The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator
R | 13 July 2016 (USA)
The Infiltrator Trailers

A U.S Customs official uncovers a massive money laundering scheme involving Pablo Escobar.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
becclark I LOVE Bryan Cranston and I really really wanted to like this movie. It was just not all.
LeonLouisRicci A Great Cast does some Fine Acting that Drives this Fractured Movie. It is Split into a Schizophrenic Story that Struggles to Balance the Two Competing Milieus.The Emphasis Switches, not so Seamlessly, from Corrupt Shiny Bankers to Psychopathic Drug Cartels. There is Evil being done with Paperwork and Wetwork and as the Film Unfolds these Things Blur, Disorient, and make the Viewing Experience Less than the Entertainment is should be.However, taking Each Element on its own, both sides of the Issue, ("The Sting"), are Engrossing Enough to Withstand the Ping-Ponging of the Story-Line. It's Bryan Cranston's Picture Portraying "Real Life" Undercover Agent Robert Mazzulo and Cranston's Angst Anchors the Movie as the Deceits and Deceptions Determine the Outcome of each Phase of the Case.It's a Good Looking Film with a Soundtrack that doesn't quite Nail the Songs of the Era but it's Not Too Distracting, because the rest of the Production Design is Snappy with its 1980's Template.The Banker/Gangster Expositions Collide now and then with Tonal Shifts and are Awkward, but Overall the Movie is Worth a Watch for some Good Acting and a Supply of Suspense.
VT Exceptional movie, which is based on true story, on drug war with Columbia. The story is complex, fast-moving, brutally authentic. It made me spent 3-4 more hours to watch documentaries on Pablo Escobar, just to understand more about the context. I watched this first, then the hyped Sicario (2015), just to realize that the later is totally crap, despite its awards and box-office gross.
kosmasp Some things can feel like a drag. Like being an investigative undercover cop. You don't have much private life and you can't have too many friends. Well outside of the fake friendships you may create to get what you want. And while this does not hit you with a hammer over your head, there are subtle hints and some obvious ones in the portrayal Bryan Cranston gives us.There are quite a few good actors in this and all is based on real persons and a real case. It really is difficult to capture all this and go into all the private moments. Even with two hours running time, there is certain things that have to be left out. But it still is very coherent and very suspenseful, from start to finish. It's not quite Infernal Affairs, but then again what movie is? This is powerful and while the most of the characters are despicable, they are also human beings and the struggle and transformation feels real.Having said that, I do understand if for some this is not enough, one criticism I didn't get is about the music. Soundtrack by the numbers? What is that supposed to be? You can dislike the movie obviously taste-wise, but I would seriously like to know what another reviewer meant by this.