The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
G | 11 March 1977 (USA)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Trailers

Whether we’re young or forever young at heart, the Hundred Acre Wood calls to that place in each of us that still believes in magic. Join pals Pooh, Piglet, Kanga, Roo, Owl, Rabbit, Tigger and Christopher Robin as they enjoy their days together and sing their way through adventures.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
tankace There are few things to say about this 40 year old film and now I believe it is the best time for that. When I was a little ball (I was quit fat as a kid) I constantly watch everything related with this cute honey loving bear and it wasn't for nothing. As for this film I can't remember how many times I have watch it but I am pretty sure it is close to a dozen.For though it is ground breaking or revolutionary in the story department it is cute ,funny, calm and quit relaxing and if you were like me in my youth ,I had a lot of stress and I needed something to put my always working brain at ease. Safe to say that this film fulfill that goal perfectly.To add a last thing the designs of the places and the characters are so cute that I want to hang them right now as I am writing this review.If you have little children now and you want then to watch something relaxing before going to sleep then that film will do the job.
Jawbox5 It is hard to think of something more innocent than Winnie the Pooh. The character and everything that surrounds him is just so charming that it is virtually impossible to dislike. Disney certainly does these iconic characters justice and I'd go as far as to say that it is possibly one of their best animated films. The film encompasses the innocence of childhood and the magic of being at such a young age. The film possesses as it is aided by the lovely laid-back tone, the very memorable characters and charmingly happy narrative.The story is told in a different style than usual as it combines three stories. All these stories follow Pooh and his misadventures in the Hundred Acre Wood. These stories include the lengths Pooh goes in order to get some honey, the troubles caused to the residents of the wood by an especially windy day and Rabbit's attempts to get Tigger to stop his bouncing. The three stories are fantastic on their own and when put together they create a wonderful flowing narrative. I really loved the use of the storybook in order to tell the story and how the Narrator actual interacts with the characters, it is a very unique style for Disney and allows for a number of enjoyable visual as well as some great fourth wall breaking jokes.The individuality that the film presents is what really grabs my interest. There is such a laid-back tone to the film that it sucks you in and makes you care about these characters as well as what their little adventures lead to. It's refreshing how the film doesn't follow the usual formulas or clichés and just goes on to tell these greatly enjoyable stories. There is such a niceness to the world that is created and the characters that I really wish the film was longer, it's the film that makes care about events so much that you want to spend more time transported into the wonderful Hundred Acre Wood.The characters here are extremely interesting and memorable, I really like how different they all are and how well the film gets across their personality traits whilst making them all feel like a real community. As said Pooh himself is one of the most lovable leads around, he has such a sweet nature that you cannot help but feel a connection to him. He is a bear with little brains, but this leads to some brilliant comedic moments and gives Pooh an extra cute dimension. Also Sterling Holloway's light voice is absolutely perfect and adds yet another layer of kindness to Pooh. The always active Tigger is some else people remember and he is very entertaining. His presence adds an important energy to the film in areas it may have lacked, his happy attitude is quite endearing and Paul Winchell's slightly goofy vocal turn is a lot of fun in itself.Elsewhere Pooh's best friend Piglet is another extremely lovable figure. His shy demeanour and very caring personality make him a very appealing character, with John Fielder's stuttering voice adding charm to the role. Rabbit is possibly my favourite character, I love how on edge he always is as he comes off as a constant worrier and he has an extra dynamic as he seems to be the only person involved in conflict (with Pooh over honey and with Tigger's bouncing). The seemingly depressed Eyeore is very amusing for his pessimist approach, as is Owl who rambles on about strange stories constantly which got a lot of laughs from me. Kanga and Roo are pleasant enough, while Sebastian Cabot is superb as the Narrator, he strong voice is very nice to listen to and his interactions with the characters are very funny.As usual for Disney both the animation and songs are excellent. The animation has a very soft look and that works very well as it mirrors the illustrations of the book, the way the storybook is used to tell the story allows for some very unique visuals. The design on the characters is also very good with Pooh resembling a teddy bear and the look of the Wood is very beautiful as well as allowing for a sense of community. The music is just brilliant and nicely diverse. 