R | 12 August 2016 (USA)
Joshy Trailers

After his engagement ends badly, Josh decides to take advantage of his bachelor-party plans in Ojai, California, with the few friends still willing to join him. Focused on drugs and their own hangups, his self-absorbed friends refuse to confront the elephant in the room and ask Josh how he’s feeling. As welcome and unwelcome guests stop by, Josh will attempt to find some closure over this weekend with the guys.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
suhstayn What a load of crap! It was like watching a couple of guys hanging out on a reality TV show chatting to one another. Only with worse dialogue. The script was awful. The characters were uninteresting.Seriously, the film should have been about 15 minutes long. The rest was filler.Awful movie. Not entertaining at all. Nor was insightful about the characters / situation. Waste of an hour and a half. Should have stopped watching earlier instead of finishing this garbage.
Michael Nakayama This popped up on a recommended watch list and I'm a sucker or Thomas Middleditch and Nick Kroll. Its a fun comedy that hits you right in the feels. Everything feels right on point with real life and connects with you. Every connection feels real, and no interactions felt out of place in this movie. Not slapstick funny like "The Hangover", but takes a slightly more solemn humor and has plenty of real moments to make this feel far more engaging, even when the strippers show up. I didn't read any reviews prior, and I feel that the general synopsis written makes you think "Hangover + Parks and Rec + Silicon Valley + some general depression and solemness". This movie takes some rote comedic humor like bachelor party drugs and strippers, and you start to see the haze of depression slowly clear. But not because of the partying, but because of each other and the things they experienced together. All in all, this was a great movie that felt like a brief interlude of someone going through a tough time. I was still engaged and connected to several characters, but when characters didn't reappear and hold hands and make out at the end or else where, it felt OK. You don't know what happened and that's fine, because you're just along for the ride.
oiwiein I was actually very surprised by this movie and how good it was from start to finish. The time flew by and the actors all did a great job. I won't give any spoilers away and don't want to be so vague but it's basically a movie about a group of friends that are on a weekend to try and help their buddy deal with feelings that have been suppressed. There are some very funny moments and the actors do a great job with what they were given to make you feel as though you are there with them. The way they all interact was quite well done and you get a real sense that these people actually care deeply about one another. It's a comedy with a serious topic and they do an excellent job. I highly recommend this indie type movie that deals with sadness with a bit of partying and friends with a good sense of humor.
erolsabadosh I watched this with no prior knowledge of what it would be and was very pleasantly surprised. There's a great cast, all of whom I've seen and enjoyed in their various TV shows. The story is about a group of friends on a weekend retreat bonding after a traumatic event and it's mostly just conversations and mundane character interactions, usually involving drinking and drugs.Some of it was absolutely hilarious and some of it was very emotional, yet it all felt very real. It's not a mind blowing or deep film but it's brisk, fun and well acted. A great low key adult comedy! Definitely recommended.