The Exorcist
The Exorcist
R | 26 December 1973 (USA)
The Exorcist Trailers

When a charming 12-year-old girl takes on the characteristics and voices of others, doctors say there is nothing they can do. As people begin to die, the girl's mother realizes her daughter has been possessed by the devil--and that her daughter's only possible hope lies with two priests and the ancient rite of demonic exorcism.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
faanandor I expected much more, because I saw this film on many toplists and heard great things, but in the end I got disappointed. Maybe I've seen too many good horrorfilms, but this one left me cold and killed my hopes.
cordobaga After many years, watched it again (since it just appeared on HBO).Was very much looking forward to the horror it inspired 20 plus years ago.1st, the good: The acting is fine. Polished professionals.OK, now the "horror".When Regan threw up, her head turned 180 degrees, lifted the bed, said nasty things, etc...sorry, I laughed. Mild terror for a second, but then, amusement.Now in fairness, I'm a cafeteria Catholic (I believe in some aspects of religion, and at the same time know the earth to be billions of years old, not a the few thousand as the Bible claims).I don't believe in a Devil or evil spirits, and find possession as real as the alien in the movie "Alien". Prove it. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof".
keduck The Exorcist was a movie that I had been interested in seeing since i was in middle school. I was rather intrigued about what is considered to be the scariest movie of all time. Having recently seen it for the first time, I can say that it's probably not exactly scary in terms of modern horror movies, but I knew that going into it. Older horror movies favored slow build-up and dread over jump scares. They work better for repeat viewings, versus getting jump scared once and not even flinching on the second viewing. Despite the creepy elements, what really stood out to me about the movie was the sheer craftsmanship of the whole thing. This is one of the best made movies I have ever seen. The acting is phenomenal, particularly from Linda Blair as Regan. The make-up done on her is iconic. The effects still hold up for the most part. The atmosphere is top notch, you always feel that something is off,even in the calmer moments. The only issue I feel worth mentioning for someone who hasn't seen it is there are quite a few slow scenes of people talking, but even then the actors are giving such good performances it hardly matter.The Exorcist is considered by many to be the scariest movie of all time, and if it's not quite that, it definitely stands as one of the best made scary movies ever.
dmetzger22187 It's exactly what everyone wants, but can hardly put a name to. It's creepy, but not overwhelmingly. It's clever, but not trying to be. It's emotional, but not so much you get lost in it. The story is so creatively and perfectly well told that I can't help but gush. It's one of those movies that was directed perfectly, and also has the other cool things that probably just happened by luck. I don't know how to explain it, but its got those super-natural supernatural parts. Awesome. Everyone like the "super-natural supernatural" pun little thing?