Band Aid
Band Aid
R | 02 June 2017 (USA)
Band Aid Trailers

A couple who can't stop fighting embark on a last-ditch effort to save their marriage: turning their fights into songs and starting a band.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
austin0731 Band Aid is a musical comedy that starts off very light hearted, fun and quirky but ends up discussing genuine marital issues, what it means to be in a long term relationship with someone and getting over loss. All the while incorporating great, entertaining music. Starring Zoe Lister-Jones, Adam Pally and Ravi Patel the cast captures their respective characters very well, the two leads initially managing to capture the constant bickering of long married couples brilliantly in an almost too mundane but authentic way. While also managing the tenderness and genuinity of their relationship in several scenes that shows the love and care between the two. The film's first half is indeed quirky and fun as the characters from this band and begin singing about their arguments and what they hate about each other. There is a growing debate between the two as Pally's Ben considers himself a realistic and Lister-Jones' Anna is the 'dreamer' this conflict of characters drives most of the drama and conflict of the film but is also what ends up bringing them together towards the end of the film where the film takes a more serious turn discussing the ideas of meeting a middle ground and of compromise. Band Aid is a fun microcosmic view of human romantic relationships, a meditation of what it means to be with someone and issues of loss and the role of emotions. While also managing to discuss gender roles and the different ideologies that men as men hold and women as women hold, there is something very tender, soft but philosophical in the discussions of the film. Making Band aid a feel-good type watch that isn't taxing at all, a very easy watch.
wiryobrenda This movie is actually not as typical and usual as i thought it would be. my expectations when i decide to watch this movie is that it would be somehow corny with a predictable ending. and i must say i am wrong and right. let me explain okay, i will start off by saying everything i really appreciate about this movie. first, that this movie could go wrong at some point. it could be just like another typical comedy romance movie but it's not. i really like how this movie handle and focus on just the one subject that is a broken marriage. the band is just a way to fix the broken marriage and i'm happy that they didn't went off rails from the one big theme. when they brought up the record deal i could see how they could go that way and end this movie with them having the record deal and them finally figure their passion and it fixes everything and i hate if that happens, which to be honest happens in a lot movie. but i'm so thankful that they didn't and i actually love the ending. i also love how it doesn't shove things right in your face. it expect you to pick up the little things the characters said and behave for the audience to acknowledge something and it unravels pretty greatly in this movie. now, my main problem about this movie is how it's so held back. this movie want the audience to believe that it's a broken marriage, and they constantly have big fights but i don't get that, really. their fights are tame and very held back. the performances are generally great, but i think if they let loose and just have the fights in a better, more realistic way, it would be better. like, when i watched the fights i don't feel any tension except probably the last big fight, which doesn't impress me because it's supposed to be the big climax of the story and it's just okay. and it's affecting me throughout the entire thing because the fight is the main problems, right? but the fights are so underwhelming and it's very scripted, and look like it's scripted which doesn't make me really believe in the characters' pain which is such a shame because i think the two main characters are already great and somehow likeable.
Laura Wood This film was such a pleasant surprise. It was really refreshing to watch two people who could be from my life and to have conversations that seemed real. Not clichéd or cheesy. The chemistry between the lead characters is incredible. I had to google to see if they really were in a relationship! Much enjoyed Friday night in, kind of uplifting film.
ahmadshah2370 It is a nice drama. I did not know the actress was the director herself, and her acting was so good and real, I would follow her acting in other films too. The chemistry between two central characters was so genuine and realistic, it was really refreshing. The setup is about a struggling couple who are facing economic and emotional problems, and then they try to vent their fight into songs by making a band. But if you expect something like "August Rush" or "Once" or "Music and lyrics", you might be disappointed. It is actually a family drama, with may be no memorable songs.I believe all those divorces everywhere in the society, such movie sends a very good message. We need to deal with our problems with a try to understand each other more. I had few laughs during the movie, and some dialogues were pretentious, but still, it is a refreshing one. Zoe Lister-Jones should try to write more. And I wish more people watch this drama. Giving rating as 8, as this kind movie cannot get ratings like 10 out of 10, but hope IMDb would retain a 7+ rating for this movie, which it deserves without any doubt.