life lessons. This movie is meant for our youth and it's straight to the point. Don't over think this movie and if you are, it's not meant for you.