The Grudge
The Grudge
PG-13 | 22 October 2004 (USA)
The Grudge Trailers

An American nurse living and working in Tokyo is exposed to a mysterious supernatural curse, one that locks a person in a powerful rage before claiming their life and spreading to another victim.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
carriewestbrook It's ok - some creepy images here and there, but overall seemed more silly than scary. cool effects though.
James M. Haugh Here is what I saw in this old movie (2004 and I am writing this in 2017)that I just watched. There are doors. People walk in and out of the doors. Some doors lead to other doors which lead to stairways which have doors that lead to hallways which have many doors on each side. One of these doors will most certainly lead to a landing where there will be an apparition. Scared of the apparition you will run up (or down) the stairs to a door which will lead to another hallway (or a room) with an apparition. You will be scared.
jacobjohntaylor1 This a remake of a Japan movie. The Japan movie from 2002 was awful and this remake is worst. I can't believe the director of Evil dead made this movie. I think it is hilarious that people are scared of this stupid movie. The Scream movies most have made them pooh there pants. Good actor wasted there talent being in this movie. Get special effects. Awful story line. Man kills his cat and his wife and son. So they ghost come back to kill every one. That is so stupid. It is not scary. This is not scary. It is an overrated pile of pooh. People think it is so smart because it is based one a foreign film. I can think of foreign films I like and it is not just because there foreign films and not from the U.S.A. There are a lot of U.S.A teen horror films that a really scary. And if you are really scared of this overrated crap. Then I can see why you don't like teen horror movies because they make you pee your pants
David Arnold Karen, a young social carer, is sent to a home for her first assignment to look after a woman who suffers from dementia when Yoko, the woman's regular carer, fails to show up. Not long after she arrives at the house, Karen hears noises coming from inside a bedroom closet that's been taped up, so she opens it and finds a young boy and his cat. After contacting her boss, Alex, for help, she waits at the house, but it's during this time that an unspeakable horror manifests causing the death of the woman and sending Karen to go into a state of shock. After being released from hospital, Karen learns of the murders of Kayako Saeki and her son Toshio, and, along with Detective Nakagawa, she starts to realise that the vengeful spirits of the Saeki family somehow still reside inside the home and anyone who ventures into it may well become the next victim.The Grudge, as we all know, is an American remake of the Japanese hit Ju-on, and is, in my opinion, just as good. This version sticks pretty close to the original and a lot of the scenes are the same, but a few have been added for this version that weren't in the original i.e. you see more of what happens to Kayako & Toshio, and watch out for the exceedingly creepy Yoko.The story is told in the same non-linear style, but for some reason didn't seem as confusing. Also, being a Hollywood film, you'd expect a CGI-fest for the Kayako scenes, but again, like the original, these were kept to a minimum with actress Takako Fuji doing all her own creepy contortions & movements. This may be because it was the same director who done Ju-on, who knows, but it's good that CGI never over-shadowed the story.I enjoyed the original Japanese version, but to be honest I personally thought that this remake was actually the scarier of the two. There will be die-hard Japanese horror fans that will stupidly ridicule this version just because it's an American remake, but if you've not seen it just ignore the trolls and judge it for yourself.