Mickey and the Beanstalk
Mickey and the Beanstalk
G | 27 September 1947 (USA)
Mickey and the Beanstalk Trailers

A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
utgard14 Originally part of Fun & Fancy Free, this cartoon was released on its own later. It's arguably the best animated version of the Jack and the Beanstalk story, and some might even say it's better than the film versions. It's narrated by Sterling Holloway, replacing the narration from Fun & Fancy Free by ventriloquist Edgar Bergen. I'm not sure the reason for the change but I would never complain about hearing Holloway's distinctive voice. Nice animation and voice work. Really just a fun cartoon all around.
OllieSuave-007 Mickey, Donald and Goofy take on the Jack and the Beanstalk fairy-tale, starring as poor, starving farmers of Happy Valley who discovered a beanstalk that grew from the beans Mickey got after trading in their cow. They stumble upon the beautiful Golden Harp who after being kidnapped by the Giant lead to the decline of the once prosperous Happy Valley. As a result, the trio go on a daring mission to rescue the harp and restore prosperity to their valley.It's a beautifully animated story with full in-character laughs from Mickey, Donald and Goofy. Mickey is his heroic self while Goofy tries hard not to blunder on things. Donald is hilarious as heck, from him going crazy while starving to him parodying an army sharp shooter. The giant was menacing, but goofy looking, and the Golden Harp was beautiful with her soothing singing voice.There's plenty of adventures in this exciting rescue-the-harp plot. It's non-stop fun you would expect in a cartoon movie from beginning to end.Grade A
LanceStudsteele When I first viewed Mickey and the Beanstalk with my toddler son approximately 16 years ago, I saw it as more than a retelling of an old fairy tale. Later, while watching a documentary about the devastation wrought upon a real life "Happy Valley", the Owens River Valley, I was reminded of my initial impression of the back story of this short film - the drought and desolation in Happy Valley caused by the theft of the harp as a veiled metaphor for the appropriation of water resources by the GIANT burgeoning metropolis of Los Angeles under the direction of "Willie" Mulholland. Streams and brooks sing or are musical in their own way. Diversion of riparian resources can cause calamity. A giant municipality that diverts water for its own use can leave the former beneficiaries of those resources woefully lacking the wherewithal to prosper or even survive.If the writers used the foundation for the plot of this short animated film as an opportunity for political protest or commentary, they may have done so secretly, fearing that their theme might be edited from the film or that they might suffer reprisal. I'd like to believe that Walt Disney, whom I believe had a social conscience, left the metaphor in the film but didn't publicize it so as not to cause undue controversy around a film that was intended as children's entertainment. I'd appreciate comments about this subject, especially from anyone who has knowledge of the intentions of the writers, directors, or producer.
rbverhoef 'Jack and the Beanstalk' is a very familiar story and the Disney adaptation is a delight to watch. It starts with an old duck and his little friend Hermann talking about fairy tales. The duck explains how 'Cinderella, 'Pinocchio', 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'Snow White' were fairy tales and therefor the story and the characters were made up. With this talking we see the actual images from those Disney-movies.Than the duck tells his own fairy tale version of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and we see Mickey, Donald and Goofy as the three Jacks climbing the beanstalk and meeting the giant. With lots of funny moments and nice things that can only happen with animation this is a another great movie from Disney. When that beanstalk goes up I was amazed by what I saw.
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