Happily N'Ever After
Happily N'Ever After
PG | 05 January 2007 (USA)
Happily N'Ever After Trailers

An alliance of evil-doers, led by Frieda, looks to take over Fairy Tale Land. But when Ella realizes her stepmother is out to ruin her storybook existence, she takes a dramatic turn and blossoms into the leader of the resistance effort.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
SnoopyStyle In Fairytale Land, the Wizard has a scale that keeps the balance between good and evil. The Wizard goes off on vacation leaving his assistants Munk (Wallace Shawn) and Mambo (Andy Dick) in charge. Rick the servant (Freddie Prinze, Jr.) is secretly in love with Cinderella 'Ella' (Sarah Michelle Gellar) but she follows the story dreaming of the idiot Prince (Patrick Warburton). Her evil stepmother Frieda (Sigourney Weaver) tips the scale and vows to have a Happily N'Ever After.This has no chance against the best of animations from Pixar and Disney. It's weak and doesn't look that good. The story is a mess. The irreverent take on fairy tales could work but it doesn't work here. The worst sin of all is that it's not fun. It's a lot of sound and fury without any joy.
RageReviewer I may be giving some credit to the film by giving it a 4 out of 10, but the reason being is that the voice acting isn't bad and the actual idea (not the plot, the idea) was a smart one. Everything else has essentially a sad ending.Well what's the story? Well you have the classic fairy tale of Cinderella as the "main" premise of the story, with Cinderella (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar), the Prince (played by Patrick Warburton, surprising to say the most), and the Evil Stepmother (named Frieda I kid you not, and played by Sigourney Weaver). What's the twist? Honestly, the biggest twist to Cinderella is the addition of the new side-story of an Ashton Kutcher impersonator named Rick (played by Freddy Prinze Jr). What else is going on? Two little creature-things named Munk and Mambo (played by Wallace Shawn and Andy Dick, respectively) are keeping the balance of EVERY SINGLE STORYBOOK CHARACTER in check while their boss, who's just the Wizard with the voice of George Carlin (literally), is on vacation in Scotland. And everything goes downhill from there as the evil stepmother takes control by literally just being a sex-appeal figure. Then lots of issues, an unneeded fight seen, one lame song, and a happy ending that shouldn't be there (Just look at the title!)What's good? Well not a lot. As I said there's the voice talents of Sigourney Weaver, who was slightly enjoyable as more than just sex- appeal. No seriously, Freida says things you can misinterpret simply because you're looking at her apparent cleavage. The late George Carlin only gets about 3 lines, sadly. Wallace Shawn made me shout INCONCEIVABLE throughout the entire film. Though honestly I wanted to tear my hair out from how annoying Andy Dick is in this film, he never shuts up! On top of that Cinderella is selfish, Rick is just as petty and acting too much like a drama queen, and Warburton is the only source of comedy for how stupid his character is. On top of that, the animation is sub-par at best. If it's supposed to be an evil-supportive movie, it sure is a colorful one! But I have to give credit, some of the villains seemed neat. The wolves were likable (even though the Italian accent was out of place - I was expecting a German one), the witches broom-bikes were cool, and even Rumpelstiltskin seemed interesting, except for the fact that he joins the good guys by the end of the film. Finally for the villains, THERE'S TOO MANY TROLLS. It's a simple plot, a twist gone wrong (in both senses), and it is a movie that can be skipped over. If you do watch it however, it's not terrible, it's just something that won't stick out in the back of your mind.
crystal_tears_93 I was very excited when I first heard about this movie since the actors are pretty good and the plot sounded excellent, the way it was all carried out is not that good. The characters, even though they are played by very good actors (Sigourney Weaver!) lack substance and I found myself unable to relate to them. They are not unique in any way and they are not the kind of characters that I will remember a month from now in any way.The lines are not catchy and I couldn't find a single line in the whole movie to catch my attention. There are even parts when the lines are kinda corny and that ruins the whole bad ass attitude the movie is trying to display.
dbborroughs Villains gang up to assure that no one will live happily ever after (including the audience).Made in the wake of the surprise success of Hoodwinked, Happily N'ever After is a perfectly awful animated film that is easily one of the worst written in the last five years (which is saying a great deal since there have been some real stinkers). You can feel the committee crafting jokes that should be funny (come on really I tell you five year olds will eat this up) and the lack of enthusiasm for the job the actors have for the job thats giving them a fast paycheck (if you want emotion you'll have to pay me more). Nothing in this movie is funny or liable to put even a half a grin on your face. Its beyond awful. To be honest the only thing I've seen worse recently is Doogal-the American re-dubbed version of the wonderful Magic Roundabout.