Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore
G | 11 March 1983 (USA)
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore Trailers

Winnie the Pooh and friends decide to throw a birthday celebration for gloomy, old Eeyore.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Kevin Hogan Totally unmotivated character choices, abysmal character animation (Pooh's descent to the river after tripping over a tree root is a low point), awful voice work, boring and superficial. Shows a complete lack of interest in what children might find entertaining or amusing. It is packed with extraneous slapstick that arises out of nowhere and amounts to nothing. Each and every character has their central thesis violated and mangled. A blight on the original 3 shorts, and it goes without saying that all considerations of the original book were thrown out the window.Fans of the original three shorts understand why they are justifiably regarded as pinnacles among Disney's achievements. Consistent attention to detail, to character development, to beautifully realized character animation. They stand out as works of genius. Even when they descend to low comedy, as when Tigger encounters Rabbit on the ice, they are still charming and believable. A Day for Eeyore simply has nothing to say, no point of view, and is an insult to the work of the great Disney artists who, by virtue of their loving craftsmanship, humor, and rigorous regard for pace, structure and common sense, established the Pooh franchise for eternity.
Atreyu_II "Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore" isn't as good as the 3 earlier shorts but it's still likable.The picture quality of this short is slightly inferior comparing to the earlier ones and that is part of the reason why it isn't as good.Another reason is because most of the cast is different. Unfortunately we have no longer Sebastian Cabot, Junius Matthews, Barbara Luddy and Sterling Holloway. On the other hand, luckily we still have Ralph Wright, Paul Winchell, John Fiedler and Hal Smith in this short - and that's a good sign. Jim Cummings does a decent job as the voice of Winnie the Pooh, but Sterling Holloway was better.This short is mostly dedicated to the gloomy donkey Eeyore.However, he is feeling more miserable than ever for two reasons. First, because Tigger bounced him and accidentally threw him into a river. And second, because it's his birthday and nobody remembered that, which causes Eeyore to believe that nobody cares about him.In a try to help Eeyore getting off the river, Winnie the Pooh accidentally throws a rock to his belly, nearly causing poor Eeyore to drown.When Pooh finally finds out that today is Eeyore's birthday, he decides to give him a jar of honey as a present, while Piglet decides to give him a balloon. But accidentally Pooh eats the honey and Piglet breaks the balloon after falling.Surprisingly, Eeyore enjoys the empty jar and the broken balloon. Another surprise is that Eeyore smiles. We never see him smiling.In the meantime, Cristopher Robin returns and they all celebrate Eeyore's birthday with a new game named "Pooh Sticks". Of course that Tigger says "That's what Tiggers do best" and then he contradicts himself."Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore" is still a very enjoyable experience and luckily it is available as an extra in the 25th Anniversary Edition DVD of "The Many Adventures of Winie the Pooh".These Winnie the Pooh's shorts/stories are also a great way to learn and see how valuable friendship is.
Eric Gurwitz This is the last of the four Winnie the Pooh featurettes. It's not as good as the first three, but it is still enjoyable. One reason I'll tell you why it it not as good as the others is because almost the whole cast is different. But John Fiedler and Paul Winchell still gave their original voices to Piglet and Tigger which is a good thing. This film really focuses on Eeyore by the way. The music is really good too, and it really sets to the tone of Eeyore. So if you haven't seen this or the others yet, you're in for a treat. So please watch it for me and tell us how you like it.P.S. Try playing Pooh-sticks yourself.
piccione2000 This is a classic video that everyone should own. It shows true friendship when the friends make effort to make Eeyore's birthday cheerful. It is a great edition to the Pooh series. The animation is good, the voices are great, the illustrations and color are nice, and the story is entertaining and enjoyable. This video is based on two ideas from the original books by A.A Milne. It is based on a part where Pooh invents a game, and where Eeyore has a party. Out of the four Pooh movies,two, The Honey Tree, and Blustery Day are better than this. One, Tigger too, is not as good, but only by a little bit. This video is so much fun, that adults and kids will watch this over and over. It is great.
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