'When the Rain Came Down' is just a lovely little song, 'Heffalumps and Woozles' is yet another surreal but great tune from Disney and 'The Wonderful Thing About Tigger's' is extremely catchy. The songs are the type that you could hum over and over without them becoming annoying.I think another important thing to note is that there is something for everyone here. The more visual humour, like Pooh getting stuck in Rabbit's hole, is enjoyable for everyone whilst I think Eyeore's pessimist approach will especially appeal to older people. The film manages to mix both charm and wit into its comedic styling's very successfully, the whistling Gopher falling down his hole all the time is amusing and as noted Owl's rambling is so bizarre it's rather hilarious. The ending is also really fantastic in such a bittersweet way. It is just young Christopher Robin asking Pooh not to forget him when he goes, it is a very understated but emotional scene and definitely pulls on the heartstrings by showing we all have to say goodbye to childhood one day.There is just something so charming and heart-warming about the laid- back atmosphere that the film creates that you cannot help but be drawn back to it, it's possibly the Disney film I enjoy the most now that I'm older. I just enjoy watching these entertaining characters go about their daily lives as well as how interesting their personalities and motives are. Winnie the Pooh can definitely be enjoyed time and time again.
apb216 I mean honestly, who doesn't love Winnie the Pooh and the whole crew? They are who you grew up with (at least kids in the 90s and before) and will never die in our hearts. They teach us important life lessons, play into our imaginations, and will always make the old feel young again. What can you possibly say about it that people don't already know? Whenever I have kids they will definitely be having this as apart of their childhood. Sometimes I still watch these shows for my Saturday morning cartoon fix. I refuse to let my inner child die and I have these cartoons to thank for helping with that. God bless Disney for bringing them to life for us (I'm not even religious!) and I hope animators find a way to bring this particular series back without ruining the originals. The other movies and things that have been made with them just aren't the same as this series. Thank you, Disney! Thank you for my beautiful childhood!
NPMusicMan I'm a 27 year old man from New York. I enjoy lots of adult material from music with parental advisory stickers and gangster flicks to martial arts and video games such as God of War. With that being said, this movie holds such a dear place in my heart that I don't believe it can or will ever be forgotten. These stories of Winnie the Pooh are simply classic, so endearing, even thought provoking. The vibrant colors and personalities are so engaging. Kudos to the artists and animators for illustrating such fantastic work. By the way, I love the fact that the characters are completely aware that they are fictional, literary characters, though they're fully immersed in their own world. You have to see how it plays out. As you can already tell, I don't want to give too much away. The stories are by no means epic in any way, but it suits the film perfectly.The hundred acre wood is a wonderful, whimsical place. There are no villains and there is no violence. The heroes are characters who go out of their way to help friends and neighbors in times of need. There is no vanquishing enemies and rescuing princesses. There are conflicts between characters, but they learn that it's best to compromise and be humble to resolve a situation. When promises are made, they are to be kept, even if it's difficult or involves some sacrifice. Very deep and thought provoking material indeed. Just consider how far we would all get if we learned to live by such principles.The lessons to be learned here about values and love and friendship are so simple, but deep when you think about it. I'm completely serious. It's simple and innocent enough for children to appreciate, but adults can appreciate it on a whole other level. The ending or conclusion is very warm and sincere, and also very thought provoking for adults. It's about moving on and having to leave old simple ways behind, but not to forget them and still appreciate our childhood fantasies, innocence and the simple life. It brings tears to my eyes. I find it very moving. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh reminds us of the innocence and simplicity that so many of us have long forgotten. It's a collection of great stories for children without being so in your face geared towards them that it comes across as corny, simple and uninteresting for older viewers. It is truly a masterpiece of animated family fiction, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone.